Top 5 Worst Things That Happened to Courage the Cowardly Dog

By mark-sammut,

How Much Can One Dog Take?

Poor Courage. Despite living in the middle of nowhere, both he and his owners are constantly attacked by both supernatural beings and total wackos. The only thing stopping the things that go bump in the night from butchering our faithful canine’s witless caretakers is Courage’s frantic, last-second ploys. As a result, he’s taken a fair amount of crap in his time. No wonder he’s always screaming.

Image result for courage the cowardly dog scream gif

#5: Being Shaved by Freaky Fred

No barber should be this terrifying! Freaky Fred is among “Courage the Cowardly Dog’s” most fondly remembered villains, although Muriel’s nephew is not truly all that evil. Unable to resist the urge to cut hair, Fred immediately fixates on Courage’s purple coat and psychotically begins to slowly strip the pup down to nothing. Eventually, Fred is taken away by the authorities, but Courage’s tail is the only part that survives the ordeal with any fur. Hair might grow back, but Courage’s memory of the undesired shave will probably last forever. 

#4: Enduring a Plague of Locusts

At one point or another, every nightmarish insect has attempted to use Courage as a toothpick. Apparently, the dog just looks really appetizing. When a stolen Egyptian slab lands on the farm’s doorstep and Eustace refuses to return it, King Ramses’ ghost unleashes three plagues on the family. The first two curses prove no match for Eustace’s stubbornness, but King Ramses’ final move is to unleash a horde of hungry locusts. With the house already gone and Eustace still acting like a greedy idiot, Courage barely avoids being on the receiving end of some biblical-level punishment.

#3: Starring in a Reality TV Show

Reality TV can be mean-spirited, but certain lines should never be crossed! Benton Tarantella, a zombie serial killer who used to moonlight as a film director, turns Courage’s everyday torment into a source of entertainment for the whole world to see. In the reality show, fueled by Eustace’s appalling treatment of Muriel and Courage, the director pushes the farmer to progressively commit even more heinous acts with each passing episode. While the dog is no stranger to dangerous situations, this marks the only time Courage’s misery was broadcast to a wider audience. At least, that he knew.

#2: Playing in a Dodgeball Game Against His Enemies

Bringing together six of the cartoon’s most notorious villains, the episode “Ball of Revenge” sees the lovable mutt facing near insurmountable odds. Determined to finally get revenge for every defeat endured at the hands of the cowardly dog, the villains kidnap Muriel and challenge Courage to a deadly game of dodgeball. On paper, the group’s plan might sound kind of stupid, but the match is really an excuse to pelt Courage with balls. Once the onslaught is complete and the hero is rendered defenseless, the despicable six move in to extract their pounds of flesh; luckily, Courage unleashes a devastating scream that turns the tables.

#1: Being Owned by Eustace Bagge

In a series packed with sadistic and horrifying villains, this obstinate old man is the lowest of the low. After Courage’s parents were abducted by a veterinarian, the puppy was adopted by Muriel, a decision that did not sit well with Eustace. Belittling Courage at every given opportunity and not above getting physical, Eustace is an abusive owner who should be kept as far away from animals – or humans – as possible. Regularly referring to Courage as a “stupid dog,” Eustace’s arrogance and jealousy are to blame for most of the terrible things that happen throughout the show.

Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Scariest Cartoon Villains.

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