Interview With Robbie Daymond

By alexcrillymckean,

The Lord of all Pretty Boys

He may be one of the more recent additions to the voice-over scene, but it’s fair to say that during the few years since he first entered a booth, Mr Daymond has managed to lend his voice to a medley of classic characters and modern icons. From western superheroes all the way to the bishounen gods of Japanimation, we’d be surprised if you hadn’t heard (and fallen for) at least one of this aficionado’s exemplary roles. Thankfully, for those of you that need a reminder, he was more than happy to discuss them during an interview with us!

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A whole generation of anime lovers grew up mesmerised by the suaveness of Tuxedo Mask, yet you’ve managed to effortlessly take up the mantle with the anime’s latest rendition. Was it a hurdle to try and channel your inner Prince Charming or did it just come naturally?

“I wouldn’t necessarily say it was a hurdle for me to step into the shoes of Tuxedo Mask. You might know that it was my first anime, and when I got sent all the sides I auditioned for all of the bad guys too. However, I just felt really good about my Tuxedo Mask audition because he had that sort of theatrical silliness when he was in his hero regalia, but on the streets he just had this snarky nineteen-year-old guy who used sort of flirty, negging tactics in order to charm Usagi…even though he doesn’t charm her the right way! I think I share a lot of those aspects with Tuxedo Mask, at least my younger self, and clearly the casting directors did too because I never got any callbacks, they sent it straight off to Japan to the original manga creator for approval. The next thing I knew I was popping on the top hat and here we are today four years later, where I’ve voiced the role more than anyone in English or Japanese.” 

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Speaking of mantles, you’ve also joined the ranks of the Digidestined! While he’s known to be the cautious one of the group, do you think Joe has somewhat changed over the course of the Digimon Adventure tri movies? Or in your mind will he forever be Captain Sensible?

“Ah Digimon. That was another one I where I wasn’t really familiar with the property. I was a little too old for Digimon, I was more of a Pokemon kid, so I had to refresh myself with it, but the character archetype is pretty clear; he’s the nerdy straight-shooter of the group, a little anxious and all that stuff. I think it fit my voice well, the only difference was that we couldn’t do the original voice because it was very cartoony, very kiddish. It was easy for me to tap into those aspects of his personality but still ground him and make him more like a teenager, which is what he is in this continuation of the series, he’s even studying for college prep. So yeah, we kept those aspects about the original character but made him a lot more sensible and grounded, so much so that he’s hardcore stressed out about his future in academics, in business and all of that stuff,  to the point where he really doesn’t want much to do with the Digidestined when they come back around. But I think a great part of his arc is that he does in fact come full swing and remember all the things that were important to him as a kid that become more even more important to him as he gets older.” 

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While he’s had to take a back seat to the Seven Deadly Sins at times, Gilthunder has still proven his worth as one of the series’ resident badasses. Do you prefer the scenes in which he busts out the lightning or some of the quieter moments between himself and Meliodas?

“For Gilthunder, some of my favorite moments are when he’s still ‘possessed’ and being kind of a pseudo-villain. His first introduction when he throws the spear at Meliodas, who catches it and chucks it back, and he’s just sitting in that throne with the little nick on his face; he is set up as a certified badass. He’s got the drive to be one of the Seven Deadly Sins or at least their equal in power. Will he end up more like a Yamcha? Who knows. Maybe. But I feel like he had his moment to help; he saved Meliodas’ life, if you think that Hendrickson was going to stab him before Gilthunder came along and lopped off his arm. But yeah, he definitely holds his own…but in a series like this does anyone really have a chance other than Meliodas? I don’t think so.” 

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Mumem Rider speaks to the hero in all of us, even if he does end up occasionally getting beaten to a pulp by a sea monster. Would you prefer to see him remain as a low-key champion of the everyman, or perhaps get a shining moment in the sequel series where he is finally acknowledged by the other heroes?

“Mumen Rider. Ah man, he’s got a special place in my heart. You know, it was a bummer to see him get his butt beat but that’s sort of his shtick; he’s low rank Kamen Rider! With none of the cool motorcycle stuff, he’s just on a bike. But I think the reason he’s such a fan-favorite character is because there’s a little something in him we can all aspire to or all relate to, in the fact that he might not have the skills to pay the bills but he does it in such a way that’s pure and honest, and that’s what makes him a hero – he says it in his big monologue with the Deep Sea King. That being said, I don’t think you can change his archetype. In the beginning of the first season a bunch of people wanted him to do do Saitama’s training, there’s all these fan theories about how he’ll become OP too, and I don’t think that works. I mean, I don’t know anything about the future of the character specifically since I haven’t been reading the manga or anything, I’ll probably wait until we dub the anime to find out, but I’m guessing to keep his character arc true he can never really be strong. Though, he has amazingly strong moments and is a hero in his own right.”

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Chrollo Lucilfer certainly proved himself to be quite the interesting addition to Hunter x Hunter. At what point did you start to realise that the leader of the Phantom Troupe was far removed from your average anime villain?

“Oooh Chrollo. He is my favorite anime villain that I’ve played, and he is far removed from your average anime villain. He’s disconnected yet still controlling, he’s romantic yet ruthless, he’s dedicated to the cause but also selfish; he’s a really fun, deep character to play. Absolutely one of my favorite, favorite, favorite bad guys. I think all of my moments playing him my favorite is the requiem speech, where he’s ordering the death of these people and yet reciting this beautiful poem that he learned from a fortune teller, who he also killed. Chrollo, what a guy…what an asshole.”

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You’ve made quite the impact on the Naruto universe with your various performances. Which of these has been the juicier role in your opinion? Otsutsuki from The Last: Naruto the Movie or Mitsuki from Boruto?

“Naruto is one of those series that I never thought I would be in. I got into anime late in my career, into my thirties, and I thought that the series was done and I would never have a chance to be in it. So when I was allowed to do Tonei Otsutsuki from The Last: Naruto the Movie, in the LAST Naruto movie, I was so excited, I was like ‘slipped in right under the radar!’ Then I would come back to dub a few episodes of Shippuden as characters nobody really cared about. But then Boruto came around, and I thought ‘no way, this Mitsuki guy is too important, he’s too much Team Konohamaru, there’s no way they’ll give me this lead role after Tonei.’ Sure enough, I gave a read for it, they liked it and now I’m here. I would say that Mitsuki is definitely much more of a  juicier role, not just because of the quality and the quantity of the content but just the overall, general story of his character is much more fleshed out, with familiar characters that we know from the original Naruto series. I’m really excited to see what fans think of my performance as well as the overarching show itself. It’s coming to Toonami soon, soon, soon! Hope everybody watches!” 

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A Silent Voice has quickly gone onto establish itself as a modern classic, though its fair to say its packed to the brim with some emotionally devastating scenes. Can you give us some insight into what it was like to follow Shoya’s journey of redemption?

“Shoya in a A Silent Voice is easily my favorite performance of any anime I’ve ever been in. The movie is two hours long and it took us twenty-two hours to dub, because we really took our time with it. Stephanie Sheh directed us, at her studio, and we just had such an amazing experience. It felt really, really real, and small and cinematic and flexed by acting muscles in a way that anime hadn’t in a while. I think it’s one of the best anime films our there. In my opinion it got totally snubbed for the Oscars,  I wish it had a shot at it but, you know, movies like that sometimes don’t. I think that following Shoya’s journey from being such a little jerk to complete redemption is so gratifying, and that’s why it makes it such a great movie. You watch him as a kid, an adolescent, be all of these things we consider a bully to be, but then it also makes you realise that kids just don’t have empathy the same way adults have. They really start to develop it in their teens as their social skills expand and relationships become more complex and weighted. That’s what made that movie, for me, so easy for people to gravitate toward. It just felt honest and real and something everyone could relate to, and the fact he gets ‘true’ redemption in the end…what more could for in a good movie?”

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Moving onto your work in video games, did you ever suspect the likes of Final Fantasy XV (specifically in regards to Prompto) to become the juggernaut that it did?

“You’ve got to ask about Final Fantasy! Did I expect it to be as massive as it was? Not really. I knew it was going to be big, and I had just finished doing Type-0 and I thought ‘that’s it, that’s the Final Fantasy I am going to be in’ and then while I was still working on that game auditions for XV come out. I knew it was XV, I could tell by the art, it had been in development forever, and I thought ‘no way, again, am I getting this one.’  It was a way different character that I had done in Type-0, he was this kind of hard-nosed, military leader of these kids, this sort of teacher/cool guy. Then you have Prompto, the light character but with a lot of heart. So I really didn’t expect the game to be as big as it was but it truly has been one of THE benchmark moments in my career, and one of my absolute favorite characters. Out of everyone I’ve played, Prompto is the closest to just regular, old Robbie in the streets.”

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Not to start any hostility between Final Fantasy XV’s resident bros…but can you tell us why Prompto is obviously best boy?

“Not to let the other guys down but Prompto is obviously best boy, since you’re asking. Come on, he’s got the looks, he’s got the charm, he’s got the moves, he’s got the comedy, the sensitive side, he’s artsy and he also shoots that sweet gun. How can you not love Prompto? He’s sunshine boy. Prompto4life.”

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Persona 5’s Akechi was certainly a man of many faces. By the time he met his fateful ending, where do you think he stood as a character?

“Akechi was definitely one of the more complex characters to play. I really enjoyed it, I love playing a character with a secret. A lot of times in anime that’s not really up there, they are more broad tropes that you get to see, but Akechi definitely had his secrets. You needed to play all the moments without tipping your hand, especially in game with there’s such a big flip. Being able to play one character in two such completely different states of being was so much fun and an awesome acting experience. I would say out of all my video game characters he’s one of my favorites, and I think the fans felt the same way. Love that pancake boy.”

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We can only imagine how much fun it is to play the role of everyone’s favorite web-head. Did you have any deep connection to Spider-Man while growing up?

“He is my favorite superhero. Always has been. Since I was a little biddy kid; Spider-Man underoos yo! My best friend has a full back tattoo of Spider-Man. Maximum Carnage is my favorite comic book short series of all time. I love Spider-Man…and I geeked out so hard when I got the role! Back in the day when I first started doing voice-over, I was second in line behind Drake Bell for Ultimate Spider-Man, which I didn’t find out until I got this new one, but I knew I was up the list, I was in the top three or four guys for callbacks. So, finally being able to take over the mantle for as long as I have it for is an absolute honor. Not only am I playing it in my own title show on Disney XD, which is mind-blowing and utterly bizarre, but I also play him in the rest of the Marvel Animated Universe, including Guardians of the Galaxy, The Avengers and all of these other shows. Plus, properties like Marvel vs. Capcom, Marvel VR, all these video games, all the live shows at Disney; being the voice of Spider-Man is the greatest gift, and for as long as it lasts I’ll be nothing but grateful. An unbelievable ride and definitely a bucket list role for me.” 

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Which aspect of the wall-crawler do you enjoy exploring the most? The hero bound by responsibility or the comic relief that loves nothing more than making bad jokes at the expense of the villain?

“What I enjoy most about him is the dichotomy of Peter and Spider-Man. He’s so straight-forward when he’s Spider-Man, he’s jokes and quips and clips, he’s one of the most beloved superheroes of all time…but I also think he has one of the best alter egos of all time. Peter Parker is this kind of tragic dude, whose life is full of these crappy circumstances and can never catch a break. Like they say, he’s got the old Parker luck. Watching him struggle through high school and college, trying to find a job in New York, having these amazing science skills but stuck taking photos for JJ. It’s sort of this crappy, crazy life. So it makes sense that when he dons the outfit all he wants to do is crack jokes, be cool and be the hero that he thinks a hero should be.” 

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Robbie, thank you so much for your time! If fans want to message you and tell you why Akechi will always be their number one detective, where can they find you?

“Akechi will always be the number one detective, Prompto will always be number one best boy, and Spidey will always be thwipping through your city as the coolest superhero in the neighbourhood! If you want to hang out with me, the coolest voice actor in the neighbourhood, you can find me on Instagram, Twitter and on my website if you want to send me any fanmail that I can sign and send back to you. If you want to reach out be email, that’s on my website as well.” 

And finally, as an honorary member of WatchMojo, if you could choose a subject for a top ten list, what would it be

“I would pick Top 10 After School Cartoons of the 80s and 90s!”

Be sure to check out the audio version of the interview below! 

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