Top 5 Saitama Moments

By alexcrillymckean,

Turns Out Overwhelming Strength Is Pretty Boring

Ever since he smashed his way onto the scene back in 2015, fans have been eagerly awaiting the second coming of anime’s arguably strongest character. Blessed (or cursed if you’re asking him) with unbelievable strength, wannabe hero Saitama has managed to take out each and every foe he’s come across with no more than a single blow. With its deconstruction of the shonen genre, the hilarious characters and blinding action sequences, it’s quickly become a modern gem. Now that we know a sequel series is finally on the way, it’s time for us to sit back and bask in the insanity of Saitama’s greatest feats!

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Fair warning, there are SPOILERS AHEAD!

#5: The End of Sonic’s Lineage

It may not have decimated the landscape, but it can’t be denied that this is one devastating punch, at least as far as Speed-o’-Sound Sonic is concerned. After trying to take out the caped baldy by himself, Sonic ends up on the receiving end of his fist in the worse possible way; right to the groin. As Sonic goes to make the killing blow, all he can do is watch in horror as he accidentally ends up falling upon Saitama’s closed fist, forever denying himself the join of procreation. Ouch.

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#4: Armageddon

If monsters from every corner of the galaxy aren’t enough to put Saitama six foot under, then what hope does a meteor have? Despite Genos’ best efforts, the cyborg is unable to stop the incoming asteroid from entering the atmosphere. Luckily, his master steps in at the last minute to lend a hand. And by lend a hand, we mean leaping up into sky and smashing the meteor to pieces with a single blow. He may not have gotten the recognition he deserved after this little stunt, but this was when it became clear that for all his less than heroic qualities; Saitama will never hesitate to save innocents.

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#3: David and Goliath

What better way to introduce Saitama to the world than by having him take on a giant abomination who can tear apart whole cities with nothing more than a casual sweep of his arms. Not only is this interaction utterly hilarious, since the villainous Marugori ends up crushing his own brother by mistake, but it’s when we really start to get a sense of just how impossibly strong Saitama is. When you can knock down something as tall and imposing as this behemoth with just a jab, then you know you’re witnessing a character whose already in the upper echelons of OP!

Image result for saitama marugori

#2: Student vs. Master

Poor Genos. If he were in any other anime, he would undoubtedly be the star of the show. After all, he’s got the looks and is armed with so much weaponry he can practically vaporise anything in his path. Alas, he has to share the screen with Saitama, which unfortunately leaves him as the butt of the joke when the stronger villains come to play. That’s not to say he doesn’t have some stellar moments to his name, as evident by this brutal sparring match. In an effort to test his power, Genos throws everything he has at his master, and while he manages to turn a whole valley into molten rock, he’s stopped dead in his tracks when Saitama briefly shows off his immense power. A for effort though.

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#1: The Galaxy’s Strongest

Just when you thought the fights in this series had reached the pinnacle of crazy, along comes Boros to shake things up. With enough power to detonate the world, he’s the only foe that has managed to hold his own against Saitama the longest. He even sent our hero crashing into the moon with a single kick. Of course, the highlight of the battle comes with Saitama really lets loose, delivering a punch that not only takes out the galactic tyrant but can also be felt halfway around the world. Who knows how they’re going to top this clash for season two, but we can’t wait to find out!

Image result for saitama vs boros

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