Top 10 Memorable Beverly Hills, 90210 Moments

#10: The Pilot
"Class of Beverly Hills"
To start this list, let’s go back to where it all started: the very first episode. Twins Brandon and Brenda Walsh have just moved from the wholesome Midwest to a flashy new area code and have to adjust to their surroundings. It’s fun to go back and watch this episode because so many things that we’ve come to know and love (like the Walsh house) are actually totally different in the pilot. Not to mention, Luke Perry isn’t even in it yet! There’s a sweet simplicity to this beginning, and it makes us feel nostalgic to see all the characters at their youngest and most innocent.
#9: Kelly & Brandon Finally Get Together
"Mr. Walsh Goes to Washington"
From the very beginning, Kelly is interested in new kid on the block Brandon. This leads her to pursue Brandon on and off for several seasons, but it’s only in the two-part finale of season four that the pair hook up. Kelly dates Dylan for much of the season, but her flirtation with Brandon progresses further and further at the same time. After the two share a romantic day in Washington, they end up in bed together, which fans had wanted to see for ages!
#8: Dylan Gets Married
"One Wedding and a Funeral"
Ok, we’ve gotta admit it; like most shows,the early seasons of “Beverly Hills, 90210” are probably the best, but there are still some great moments even past the halfway mark of its run. One notable example is Dylan’s wedding in season six. And no, if you stopped watching before this point he doesn't marry Brenda OR Kelly! His moment of happiness is quickly cut short however when his new bride is murdered in the very same episode. It’s a devastating moment, and marks Luke Perry’s last episode on the show for several seasons.
#7: Brenda & Kelly Wear the Same Prom Dress
"Spring Dance"
It’s safe to say that Brenda and Kelly have a contentious relationship throughout the show’s run, and this moment from the first season is one of the earlier examples of them butting heads. When it comes time for the big Spring Dance, both girls end up wearing the exact same dress, which is pretty much everyone’s worst fashion nightmare. And not only that, but it’s also a pretty distinctive dress that doesn’t exactly blend into the crowd. This moment is always in the back of our minds when we ask our besties what they’re wearing for a big night out.
#6: Dylan Smashes a Flower Pot
"Isn't it Romantic?"
Resident 90210 bad boy Dylan is introduced in season one and stole all of our hearts with his moody demeanor and of course, smouldering good looks. When he and Brenda first get together mid-way through the first season, he shows some early warning signs right off the bat when he dramatically smashes a flower pot in front of her because he’s pissed at his dad. While she probably should have known to run in the opposite direction, he managed to convince her to stay - and honestly, we were all sold just as much as she was.
#5: “Donna Martin Graduates!”
"Something in the Air"
If you ask people to name one iconic line from this show, it would very likely be the protest chant, “Donna Martin Graduates!”. After she gets caught drinking at the prom, she is suspended from school and it looks like she won’t be able to attend graduation. All of her classmates band together to protest the decision, standing up to the school board to defend their friend. Of course, in the season finale the entire gang does graduate, and it’s another memorable episode that marked the change to a new era on the series.
#4: Who Will Kelly Pick?
"Hello Life, Goodbye Beverly Hills"
“Beverly Hills, 90210” was known for its love triangles, and in season five the most notable was the one between Kelly, Brandon and Dylan. By the end of the season, it comes time for Kelly to pick between her two suitors when Dylan invites her to come along on a trip around the world and Brandon proposes to her. In a shocking move that was surprisingly forward-thinking for the time, Kelly memorably chooses neither, proclaiming “I choose me”. It was a pretty cool and inspiring feminist moment that we won’t forget any time soon.
#3: Brenda & Dylan’s Breakup
"Beach Blanket Brandon"
At the beginning of season two, it seems like Brenda and Dylan are primed to be the primary couple of the series, but after Brenda has a pregnancy scare, everything goes south. She’s so stressed out by the concept of dealing with a pregnancy that it makes her question her entire relationship with Dylan and whether she has jumped into things too quickly. Their breakup scene in the car to REM’s “Losing My Religion” is an iconic TV moment, and even though we know they’ll end up on and off again, it’s still a devastating one.
#2: Brenda & Dylan Make Love
"Spring Dance"
This was a show that tackled teenage sex head on in a time when that wasn’t exactly the norm on TV. In the first season, Brenda grapples with the idea of losing her virginity to her boyfriend, Dylan, and they finally do it after the Spring Dance in a hotel room. Unlike many TV portrayals of teens having sex for the first time, this didn’t have any immediate negative consequences, and was simply two people in love making an informed decision together. It cemented this iconic relationship and was a great example of how progressive TV can be.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Brenda Pretends to be French
"Shooting Star/American in Paris"
Dylan’s Dad Dies
"Dead End"
David Does Drugs
"Crunch Time"
Brandon Gets Drugged by His Girlfriend
Donna's Wedding
"Ode to Joy"
#1: “I Chose You” / Brenda Finds Out About Dylan’s Affair
"Back in the High Life Again"
While Brenda and Dylan were initially the central couple of the show, that eventually shifted to become Dylan and Kelly, to the surprise of viewers. The two had an affair while Brenda was away in Paris, and it all culminates with Dylan choosing Kelly and the pair confessing to Brenda. The Walsh twin is understandably furious and says she never wants to speak to either of them again. It’s a crushing and dramatic moment, which is emblematic of the show as a whole, and it’s the one we always think of when we look back on this great ‘90s hit.