Dating App Red Flags, Redeemed Villains & Disney Shows That Deserve a Reboot – Top 3 Suggested Ideas of the Week!

By kyra-carleton,

Now There’s an Idea!

You guys have continued to suggest and vote and now it’s time to check out the Top 3 Suggested Ideas of this week! If you didn’t know, at the end of every week we pick 3 of the trending voting pages from our suggest tool that got the most action and votes, or a page that simply stood out as creative and interesting. If you want to take part in the fun and maybe…just maybe…have your suggested “Top 10” list become a WatchMojo video, or at least, get some well-deserved praise right here on the blog, then make sure to head over to and create your MyMojo account! It literally takes 30 seconds and you can create a new account or just sign in with an existing Google or Facebook account, so get going because who knows, maybe your idea will be included in our new weekly segment!

#3: Top 10 Red Flags on Dating Apps

While this suggestion may not have received quite as many votes as the other two picks of the week, it definitely stood out as an interesting topic that we haven’t really delved into on the blog and it is certainly a timely issue that most people can relate to. Red flags are not a new concept, they’re generationally persistent in the form of uncomfortable subject matter and unsettling mannerisms. However, the current prevalence of dating apps has introduced some new, virtual red flags that, unfortunately, many can attest to. A few top voted list entries include: all of their pics have filters, all pics are selfies and they never actually make plans to meet / go on a date, but the #1 dating app red flag seems to be when someone lies about their age…nobody likes being cat-fished. What are YOUR red flags and pet peeves when online dating? Vote HERE or on the suggestion below!

#2: Top 10 Redeemed Villains of All-Time

They may have started out as the bad guys, but by the end of the film in one way or another, they expiated their offences and won us back. Although the villains on this list are not completely vindicated for their previous misdemeanours, they proved themselves through acts of kindness or heroism that ultimately changed the audience’s perception of them. Some top voted villains on this list include: Gru from “Despicable Me”, Vegeta from “Dragon Ball Z” and Zuko from “Avatar: the Last Airbender”, with Darth Vader coming out on top. Although his complete redemption has been debated, the “Star Wars” villain’s decision to resist the Dark Side and save Luke by killing the Emperor in “Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi” definitely showed us an empathetic side that we always hoped was still there. What’s your favorite example of a villain’s redemption? Vote HERE!

#1: Top 10 Disney Animated Shows That Deserve a Reboot

We went over the list of Nickelodeon shows that everyone wants to see rebooted a few weeks ago on the blog HERE and according to the number of votes on this suggestion, it’s Disney’s turn next. Disney has had and continues to create a ton of animated shows, and with their new streaming service Disney+ set to release in 2019, we’re hoping some of those shows that we adored in their prime will potentially be given another go. Shows like “Chip ‘n’ Dale: Rescue Rangers”, “Kim Possible” and “Darkwing Duck” made it onto this list, with “Gargoyles” taking the top spot! The 90s show didn’t quite catch the “popular” train, but was praised by many devoted viewers for it’s dark mythological content and overall unmatched creativity and apparently, Jordan Peele already pitched a movie reboot of the show to Disney, so there’s really no reason not to bring it back!  Vote HERE on the Disney show you want to see again!

Which Top 10 list do you think would make a great WatchMojo video? Leave a comment below and make sure to vote on all the lists above to let us know what you think!

Speaking of redeemed villains, check out one of our newest videos below on the Top 10 Marvel Villains Who Had Justifiable Motives:

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