Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals In Africa

#10: Great White Shark
The threat sharks pose to humans is greatly exaggerated. In fact, humans are responsible for tens of millions of shark deaths annually. But we wouldn’t want to get too close with a great white shark. They rarely attack humans as it is, with an estimate of only six shark-related deaths worldwide each year. But if a shark does bite you even once, the blood loss could be fatal. Sharks are attracted to blood, so keep that in mind before you go for a swim. If a shark is acting aggressive, make yourself look bigger to scare them off. You can also fend them off with a makeshift weapon, like a snorkel. But sharks aren’t nearly as bloodthirsty as some movies suggest.
#9: Egyptian Cobra
As you’ll see on this list, there are plenty of terrifying snakes in Africa. The Egyptian cobra isn’t just relegated to Egypt. It can also be found in other parts of North Africa, as well as West Africa and beyond. Legend has it that Cleopatra ended her life with a bite from this snake, also known as an “asp.” If that’s true, she would’ve suffered a very slow death. An Egyptian cobra has a bite powerful enough to take out a grown elephant. But first comes hours of suffering, with painful symptoms like headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. If you're ever around these or other dangerous snakes, make sure you have some antivenom handy.
#8: Cape Buffalo
Also known as the “African Buffalo,” the Cape Buffalo has a massive build and poses a major threat to humans who get on their bad side. Approximately 200 people are killed annually by these creatures. And their attacks are brutal ones, trampling victims with their powerful hooves and goring them with their powerful horns. They also tend to travel in packs, which gives them more of an advantage. Due to their desirability to trophy hunters, cape buffalo have been labeled as “near threatened,” meaning they're on the verge of endangerment. They’re certainly a sight to behold, just not one you’d want to take in up close.
#7: Lion
We’d be lion if we said we ever wanted to encounter these wild cats. Lions are known as some of the most ferocious hunters on the planet. The overwhelming majority of them live in Africa, where they’re said to be responsible for more than 200 deaths per year. A lion might go after a human due to believing they pose a threat to their young, or they just might have worked up an appetite and find them to be easy prey. Should you come across a lion in the wild, do not flee, as you'll never outrun it. Don’t turn around, either. Make as much noise as you can and wave your arms aggressively to scare them off before getting to safety.
#6: Black Mamba
Another vicious snake, the black mamba is the biggest venomous snake in Africa and can be found slithering through the central, southern, and eastern parts of the continent, in places like burrows and trees. Their name is actually a bit of a misnomer, as they're only black on the inside of their mouths. Hopefully, you'll never have to see this in person. Because if you do, they’re probably about to bite. A black mamba snake is able to kill a person with only two drops of its venom. This can be counteracted with antivenom, but if left untreated, a black mamba’s bite is always fatal.
#5: Puff Adder
There are already plenty of deadly snakes in Africa, but the puff adder has the dubious honor of being the deadliest. How dangerous is it? It’s reported to cause approximately 32,000 deaths annually. The puff adder can be found throughout the continent, primarily in grasslands. It can blend into its surroundings, so you need to be careful where you step. Their extensive fangs allow them to deliver painful bites of highly toxic venom. This can cause horrible symptoms, including nausea, bruising, and even necrosis. While most puff adder-related deaths are due to lackluster medical care, it's still not a snake you want to cross paths with.
#4: African Elephant
Any animal that can weigh up to 14,000 pounds is understood to be dangerous. The African elephant might be an herbivore, but it can still prove fatal. Approximately 500 deaths occur from their attacks each year. Deaths typically happen through trampling, greatly aided by their massive size. If they perceive someone as a threat to their habitat or to their young, they’re prone to becoming aggressive. In areas with high poaching activity, African elephants are on especially high alert. To quell a potentially angry elephant, act relaxed and speak quietly while giving them plenty of room. Should they charge, run in an unpredictable direction and try to find something large to hide behind. And if you can, leave them alone.
#3: Nile Crocodile
The deadliest type of an already dangerous reptile, the Nile crocodile decimates its prey with its incredible jaws. In fact, their bite is eight times stronger than great white shark’s. They don't let their victims off easy in any way, going as far as drowning them. The biggest freshwater predators in Africa, Nile crocodiles are prevalent in both lakes and rivers. If a crocodile attacks you, you can escape by poking it in the eyes, throat, or nostrils. Resist as hard as you possibly can and run for safety and medical help. Most importantly, however, be vigilant whenever you’re in an area where crocodiles might be.
#2: Hippopotamus
After elephants and rhinos, hippos are the largest animal in Africa. They’re also one of the deadliest. Another herbivore with an incredible physique, hippos are intensely protective of their territory and their young. Despite their size, hippos are plenty fast, able to run as fast as 19 miles per hour. They also have gargantuan jaws that can make short work of even a crocodile. As many as 3,000 people are said to be killed by hippos each year. You can avoid becoming a statistic by keeping your distance from them, especially the babies. As with an elephant, you can evade a charging hippo by running in a zig-zag pattern.
#1: Mosquito
Mosquitoes are considered a nuisance wherever they’re found. But in Africa, mosquito bites aren’t just aggravating; they’re deadly. While they're most associated with spreading malaria, it doesn't stop there. Some of the other devastating diseases they can spread include Dengue fever, yellow fever, West Nile virus, and Zika virus. Approximately one million lives are claimed annually by mosquitos in Africa. Make sure you have a high-quality repellent available, and use other preventative measures, such as mosquito nets. You can also avoid attracting them by not wearing perfume or any clothes with dark colors. A vaccine to protect against mosquito-borne illnesses is currently being developed, and we hope it’s widely available soon.