Spider-Man: Far From Home - Ending Explained!

VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
WRITTEN BY: Nick Spake
Now that the Infinity Saga is over, we've never felt further from home. Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we explain the ending of “Spider-Man: Far From Home.” Our Spoiler Sense is tingling, so be sure to see the movie before watching this video.
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Watch the video at http://www.WatchMojo.com
Spider-Man: Far From Home Ending Explained
Now that the Infinity Saga is over, we’ve never felt further from home. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’ll be explaining the ending of “Spider-Man: Far From Home.” Our Spoiler Sense is tingling, so be sure to see the movie before watching this video.
Being the final film in the MCU’s third phase and a follow-up to the game-changer that was “Avengers: Endgame,” “Spider-Man: Far From Home” was expected to set the tone for this cinematic universe going forward. Based on the trailer, many assumed that the film would shake up the status quo by introducing the multiverse. Since Mysterio is a master of illusion, though, we probably should’ve suspected from the get-go that the trailer’s multiverse reveal was a fake out. Whether or not we get a multiverse in the future, “Far From Home” still leaves us with several bombshells that are sure to drastically affect Phase 4 and beyond.
Having saved the day, started a relationship with MJ, and accepted his great responsibility; Peter Parker seems to be on top of the world as “Far From Home” closes out. His whole world comes crumbling down within one post-credit sequence, however. Mysterio might’ve lost the final battle with Spider-Man, but he had a contingency plan prepared. Following his boss’ death, William Ginter Riva got away with a mysterious flash drive. It turns out that drive had a video recording from Mysterio, who claims that Spider-Man was responsible for the drone strike in London. His accusations are supported by footage that William doctored to paint Spider-Man as the villain.
Watching the news break on a giant screen in Times Square, Peter is powerless to stop Mysterio from spreading deceit. To make matters worse, the commentator on this news report is Spider-Man’s biggest critic, J. Jonah Jameson –and holy moley, he’s being played by the one and only J.K. Simmons! The fact that Simmons has officially reprised his role from Sam Raimi’s “Spider-Man” trilogy isn’t even the most jaw-dropping takeaway from this post-credit scene. Although Mysterio’s recording is laced with lies, he does share one piece of factual information: Spider-Man is Peter Parker!
While this is uncharted territory for the “Spider-Man” movies, Peter has been unmasked to the public a few times in other media. In the comics, Spider-Man most notably decided to reveal his identify to the world in the midst of Civil War. In “The Spectacular Spider-Man” animated series, Venom exposes who Spider-Man really is, although Peter manages to convince everyone otherwise. The MCU could take either of these directions in future films. Peter may accept that his identity has been outed, but we bet he’ll at least try to discredit Mysterio. One way or another, things are going to be much different for Spider-Man from now on.
Up until this point in the MCU, the public has generally viewed Spider-Man with admiration. This is a far cry from some other incarnations where people either think he’s a hero or menace. Seeing how heroes like Captain American and Iron Man are idolized in this universe, it wouldn’t make much sense to pick on the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Cap and Iron Man are gone, though, while characters like Thor and Captain Marvel are off-world. Spider-Man is one of the few heroes still on Earth with actual superpowers. Now that Mysterio has soiled his good name, Spider-Man could become a poster child for a smear campaign against superheroes, specifically those who have special abilities.
If this is the route the MCU takes going into Phase 4, it might be the ideal way to introduce the X-Men, who are finally under the Disney umbrella. Prejudice has always been at the forefront of the “X-Men” franchise. Once Mutants inevitably start popping up in the MCU, chances are they’ll be met with the same ignorance Jameson is inflicting upon Spider-Man. Future movies could not only focus on restoring Spider-Man’s good name, but also restoring the public’s faith in those with powers. Granted, it’s hard to say when and how the MCU will bring the X-Men into play, but the ending for “Far From Home” has seemingly left the door wide open.
As mind-blowing as that first post-credits scene was, the filmmakers weren’t done throwing curveballs. Throughout “Far From Home,” Peter gets some much-needed backup from the recently unsnapped Nick Fury and Mira Hill. In the movie’s second stinger, it’s revealed that Peter was actually receiving aid from Skrulls Talos and Soren, who were first introduced in “Captain Marvel.” Talos took on Fury’s appearance while Soren filled in for Hill. The real Fury is off taking an overdue vacation on an alien vessel. It makes sense that he would travel off-world, as people might start asking questions if Nick Fury was in two different places at once. Although Hill’s exact locations aren’t specified, she’s presumably on vacation too. Either that or Soren was Hill this entire time, which we kind of have a hard time buying.
Ever since “Captain Marvel,” fans have been speculating that a Skrull might have replaced Nick Fury. “Far From Home” confirms this theory, although it’s not a exactly a “Secret Invasion” since Talos and Soren are in cahoots with Fury. That being said, is this the first time Fury has taken a trip while a Skrull filled in for him? In “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Fury is seen eating bread that’s been cut diagonally, something he described as a pet peeve in “Captain Marvel.” It’s possible this is just a little detail the filmmakers overlooked, but maybe it’s a clear sign that the Skrulls have been giving Fury a hand this whole time. Are Fury and Hill the only ones with their own Skrull substitutes? In any case, it would appear Fury is the one who’s really far from home.
Here’s another theory. What if … Talos & Soren have been watching one too many “Top 10 Anime Betrayal” videos? Ok that’s a bit farfetched but Disney if you ever want to go that route: Tom can vouch for my narration.