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Top 10 Series Finales That Defined Television

Top 10 Series Finales That Defined Television
VOICE OVER: Kirsten Ria Squibb WRITTEN BY: Kim Dionne
These finales left a lasting impression. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the most impactful final episodes of TV shows that left their mark on the industry and audiences everywhere. Our countdown includes "The Sopranos," "Friends," "Lost," and more!

#10: “Person to Person”
“Mad Men” (2007-15)

Watching Don Draper throughout the show’s seven seasons was a roller coaster, and his final moments on screen were monumental. When he left behind his work to concentrate on his personal journey, he had a revelation during a retreat in California. This led to his inspiration for the “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” campaign, AKA, one of the biggest ad campaigns ever. We saw that the Don Draper we knew and loved was still there, even as he continued to try and battle his mental demons. Getting to see Peggy find love with Stan while Joan followed her career dreams was all just icing on the “Mad Men” finale cake.

#9: “The Last Newhart”
“Newhart” (1982-90)

This finale pulled the rug out from under us in the best way imaginable. Starring Bob Newhart, this show was his second successful sitcom, following the “The Bob Newhart Show.” In the finale, Dick Loudon continued running Stratford Inn despite the town being turned into a golf course. While that may have seemed like a satisfying enough ending, the final scene provided one of the biggest twists in television history. After Dick was hit in the head with a golf ball, he woke up as his character from “The Bob Newhart Show,” laying in bed next to his wife from that series. He explained that everything was a dream, and needless to say, audience members everywhere were left floored.

#8: “The Finale”
“Seinfeld” (1989-98)

Controversial, we know. While this finale split audience opinions, it was an undeniably clever way to bring back so many of the iconic characters that had popped up throughout the show. As Jerry, Elaine, Kramer, and George go to court after bystanding during a carjacking, plenty of the show’s eclectic personalities made an appearance as character witnesses. It gave us an opportunity to reminisce on the best moments that happened throughout the series while solidifying that the core four were, in fact, not the greatest people in the world. Plus, we always love when an ending calls back to the beginning, and this show did just that with the shirt buttons conversation.

#7: “The End”
“Lost” (2004-10)

While this finale may have left a few stones unturned, it left its mark with viewers all the same. Jack defeated the Man in Black, and sacrificed himself to save the island after becoming the new protector of it. The last scene even mimicked the first, with Jack lying on the ground staring up at the sky. We finally learned what was going on with the flash-sideways, and that it was a purgatory-like place for those who passed on from the island to gather together before going to the afterlife. Although this finale was nothing short of a polarizing whirlwind, it was definitely an epic ending to a series that kept us guessing at every turn.

#6: “The Last One”
“Friends” (1994-2004)

There were endless amounts of tear jerking moments in this finale, and all of them made us grateful that we were along for the ride with this group of friends. Monica and Chandler unexpectedly became parents of two and prepared to move to the suburbs (with Joey in tow), meanwhile Phoebe and Mike settled into married life. The showstopper of the episode, however, had to be the will-they-won’t-they couple of the century deciding to give it a go for real. Seeing the empty apartment at the end of the episode got us right in the feels, and we couldn’t imagine a more fitting ending.

#5: “One for the Road”
“Cheers” (1982-93)

Speaking of will-they-or-won’t-they couples, Sam and Diane’s fate was finally realized in this finale. We also saw Woody become a councilman, Cliff get promoted, Norm get a job with the city, and Rebecca get married. But, when Sam and Diane almost ran away together, they realized, as Norm said, that Sam needed to stay in Boston to be with his one true love. Rather than Diane, he chose to stay at the place where everyone knew his name - at the bar, with his friends who had become his family. The second most-watched finale of all time, it was one of the most satisfying endings to a TV series we can possibly think of.

#4: “Felina”
“Breaking Bad” (2008-13)

A show that had us on the edge of our seats through five seasons had to have a show-stopping ending. Walter White left no strings untied before his inevitable demise, as he assured his family would get the money they were due and he managed to save Jesse. He also brought justice to those who had wronged him and faced the music while reminiscing on his time as Heisenberg. Vince Gilligan’s genius for creating captivating television was also demonstrated in “Better Call Saul,” the spin-off he co-created, where the finale showed us Jimmy McGill’s story coming to an exciting conclusion. But, it was “Felina” that left us feeling like we had witnessed a magical slice of television.

#3: “Everyone’s Waiting”
“Six Feet Under” (2001-05)

This final episode saw the characters dealing with something all too familiar to them– death, but this time, it was one of their own who passed away. Everyone dealt with Nate’s death differently, with Brenda and David struggling the most. The flashforward sequences showed everyone moving on with their lives, and even in their deaths, they all stayed true to themselves and got the endings that were fitting for them. This show taught us that there is beauty in life and in death, and watching the fates of the characters get revealed one by one was the perfect way to encompass the show’s message as it wrapped up each storyline.

#2: “Made in America”
“The Sopranos” (1999-2007)

The Sopranos” is widely regarded as one of the best series of all time, and the finale was perhaps the most talked-about part. The last scene saw the Sopranos in a diner while tensions rose as the end of the episode drew near, and then suddenly– nothing. The open-ended, cut-to-black ending has been discussed for years, and will probably be debated for many more to come. Did it mean Tony was abruptly killed? Was there simply no more to say about this mobster’s chaotic life? One thing we know for sure is we can’t hear “Don’t Stop Believin’” any more without thinking of this iconic final scene.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

“-30-,” “The Wire” (2002-08)
Whether Hopeful or Bleak, Everyone Faced the Music in the End

“All Good Things…,” “Star Trek: The Next Generation” (1987-94)
Captain Picard Saved The Day One Last Time

“The Judgment,” “The Fugitive” (1963-67)
Dr. Richard Kimble’s Story Came Full Circle in This Satisfying Finale

“Whenever You’re Ready,” “The Good Place” (2016-20)
The Group Moved on One at a Time in This Poignant Conclusion

“The Last Show,” “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” (1970-77)
A Goodbye That Felt Like a Hug You Don’t Want to Let Go Of

#1: “Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen”
“M*A*S*H” (1972-83)

This finale was the most watched in the history of television for good reason. After eleven seasons, “Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen” was witnessed by well over 100 million viewers worldwide, and we can guarantee there were almost no dry eyes to be found in that audience. As the Korean war drew to an end after a ceasefire was called, storylines were wrapped up and we saw the 4077th crew take down camp for the last time. As the characters said goodbye to one another, we got the closure that comes along with saying goodbye to them too. The sight of that final message written only visible from the air never fails to make us tear up.

Did any of these series finales leave you wanting more? Let us know which ones in the comments!
