Top 10 Pokemon Inspired By Mythical Creatures

Top 10 Pokémon Inspired By Mythical Creatures
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Pokémon Inspired by Mythical Creatures.
For this list, we'll be looking at those special Pokémon whose designs and origins were inspired by creatures or deities from mythology. We’ll also be considering Pokémon inspired by concepts so long as they have a mythological connection.
Which Pokémon do you think has the most legendary origins? Let us know in the comments below.
#10: Ninetales
As its name and appearance suggests, Ninetales is heavily inspired by the kitsune of Japanese folklore. Like the kitsune, Ninetales can manipulate fire, cast illusions, as well as live for a thousand years, with older Ninetales possessing enhanced spiritual abilities such as telekinesis and the power to curse those who cross them. Even its Alolan form has its own mythical origins, and is considered the incarnation of a snow deity, a reference to the Hawaiian snow goddess Poliʻahu. Alolan Ninetales is also similar to the tulikettu, a firefox from Finnish folklore responsible for creating the northern lights. A feat that Alolan Ninetales can also perform using Aurora Veil. Regardless of the form, there’s no denying that Ninetales is absolutely breathtaking.
#9: Torterra
There’s a reason this eco-friendly giant is known as the Continent Pokémon. Along with being based on turtles and dinosaurs, Torterra is also inspired by the concept of the World Turtle, a giant creature featured in many mythologies that carries the world on its shell. While it’s obvious that Torterra is not large enough to carry the world, it’s large shell contains its own ecosystem capable of supporting the smaller Pokémon who live on it. In the games, the connection between Torterra and the World Turtle is further supported by the fact that ancient cultures believed that a giant Torterra dwelled beneath the Earth. If the world of Pokémon has taught us anything, it’s that nothing is impossible
#8: Shiftry
With such an intimidating appearance, it makes sense that the inspiration for this Pokémon would be something otherworldly. Based on the Tengu from Japanese mythology, Shiftry shares many similarities often associated with the legendary yokai including a long nose, a mane of flowing white hair, and feet in the form of Geta sandals. Even Shiftry’s leaf hands are based off of the Tengu’s magical fan, allowing them to produce powerful wind currents. Much like the Tengu, Shiftry also assumes the role of forest guardian and is known for punishing those who try to disturb the peace, making it a force of nature you definitely don't want to have as an enemy.
#7: Darkrai
It’s ghostly appearance is literally the stuff of nightmares. Appearing as both hero and villain throughout the franchise, Darkrai is infamous for its ability to put people to sleep and induce horrifying nightmares. The origins of Darkrai and its powers appear to be based on Morpheus, a Greek God associated with dreams and sleep, and Phobetor, one of Morpheus’ siblings and the personification of nightmares. The fear factor of Darkrai’s mythos also draws inspiration from the bogeyman, a supernatural entity who is most well known for frightening naughty children. Essentially the Nightmare King of the Pokémon world, Darkrai is without a doubt a force to be feared. Where’s a lunar wing when you need one?
#6: Whiscash
Underneath that funny looking exterior, lies a dangerous power. While it’s appearance is similar to that of a catfish, the true inspiration behind Whiscash is something much more terrifying. In the games and anime, Whiscash is known for producing earthquakes everytime it goes on a rampage while defending its territory. This ability to create earthquakes, along with its catfish-like appearance, are based off of a creature from Japanese mythology known as the Namazu. According to the myth, the Namazu is a giant catfish that lives under Japan and is said to cause an earthquake everytime it moves its body. Even Whiscash’s japanese name, Namazun, is a nod to this legendary creature.
#5: Froslass
This one of a kind Ghost-type is as beautiful and terrifying as her inspiration. With a kimono design and the fact that Froslass is a female only species, the inspiration for this Pokémon is based on the yokai known as Yuki-Onna, or Snow Woman. Born from women who perished on snowy mountains, Froslass embodies the more malevolent aspects of the Yuki-Onna myth such as luring her victims to their demise and freezing them to death, as well as feasting on their souls, especially those of men. Whether you’re a human or Pokémon, it’s never a good idea to cross paths with this cold-hearted spectre, lest she steal your soul and add your frozen body to her macabre collection.
#4: Infernape
Along with inspiring the likes of Goku, the legendary figure Sun Wukong from “Journey to the West” also inspired Infernape, a popular Pokémon praised for its agility and unique martial arts skills. In addition to its Japanese name Goukazaru, Infernape’s body features golden markings which serves as reference to Son Goku, the Japanese interpretation of Sun Wukong. Infernape may also draw inspiration from the Hindu god Hanuman who is immune to fire, is often considered a patron god of martial arts and is also a possible inspiration for Sun Wukong. Such legendary origins are matched only by the intensity of Infernape’s fiery will.
#3: Zygarde
It’s pretty ironic that Zygarde, a being whose primary objective is to protect the Earth, is inspired by the three children of Loki who are destined to destroy it. At 10 per cent, Zygarde adopts a canine form, whose design shares similarities to the giant wolf Fenrir. At 50 per cent, it adopts a snake-like form inspired by a number of mythical serpents, including the World Serpent Jörmungandr. Finally, we have it’s Complete form which is likely inspired by Hel, the Norse goddess of death. Hel’s body is described as being half beautiful woman and half corpse, a trait similar to the opposing blue and red designs on Zygarde’s Complete form, which matches the colors of Xerneas and Yveltal, who embody life and death respectively.
#2: Ho-Oh
There are very few Pokémon who can rival the power and majesty of the great Ho-Oh. Along with creating rainbows everywhere it goes, Ho-Oh possesses the unique ability to revive the dead. A miraculous skill that is most famously used by Ho-Oh to resurrect the Three Legendary Beasts: Entei, Raikou and Suicune. Ho-Oh’s power of resurrection and appearance is similar to that of the immortal phoenix, or more specifically the Fenghuang from Chinese mythology. Ho-Oh may also be based off of the legendary Huma Bird, which also symbolizes resurrection and is said to grant eternal happiness to any who see it. Much like those who are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Ho-Oh.
#1: Arceus
Where to even begin with this deity? Known as “The Original One,” Arceus and its 1,000 arms are responsible for creating the Pokémon world and its inhabitants. Inspirations for the Alpha Pokémon include the first deities from Shinto mythology, the Apis from Egyptian mythology, the Qilin from East Asian mythology, as well as one of the bodhisattva from Buddhism. Even the legend of how Arceus was born from an egg before all of existence references the myths surrounding the concept of the World Egg. With so many myths packed into one glorious package, it's no wonder Arceus is one of the most popular and most powerful Pokémon of all time.