Top 10 Most Iconic Looney Tunes Catchphrases

#10: “I Hate That Rabbit!”
Yosemite Sam
Every great cartoon protagonist needs a nemesis, and Yosemite Sam is one of the best. An aggressive gunslinger who suffers no fools, Sam holds a large amount of enmity in his heart for rabbits. He refers to our carrot-eating hero Bugs as a “rackin’ frackin varmint,” usually after being taken in by one of his schemes or clever disguises. Elsewhere, Yosemite Sam can be found exclaiming lots of mumbled curse words when confounded by Bugs. These instances are often followed by Sam telling the “Looney Tunes” audience just how much he “hates that rabbit.”
#9: “This Makes Me Very Angry”
Marvin the Martian
The only thing that might rival the coolness of Marvin the Martian’s character design is his bevy of memorable catchphrases. Marvin is on the calmer side of the Looney Tunes crew, generally soft-spoken whether he’s searching for a “kaboom,” describing things as “lovely,” or letting out an “oh goodie!” He’ll generally keep his composure, even when it’s time for the Martian to get serious. So when he tells us that something makes him very angry, we believe him. That’s because this is usually followed by some increased effort in whatever Marvin happens to be doing — usually conquering or destroying Earth.
#8: “I Say…”
Foghorn Leghorn
You’d be forgiven for not knowing that the voice and cadence of Foghorn Leghorn is largely derived from comedian Fred Allen’s radio show from the 1940s. Ultimately, though, it doesn’t really matter, because this cartoon rooster’s catchphrases are funny in any format or decade. It’s not so much what Foghorn says as much as how he says it. His smatterings of phrases like “that’s a joke, son!” are usually punctuated with the rooster’s trademarked stutter-speak of [“I say, I say…”] Combining this catchphrase with Foghorn’s overall bluster and know-it-all sensibility makes nearly everything he says sound hilarious.
#7: “Beep, Beep”
The Road Runner
How is it possible for a character that doesn’t even really talk to have a catchphrase? Well, it’s sort of easy when it’s the Road Runner. This bird’s animated adventures with Wile E. Coyote are all about the chase, with visual gags largely telling the story. That said, the Road Runner’s “beep, beep” — or “mweep, mweep,” according to voice artist Paul Julian — usually substitutes as a cry of either victory or defiance. The Road Runner is unflappable, eluding the Coyote at nearly every turn, with “beep beep” being his only form of communication to us that yes, he’s going to be okay.
#6: “Suffering Succotash!”
Sylvester the Cat
The “Looney Tunes” franchise owes a good deal to speech impediments. It’s via Sylvester the Cat’s prominent lisp that we get his most iconic catchphrase, “suffering succotash!” The cat had a lot to worry about, chasing Tweety Bird, Speedy Gonzales, and others in 103 cartoons during the golden age. Audiences usually heard the catchphrase when Sylvester’s off on some sort of rant, coming out sounding something like “thufferin’ thuccotash.” WWE superstar Roman Reigns even reintroduced the catchphrase in a now infamous promo — although it definitely didn’t suit him as well as it does Sylvester.
#5: “I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat”
Although perpetually pursued by Sylvester the Cat, this yellow canary is no victim. Tweety tends to exclaim “I tawt I taw a puddy tat” whenever Sylvester comes around with a hungry look in his eyes. When his suspicions are confirmed, Tweety will then typically follow with, “I did! I did taw a puddy tat!” The catchphrase might seem like baby talk, but Tweety tends to outsmart Sylvester and escape the cat’s clutches. The catchphrase was even turned into a novelty song back in 1950 by legendary voice artist Mel Blanc.
#4: “Be Vewy Vewy Quiet, I’m Hunting Wabbits”
Elmer Fudd
The origins of Elmer Fudd may be disputed — was he an evolution of Egghead, or a different character entirely? But he’s since gone on to become one of the most distinctive “Looney Tunes” characters. Much of this appeal comes down to Fudd’s unique manner of speech and his enduring catchphrases. He’s usually placed opposite Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck in cartoon shorts, referring to the former as a “wascally wabbit.” Fudd’s proclivity of replacing his Ls and Rs with W sounds comes to the forefront when he exclaims to the audience that he’s “hunting wabbits.”
#3: “You’re Despicable”
Daffy Duck
Although we feel for Daffy Duck’s perennial second-fiddle status to the almighty Bugs Bunny, this wacky mallard has nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to catchphrases. The key to Daffy’s success is that withering delivery. This duck’s plans can be so over-the-top and self-serving that it’s just a matter of time before he receives his comeuppance. Daffy’s responses to stressors can vary, from his trademarked warbled laugh to the more understated “you’re despicable.” As a result, Daffy always comes up with just the perfect thing to say, and he makes us laugh every time.
#2: “That’s All Folks!”
Porky Pig
The fact that Porky Pig is the last character we see at the end of many “Looney Tunes” shorts certainly is a testament to how important this character is to the franchise. Porky tends to play the role of the straight man, serving as a foil for the animated chaos around him. Porky’s stutter is also intrinsic to the character breaking out with comedic beats of his own. This is seen with how Porky often substitutes certain words in a sentence, in order to account for his impediment. His “that’s all folks!” frankly wouldn’t be the same without that stutter. This importance isn’t lost on the over 80 million people around the world who stutter.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“I Will Hug Him and Pet Him and Squeeze Him,” Hugo the Abominable Snowman
We Appreciate a “Looney Tunes” Deep Cut
“Hello My Baby,” Michigan J. Frog
This Vaudevillian Frog Can Really Put on a Show
"¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba!” Speedy Gonzales
The Call of Mexico’s Most Heroic Mouse
“Taz Hungry!” The Tasmanian Devil
See Also: Taz’s Wonderful Gibberish
#1: “What’s Up Doc?”
Bugs Bunny
It’s nearly impossible to discuss “Looney Tunes” without mentioning the myriad catchphrases of Bugs Bunny over the years. We know that this mischievous hare is a stinker, but NOT a maroon. We realize that Bugs is poor with directions and isn’t above going to war with someone like Elmer Fudd or Yosemite Sam if it comes down to brass tacks. That said, “what’s up doc?” is simply THE Bugs Bunny calling card. It’s his way of announcing his arrival on the scene and his intent for delivering wacky antics. It could be the most iconic cartoon catchphrase full stop, and we wouldn’t want it any other way.
Who’s your all-time favorite “Looney Tunes” character? Let us know in the comments!