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Top 10 Most Influential Decades in History

Top 10 Most Influential Decades in History
VOICE OVER: Tom Aglio WRITTEN BY: Aidan Johnson
These decades changed everything. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we'll be looking at the most significant ten-year spans throughout all of human history. Our countdown of the most influential decades in history includes 1450s, 1770s, 1940s, and more!

#10: 1450s

Starting off, it’s the last decade of the Medieval period. 1453 marked the end of the Hundred Years’ War, stabilizing France and England, allowing them to focus on exploration and technological advancement. The printing press also came into prominence, revolutionizing how we spread information. Alongside this, the Renaissance gained significant momentum, encouraging major artistic and scientific developments. Perhaps most important, 1453 also saw the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire. It was the Roman capital for almost 11 centuries, even longer than Rome itself. This event ended the Medieval era, ushering in an age of exploration. Without Roman trade routes to Asia, Columbus would never have sailed west for India, and might never have discovered the new world.

#9: 310s

The 310s were the first time Christianity became a mainstream religion. In York, 306, Constantine the Great was proclaimed Roman Emperor, and his rule would be arguably the most important of all Roman Emperors. Most importantly, he converted to and decriminalized Christianity, making it Europe’s primary religion for the foreseeable future. Constantine also unified a divided and fractured empire, and founded Constantinople. This shifted the Empire’s capital, signifying the end of Rome’s importance as a city. The empire’s primary culture then became Greek, rather than Italian, and because of him the Eastern Roman Empire long outlasted its Western counterpart, by almost a thousand years.

#8: 1990s

The last decade of the 20th century was an interesting one, packed with historical significance. In 1991, the Soviet Union fell, ending the Cold War and bringing democracy to Eastern Europe. In 1994, Nelson Mandela became South Africa’s first Black president, signaling the end of Apartheid. This was a major step forward for the global struggle for racial equality, and its effects are still felt today. The internet and mobile phones became easily accessible to the public, setting the stage for the smartphone revolution. Countless influential pieces of music, movies, and television also emerged, which had lasting impacts on pop-culture.

#7: 1960s

The swinging 60s were an amazing decade for human achievements. Not only did we land on the Moon, but the Civil Rights movement abolished legal segregation in the United States. Martin Luther King Jr.’s landmark “I Have a Dream” speech will forever be remembered for its enduring impact on humanity. Women’s and LGBTQ+ rights movements also hit their stride, and the counterculture movement blossomed. There was revolutionary music, with artists such as Jimi Hendrix, the Beatles and Bob Dylan defining the era. Unfortunately, the Cold War and the Vietnam war escalated heavily, with the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 bringing us to the brink of nuclear war. It was a period of profound change and upheaval, which laid substantial groundwork for future generations.

#6: 1770s

Barely three months into the 1770s, British soldiers killed five civilians in Boston, in an event called the Boston Massacre. Five years later, the American Revolutionary War began, leading to the birth of the United States. The struggle for American independence had far-reaching implications, setting an impressive precedent for other colonies seeking independence. One of the most important documents in history, the Declaration of Independence, was signed in 1776. It emphasized individual rights, and shaped America for centuries to come. It majorly influenced the French Revolution, with France being inspired by America’s emphasis on liberty, equality and democracy.

#5: 1790s

The French Revolution kicked off in 1789, due to a complex combination of societal, political and economic factors. King Louis XVI was notoriously indecisive, and the ruling nobility opposed reformation. Consequently, the French Revolution dominated this decade. The Reign of Terror lasted from 1793-94, characterized by frequent mass executions, perpetuated by the Jacobin government. It ended in 1799, with Napoleon’s coup d’état setting the stage for his rise to Emperor. Beyond France, U.S. democracy was solidified, with the Bill of Rights ratified in 1791 and the formation of the first political parties. The Haitian Revolution, history’s most successful slave rebellion, also began in 1791. This transformative period was characterized by global movements for independence and change.

#4: 1910s

Many conflicts of the 20th century have their roots in the 1910s, making it a decade of profound global importance. World War I dominated the decade, involving most major powers across the globe. It introduced trench warfare, chemical weapons, and aerial combat. The Russian Revolution also established the Soviet Union, eventually leading to the Cold War. Not only the Russian Empire fell, but also the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, and German empires. The League of Nations – the predecessor to the U.N. – was established in 1919. It was a tumultuous decade, but it transformed the world and shaped international relations for the remainder of the century.

#3: 1860s

This pivotal decade significantly transformed cultures across the globe. The American Civil War dominated the first half, ending with a Union victory, thus abolishing most forms of slavery in the U.S. In 1861, Italy was unified for the first time since 476, 1400 years prior. Serfdom was abolished in Russia, initiating a series of social reforms modernizing the empire. In Japan, the Meiji Restoration began, beginning Japan’s transformation from a feudalist nation to an imperial power. Meanwhile, the Industrial Revolution transformed societies globally, with steel and railroads laying the groundwork for decades of economic growth. It’s easy to see, this decade played a crucial role in shaping the modern world.

#2: 1940s

World War II engulfed most of the world in conflict. It brought with it major military campaigns, technological advancements, and the devastating Holocaust. To this day, the Holocaust remains one of the most horrific atrocities in history. The abhorrent genocide had profound implications following the war, and will be remembered forever. The conflict ended with the U.S. dropping the two most destructive bombs in history on Japan. These devastated the small nation, and highlighted the U.S.’s status as a superpower. It also set the stage for the Cold War, a conflict beginning immediately after World War II. This was a decade of intense upheaval, which ushered in the end of colonialism, and shaped the 20th century’s geopolitical landscape.

#1: 320s BCE

This decade was defined by the extraordinary conquests of Alexander the Great and the subsequent spread of Hellenistic culture throughout the ancient world. Alexander’s military tactics and strategies set new standards and still influence military thinking today. He established one of the grandest empires in history and founded numerous cities. Alexandria in Egypt became a hub for learning in this period. The cultural exchange facilitated by his campaigns laid the foundation for sharing ideas, technologies, and trade across Eurasia. His monumental reign influenced countless historical figures, such as Julius Caesar, Hannibal Barca, Charlemagne, and Napoleon Bonaparte. His legacy left an enduring mark on history, and his influence is still felt today, over 2300 years later.

Let us know which decade YOU would want to live through the most!
