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Top 10 Most Overpowered Ant-Man Moments

Top 10 Most Overpowered Ant-Man Moments
VOICE OVER: Rudolph Strong
He's tiny, but he packs a punch! For this list, we'll be looking at some of the most impressive feats performed by any of the main characters to wear the Ant-Man mantle shown in the comics, films, and TV shows. Cue the warning-klaxon, as this video contains spoilers. Our countdown includes moments from "Avengers: Endgame", "Ant-Man", "Secret Empire" and more!

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Powerful Ant-Man Moments. For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the most impressive feats performed by any of the main characters to wear the Ant-Man mantle shown in the comics, films, and TV shows. Cue the warning-klaxon, as this video contains spoilers. Who’s your favorite Ant-Man - Hank Pym, Scott Lang, or Eric O’Grady? Let us know below!

#10: Saving the Trio

“Avengers: Endgame” (2019) Shortly after Hulk undoes the snap to restore the universe, Rhodey, Bruce Banner, and Rocket find themselves stuck as their facility is blown up by Thanos’s missile. With the water rising, all seems lost. Well, until Ant-Man steps in. Staying mini, he surfs the water toward the trio. Using his embiggening ability, he grows and manages to shift the rubble - something the injured Banner was struggling with - and save the three heroes for the vital final battle. Speaking of, Scott Lang shows his gigantic talents there, too. As the goodies meet the baddies on the field, we see Giant-Man doing some clobbering the Thing would be proud of. With a single punch, he takes out a leviathan. Magical.

#9: Ant Punch

“Ant-Man” Vol. 1 #3 (2015) On top of his size-changing, there’s another powerful tool in Ant-Man’s metaphorical utility belt that can turn the tide of battle - insect communication, but especially ants. Thanks to this ability, the tiny creatures have helped the size-altering hero out of plenty of scrapes. But in issue three of the 2015 “Ant-Man” comic run, the critters step up even more. Trapped by Taskmaster in his own warehouse, Scott Lang calls on the ants to turn into a giant fist and punch the villain. Had Taskmaster not been prepared with a device to manipulate the metal paper clips in the building to turn into a huge sword, the ants would’ve likely laid waste to the mercenary, which would’ve been delightful.

#8: Terror Thomas

“Ant-Man” (2015) The first “Ant-Man” film in 2015 went beyond many people’s expectations. It’s filled with several creative moments of Lang’s powers. And probably none better than those displayed in the final battle with Darren Cross. Fighting in Cassie’s bedroom, the two now-miniature combatants battle across a toy train set, with Thomas the Tank Engine playing a crucial and slightly terrifying role. While there are also funny moments, Lang’s ingenuity really comes into play in this marquee fight. Not only does he control an army of ants, adapt to his environment, and show incredible agility to avoid Cross’s attacks, but he also has size-changing discs. As such, it causes an ant and Thomas to go giant, which is wonderful.

#7: Getting the Drop on Loki

“Avengers” Vol. 1 #1 (1963) When you look at the 1963 Avengers lineup in their comic debut, Ant-Man seems to be one of the weak links in the team. After all, there’s Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, and Wasp alongside him. But with Loki on the loose, the god of mischief manages to avert being captured by Thor and turns himself radioactive. With everyone else unable to do anything, saving the day falls to Hank Pym. He uses his communicative powers to get ants to flip a switch for a trapdoor as the Asgardian villain stands on top of it. Loki then falls into a lead-lined tank. Nice. The success of Pym’s actions seemingly kickstart the creation of the longtime and beloved superteam.

#6: Wild Pym Particles

“Avengers Assemble” (2013-19) Thor’s hammer Mjolnir is incredibly resilient. It can cope with all sorts of magic and is picky about who can even lift it. But apparently, Ant-Man’s inventions aren’t something the hammer can defend against. In the TV show “Avengers Assemble,” the episode “One Little Thing” has the Pym Particles wreaking havoc for the superteam. At one point, the Hulk is even miniaturized. With Thor beating back some of Tony Stark’s faulty cleaning bots, he throws his trusty hammer. But as it soars through the air, it hits a particle and becomes tiny. Somehow, it still wipes out the robot, which is nifty.

#5: Cosmic Shrinking

“Secret Empire” Vol. 1 #10 (2017) While the rest of the world was having a bad time in the 2017 comic event “Secret Empire,” Scott Lang wasn’t enjoying himself either. With the evil Captain America-led Hydra holding his daughter Cassie hostage, Scott’s forced to betray the good guys. But he makes up for it in issue 10. With Steve in a Cosmic Cube-powered armor having taken out the Avengers, he needs the final fragment of the artifact to rewrite the whole timeline. Thanks to some deception from Sam Wilson, Lang helps Bucky Barnes become subatomic, so he can go into the cube. The Winter Soldier soon returns, bringing the real Steve Rogers with him and turning the tide in the battle.

#4: God Slayer

“Avengers” Vol. 1 #50 (1968) Hank Pym has been around the block with the Avengers and taken on some of the most dangerous baddies in the comics. But getting the upper hand on a god is something else. In issue 50 of “Avengers” in 1968, the Titan Typhon is battling Hercules. After Hawkeye is knocked out by the god, Typhon goes to finish off the archer. But not on Pym’s watch! He calls on his Ant-Man abilities to control the insects to tunnel under the Titan’s feet. As a result, the ground crumbles beneath him, giving Pym time to get Clint Barton to safety. While Typhon quickly recovers, Pym manages to shrink, making the god think he’s disappeared. This opens things up for Hercules to defeat the villain.

#3: Probability Ant-Men

What’s better than one Ant-Man? How about millions of Ant-Men? While we were tempted to go with Scott’s Giant-Man stomping into Kang’s compound on this one, he’d already proved that it’s not the size of the ant in the fight, but the size of the fight in the ant. Holding Cassie captive, Kang has Scott shrink down to retrieve his power core, but Scott’s journey enters the metaphysical upon encountering a probability storm. This causes Scott to duplicate into countless Ant-Men… and one Baskin-Robbins Scott. While their reactions vary to the situation, they all have one thing in common: their devotion to Cassie. Together, they create an Ant-Man mountain to retrieve the core, with an assist from Hope, of course.

#2: The Avenging Avenger

“Avengers” Vol. 1 #161 (1977) Not many characters can take on the whole active roster of the Avengers within a short amount of time. But not everyone is Hank Pym. In issue 161 of “Avengers,” with some help from his ant chums, an Ultron-controlled Pym takes the fight to the team. He quickly takes out Captain America and Iron Man while incapacitating Vision. When Black Panther and Beast enter the room to see what all the fuss is about, Pym, in one move, punches both of them and knocks them out. It takes Wasp shrinking down and stinging a confused Pym into unconsciousness to end his destructive warpath.

#1: Wrecking Heroes

“Captain America: Civil War” (2016) Scott Lang makes a big impression in 2016’s “Captain America: Civil War,” no pun intended. Joining forces with Steve Rogers’s side to take on team Tony Stark, Scott’s unusual abilities put his opponents in disarray. After shrinking into Tony’s suit to mess with it, it’s when Scott grows big that he really goes to town. He picks War Machine out of the sky and lobs him, nearly squashes Black Panther with a bus, uses a plane wing as a bat against Iron Man, and distracts Spider-Man. Only when most of Scott’s team either depart or get taken out does it get too much, and Giant-Man’s knocked over. But it’s a really, really impressive outing all the same.
