10 Tips For Getting Started In Cyberpunk 2077

VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
With “Cyberpunk 2077” finally out after being in development for what feels like ages, the time has come for us to take on Night City and the denizens within it. In this video, we're breaking down a few pointers on how to make the most of your experience in CD Projekt's newest game! Our list includes Don't Stress About Lifepaths, Inventory Management, Save and Save OFTEN!! and more!
Script written by Ty RIchardson
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re giving you our list of 10 Tips For Getting Started in “Cyberpunk 2077”!
With “Cyberpunk 2077” finally out after being in development for what feels like ages, the time has come for us to take on Night City and the denizens within it. However, the scope of the game may have some players feeling a bit overwhelmed or lost. Allow us to give you a few pointers on how to make the most of your experience in CD Projekt’s newest game! Got any tips for us? Share with us in the comments below!
10 Tips For Getting Started in Cyberpunk 2077
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re giving you our list of 10 Tips For Getting Started in “Cyberpunk 2077”!
With “Cyberpunk 2077” finally out after being in development for what feels like ages, the time has come for us to take on Night City and the denizens within it. However, the scope of the game may have some players feeling a bit overwhelmed or lost. Allow us to give you a few pointers on how to make the most of your experience in CD Projekt’s newest game! Got any tips for us? Share with us in the comments below!
Disable The Nonsense
It’s no secret that “Cyberpunk 2077” isn’t exactly the most stable game to come out this year. It’s playable, but there are some performance issues. One way to mitigate some of these issues is by disabling a few graphical settings that are turned on by default. In the Settings menu, go over to the Graphics settings and disable Film Grain, Chromatic Aberration, and Motion Blur. Your game will not only look better, but it’ll minimize the freezing and ease up on your system’s performance. Besides, when did film grain look good in ANY video game?https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-12-10-players-are-turning-off-cyberpunk-2077s-film-grain-to-improve-console-visuals
Don’t Stress About Lifepaths
You’ll be given a ton of options for character customization, and one choice you’ll have to decide on is your character’s lifepath. This may seem pretty critical to your experience, but it’s not as impactful as one may be led to believe. Lifepaths play a more minor role, only affecting what your prologue will be and what dialogue trees you’ll have access to. In other words, choosing a lifepath plays more into immersing yourself rather than locking you behind any content. Yeah, it’s a little disappointing, but at least you’ll get to experience just about everything “Cyberpunk” has to offer, save for some alternate dialogue.https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/cyberpunk-2077-lifepath-choice-corpo-nomad-street-kid-differences-5077
Inventory Management
Many RPGs in the past have made inventory a pain in the ass to keep track of, tacking on unrealistic weight and practically punishing you for looting too much. “Cyberpunk 2077”, on the other hand, is far more generous. You can keep a hearty amount of weapons and armor on your person before becoming overencumbered, and leveling up certain skills will upgrade your carry capacity. On top of that, you can store even more items in your apartment and the back of your vehicle. Finally reached your limits? Junk ONLY low-grade items and save anything purple or Legendary - those are upgradeable, so it’ll be quite a while before you can deem them as obsolete.https://progameguides.com/cyberpunk-2077/how-to-stash-items-and-increase-carry-weight-in-cyberpunk-2077/
Take the Gigs
If you focus too much on the main story, you may notice a lot of your assignments being listed with high Danger warnings, indicating that enemies may be too tough for you to fight. The best way to lower this is to start tackling some side missions and gigs. These are much more rewarding than you may think and can greatly hasten your level and Street Cred. Some may even give you a free vehicle or powerful weapon to make more gigs easy. That being said, maybe take a break from the main story every now and again - you may find something to aid you later down the road!Hacking & Stealth Are Your Friends
Sure, it’s fun going into combat firing off on all cylinders and mindlessly beating on foes. Heck, we’ve done that a handful of times in several other shooter RPGs. However, “Cyberpunk 2077” features a unique mechanic where you can hack into enemies and either fry their brain or screw around with their cyberware. Even if you’re not focusing all of your skill points into hacking abilities, don’t be afraid to scramble their heads - it can give you the upper hand in tough fights. Oh, and make sure you are using cover when possible as enemies can wield powerful weapons and can be pretty accurate with their shots!https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2020/12/14/cyberpunk-2077-hacking-minigame-breach-protocol-explained/
Use Fast Travel Sparingly
It can be exhausting having to make long trips from one end of the world to the other. So, why not spam the fast travel system whenever possible? Well, the way you’ll be able to encounter most missions is by simply driving around. You may come across an event happening at the very moment or get a call from someone asking for your help. Some missions will take some time to spawn after completing a previous one. Trust us - the long distances might be daunting, but it’s a good way to fill up your journal with jobs.Consider Doing Optional Objectives
As you progress through the main story and side missions, you may be tasked in doing optional objectives. Many RPGs in the past have typically left optional objectives as extra lore and nothing more. “Cyberpunk”, on the other hand, will sometimes make your extra time more rewarding. Satisfying these optional tasks may open you up to extra dialogue later in the mission and alter the outcome or reward you with additional eddies and gear. Just shows how a little extra work may get you better earnings!Invest in Cyberware
During your time with “Cyberpunk”, you’ll collect a wealth of equipment to increase your armor rating and weapons to take down bigger baddies with ease. However, this may not be enough in some circumstances. So, how else can you beef up your character? Word of advice - invest in cyberware! As you meet more ripperdocs, you’ll be able to purchase additional cyberware to improve your skills. You may install a mod that decreases the time it takes to hack enemies, or maybe you’ll get a new skeleton that significantly boosts your armor rating. Whatever you can find will prove valuable in the long run!https://cyberpunk2077.wiki.fextralife.com/Cyberware
Save and Save OFTEN!!
These days, we’ve grown accustomed to games auto-saving at a fairly reasonable rate. Even though “Cyberpunk” does utilize an auto-save system, it only occurs at a certain rate. Thing is that anything can happen between these auto-saves whether you died after finding a new piece of gear or got to a certain part in a mission and flatlined at a difficult part. Your checkpoints can send you farther back than you would have liked. That being said, make sure you’re also doing manual saves to mitigate repeats of the same section and hearing the same dialogue a dozen times.Don’t Rush It
Look, we need to be honest with ourselves - “Cyberpunk 2077” is a massive game! Even with a campaign shorter than “The Witcher III”, there is a lot to do. As much as we’d like to blast through the main story or clean up side missions as quick as possible, this isn’t that kind of game. This is a game meant to be played at a more relaxed pace, allowing you to tackle what you want and do so without feeling like you’re on a time limit. Get lost, explore Night City, take on missions when you feel like it. Really, if you try to rush this game, you’re going to have a bad time. Just relax and have fun!