Every Boss In The DOOM Series Ranked

The Khan Maykr
“DOOM Eternal” (2020)
Yeah, there was something we didn’t like about this ancient alien woman right from the get-go, and when it came time to throw down, our beliefs came true. The Khan Maykr does her best to overwhelm you with very little effort, tossing massive projectiles at you while her Drones try to keep you busy. Adding to the agitating duel is her ability to coat parts of the arena in electrical acid, forcing you to stick to aerial maneuvers as you try to land your shots. It also doesn’t help that in order to deplete an entire health bar, you not only have to bring down her shields but also get close and Blood Punch her. Yeah, there’s definitely a rhythm to follow here.
“DOOM” (1993)
This isn’t just the most famous boss across the “DOOM” franchise - it’s also one of the most iconic boss fights of all time! The premise of the boss fight is a simple one - it’s a massive arena for you and the Cyberdemon to run around in and shoot rockets at each other. It’s a classic one-on-one duel, a race to wait for someone to screw up and take a rocket to the face or demon butt. What makes it harder for the player, though, is that a hit from the Cyberdemon will turn the screen completely red for a few moments, making it hard to avoid incoming fire. Admittedly, the Cyberdemon is easy for veterans, but for newer players, well, you never forget your first fight with the Cyberdemon.
“DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil” (2005)
Dr. Malcolm has seen better days...WAY better days. He’s also seen days where he wasn’t as annoying before transforming into the demon known as the Maledict! First off, the dude is like the kid who constantly says, “You can’t touch me!” mockingly, flying around the map while ending Forgotten Ones after you, which, by the way, are just as irksome. Just when you think the fight is over, he retreats to the skull volcano in the background and starts launching fireballs at you. It’s not difficult in the same way the Khan Maykr and Cyberdemon are, but his cowardice and reliance on constant movement and harassment can make him difficult.
“DOOM Eternal” (2020)
Unlike dumb old Malcolm, the Gladiator is challenging in a much more fun way, similar to the Cyberdemon. Another “David and Goliath” kind of fight, but hosted within a more traditional arena setting. The Gladiator is quick with his axe swings and shield attacks, so you better have honed your dash skills and reaction speed by this point! Drain his first health bar, and the Gladiator ditch his awesome shield in favor of a mace. Now, you’ve unleashed the beast, and the fight cranks up from six to sixty! His longer range and ability to deflect shots could very well spell your doom if you’re not careful!
“DOOM” (2016)
The Cyberdemon returns for another round, but in the 2016 reboot, he comes with a new bag of tricks to use in a more confined space. There aren’t any columns to abuse here! This time, the two of you are in a smaller and more open area. He’ll throw various forms of ranged attacks here from charged shots and waves to laser beams and walls of hellfire. Oh, and we should mention that this is a two-phase fight, and he definitely gets more aggressive in the second phase! Needless to say, you’ll have to show this dog all the new tricks you’ve picked up before getting thrown here.
The Seraphim
“DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Ones” (2020)
We never anticipated a fight against the very being who granted our powers, but the Maykrs have to die for the good of mankind! Problem is that the Seraphim is going to put your understanding of “Eternal’s” mechanics to the test. Throughout your battle, the Seraphim will alter portions of the arena while sending demons after you and hurling lasers and life-draining energy balls. On top of that, he’ll generate orbs to give demons shields, making them impervious to all damage until the orbs are destroyed. There’s just so much to keep track of throughout this fight that it can be very easy to get overwhelmed.
Spider Mastermind
“DOOM” (2016)
Speaking of feeling overwhelmed, the Spider Mastermind also threw us for a whirl at the end of the 2016 reboot! Unlike its older iteration in the original “DOOM”, the Spider Mastermind is more agile and boasts more attacks to help us meet our Maykr. Obviously, there is the plasma turret located beneath her that can flood the room in bullets rather quickly. She can also summon visceral pillars from the floor and electrocute them or the floor at will. In other words, you’ll need to constantly be aware of your position while keeping an eye on what she’s doing and anticipate her next move.
Icon of Sin
“DOOM Eternal” (2020)
Of course, we can’t forget about the newest iteration of the Icon of Sin! There is so much for Slayers to manage and keep track of that this fight could take you quite a bit of time to get through compared to the typical “DOOM” boss fight. Just about every type of demon is attacking from every direction, and just outside of the arena is the big boss himself. While fending off demons and trying to survive, you’ll also have to shoot various sections of his body, and each part takes quite a bit of damage before shedding. Gauge your ammo, keep yourself mobile, and you might just make it out alive.
Icon of Sin
“DOOM II: Hell on Earth” (1994)
Let’s be honest - between “Eternal” and “Hell on Earth”, this is the hardest version of the Icon of Sin! That said, yes, we have to put him on as another entry. Back in 1994, the Icon of Sin did not have much of an interaction with the player and spent much of the fight just spawning in enemies endlessly. The only way to beat him (without the legendary glitch with John Romero’s head) was to get on top of a single pillar and launch a rocket into his exposed forehead. Problem is that this opening is so small, and you don’t have a straight line to it at the top of the pillar. So, you’ll have to time a shot as you’re rising or falling off the pillar.
The Mother of All Demons
“DOOM 64” (1997)
You know, there may never be a boss in “DOOM” as difficult, as infuriating and as rage-inducing as the dreaded Mother of All Demons. She basically turns “DOOM 64” into the most bullethell form ever. She’ll unleash waves of hellfire in different directions and can launch fireballs that will hone in on your position! You want to defeat her the easy way? Well, you’re going to need to find the three Demon Keys so that the Unmakyr can reach its full power. Do this, and the Mother will go down with just a few direct hits! Otherwise, be prepared for a lengthy and frustrating fight.