Top 10 Superhero Shows Better Than the Movies

These shows prove that sometimes, it's best for superheroes to stay on the small screen. For this list, we’ll be going over the TV series, both live-action and animated, featuring superheroes that are as good or better than the films featuring the same characters. Our countdown includes “Daredevil” (2015-18), “Harley Quinn” (2019-), “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” (2012-17), “Todd McFarlane’s Spawn” (1997-99), and more! If there’s a superhero program you think soars up, up, and above its big screen counterpart, tell us in the comments!
#10: “Harley Quinn” (2019-)
We love Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn as much as the next person. But her attempt to escape the Joker’s shadow and go independent proved far more entertaining on the small screen and in 2 dimensions. Her self-titled adult animated series follows Harley as she navigates heroes, villains, and the police, while dealing with her friendships and messy love life. “Harley Quinn” pokes endless fun at most of the DC universe, while also telling compelling and hilarious stories about its central characters. Featuring an all-star voice cast, and more action and humor than you can shake a bat (or a Batman) at, “Harley Quinn” is a show you’d be crazier than the Joker not to enjoy.
#9: “Power Rangers” franchise (1993-)
Yes, Power Rangers are superheroes too! The American version of Super Sentai has made its way onto the big screen thrice so far, but each time it has fallen short of the TV shows. The first one seemingly spent most of the budget on pointless skydiving, the 2017 reboot fell flat, and the less said about “Turbo,” the better! Yet the TV series have entertained kids and kids at heart for nearly 30 years! While the production quality hasn’t always been stellar, the storytelling is more impressive than you might think, and the action and humor are better than your average live-action kids’ shows. Whether we’re talking “Mighty Morphin’” or “Dino Fury,” “Power Rangers” remains an exceptional superhero franchise.
#8: “Justice League” (2001-04)
Regardless of whether you prefer the Snyder Cut or the theatrical version, both iterations of the “Justice League” movie don’t do the material “justice” as much as the cartoon did. The “Justice League” series from the early 2000s is the culmination of DC’s shared animated universe, featuring a fantastic ensemble of superheroes. The storylines are epic and the battles are intense. There’s excellent comedy, and even some romance sprinkled in. The heroes are well-developed and play off of each other wonderfully, as are the villains! It’s almost like taking time to develop your story and characters leads to good “Justice League” stories…huh.
#7: “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” (2012-17)
The Michael Bay produced “Ninja Turtles” films from the 2010s have their fans. But we’d argue that the third “Turtles” cartoon is easily the superior take on the heroes in a half-shell when it comes to the 21st century. The 3D computer animated show feels like a great blend of the more serious parts of the franchise and the more comic ones, creating a more well-rounded experience. “TMNT 2012” also pays tribute to parts of the franchise’s past while examining the turtles’ personalities in more depth than ever before. Plus, it even takes a few pot shots at the Bay films.
#6: “The Punisher” (2017-19)
There have been numerous “Punisher” films, yet they all seem to fall short of the Netflix Marvel adaptation. Jon Bernthal is perfectly cast as Frank Castle/The Punisher, and the supporting cast all do an exceptional job too. Not only does the series delve into Frank’s quest for vengeance and the toll it takes on him and everyone around him, but it also tackles topics like PTSD and other mental health issues with surprising tact. Plus, the action is well-done and bloody throughout. Anyone who doesn’t check out this show is just punishing themselves.
#5: “Supergirl” (2015-21)
Granted: the 1984 “Supergirl” set the bar quite low, with the film being a bomb critically and at the box office. But even so, the “Supergirl” TV series flew far beyond everyone’s expectations. Star Melissa Benoist has chemistry with absolutely everyone, and Kara/Supergirl is a superhero you can’t help but root for. The show’s themes are timely and well-executed, as are the fight scenes. Plus, being part of the CW’s already popular Arrowverse certainly doesn’t hurt either. Bottomline: the “Supergirl” series is just like the girl of steel herself - bulletproof.
#4: “Todd McFarlane’s Spawn” (1997-99)
The “Spawn” movie adaptation wasn’t a hit upon release, and hasn’t held up well in the years since. The HBO animated series released around the same time however, has aged like fine wine. The grim tone is perfect for “Spawn,” the animation is excellent, the story feels mature, and the voice acting is spectacular, particularly from series lead Keith David. “Todd McFarlane’s Spawn” is everything you could want from an adaptation of this dark superhero. Well, everything except more of it, that is. While rumors have persisted for decades of a revival, we can at least content ourselves with what we have.
#3: “Green Lantern: The Animated Series” (2011-13)
The “Green Lantern” movie sucks. We know it, Ryan Reynolds knows it, even Deadpool knows it. And it’s too bad. Its awfulness managed to overshadow “Green Lantern: The Animated Series,” which had a sneak peek come out the same year. The show distinguished itself not only through its computer-generated animation, but also due to its use of serialized storytelling and its creation of several compelling original characters who play big roles in the plot. It may only have lasted one season, yet it still managed to deliver a “Green Lantern” story we’ll remember “in brightest day or blackest night.”
#2: “Daredevil” (2015-18)
While we’ll grant that the “Daredevil” movie is better than many give it credit - the director’s cut was, anyway - it still pales in comparison to the Netflix series. The series is essentially an extended battle of wills between the man without fear and the Kingpin, with New York City caught in the middle. The acting is superb! The action sequences are legendary! A one-take fight scene (or at least edited to look like one) each season? Yes, please! And we can’t forget that “Daredevil” is the introduction of Jon Bernthal’s Punisher! “Daredevil” isn’t just better than its film – it’s also one of the best superhero shows period!
#1: “Watchmen” (2019)
Zack Snyder’s “Watchmen” film proved polarizing for many viewers. While we personally feel like it’s underrated, especially the extended director’s version, the TV series is more universally acclaimed. A sequel rather than a straight adaptation, the “Watchmen” series expands on the preexisting lore of the comics, while also shining a spotlight on less-discussed parts of real history. The result is a timely story, with great performances, beautiful cinematography, and plenty of twists and turns along the way. The “Watchmen” comic is one of the most celebrated graphic novels ever made, and the TV series managed to come closer to its level of quality than anyone thought possible.