Top 10 Thirstiest Guys in Anime (ft. Todd Haberkorn)

For this list, we'll be looking at the guys in anime whose lives seem to revolve around getting jiggy with the ladies. Whether they're bonafide chick magnets or hapless losers, as long as they're continually led by what's between their legs as opposed to common sense, they're contenders!
Sometimes sweet, sometimes creepy, forever parched. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 Thirstiest Guys in Anime.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the guys in anime whose lives seem to revolve around getting jiggy with the ladies. Whether they’re bonafide chick magnets or hapless losers, as long as they’re continually led by what’s between their legs as opposed to common sense, they’re contenders!
(Todd Introduction)
#10: Kintaro Oe
“Golden Boy” (1995-96)
There’s something wholly endearing about this guy. Yes, this guy, the same hopeless dude who had that one dirty fantasy on the toilet we were all forced to witness. Sure, he’s got a libido so large it reaches the heavens, but he always, somehow, earns the affection of every love interest he meets on his endless journey to discover everything about anything. Only Kintaro could manage to inexplicably seduce a sexy officer manager, swimming instructor, mob boss’ daughter and motorcycle fanatic and STILL skip town before they have a chance to ride his golden boy.
#9: Miroku
“Inuyasha” (2000-10)
Thanks to his talents for sealing away spirits and holding his own in a fight, Miroku managed to earn a place among the half-dog demon’s inner circle. Otherwise he’d likely be left out on his ass for being such a pervert. Whether it’s Sango or any number of filler girls, you can always count on the raunchy monk to get a little too grabby, especially around the posterior region. In spite of getting the bejesus smacked out of him every time he grasped a buttock, Miroku’s bad habits managed to persist for pretty much the entirety of the show.
#8: Jiraiya
“Naruto” series (2002-)
This sage may have won us over thanks to the parental bond he built up with Naruto, as well as having one of the most gallant endings the show has ever seen, but let’s not us forget, when we first met this guy, he was peeking into a womans’ bathhouse. Erotica is in this ninja’s bones! Granted, he mostly pours all that perverted passion into writing smutty books, but you can bet your backside Jiraya will take any and all opportunities to get his shinobi freak-on.
#7: Issei Hyoudo
“High School DxD” series (2012-18)
Is it possible for someone with this big of a harem to still not have clocked out his v-card? Dude, you have four supernatural babes literally throwing their cleavages in your face…at once! How is it possible you haven’t repopulated the Nine Circles of Hell by now?! This wouldn’t be as shocking if Issei wasn’t a raging ball of lewdness. He’s made it perfectly clear he would love nothing more than to go all the way with a pretty girl, and yet now he’s got whole a fleet of them at his beck and call he suddenly wimps out? What does it take to satisfy you?!
#6: Reita Toritsuka
“The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.” (2016-)
Think your house is possessed by the lingering souls of the dead? Do yourself a favour and don’t ask this guy for help. He may be a spirit medium, but the only kind of ghostbusting he’s interested in involves him using his personal proton pack on a sexy ghost gal. While the dead may be spared from his perversions, this unfortunately means the living have to suffer with it as well. Whether it’s trying to trick the ladies into thinking he’s a perfect man or getting his spirit buddies to steal their panties, Reita will do pretty much whatever it takes to get himself a girlfriend. No surprise the living hate him as much as the departed.
#5: Kei Kurono
“Gantz” (2004)
The unbridled wants of an adolescent know no bounds. Just take Kei as an example; he got run over by a train, brought back from the dead and forced to hunt aliens to win a second shot at life…and yet all he thinks about is breaking beds. To be fair, when you’re tasked with searching for otherworldly creatures who take great joy in devouring humans, everyone’s entitled to a release every now and again…but did you really need to bangarang a complete stranger in the hallway within two minutes of meeting her?
#4: Brock
“Pokémon” (1997-)
What the Rock Master lacks in gratuity he makes up for in sheer determination. Most guys would give up on their chances of love after the first ten rejections, but not the Lord of the Drying Pan. Every Nurse Joy, every Officer Jenny, every female Gym Leader, every side girl, he’s proposed his undying love to them all. Sure, each ends in disaster, but does he give up? Of course not! The Keeper of the Jelly-filled Doughnuts will likely go on to flaunt himself to each new lady he meets until one eventually marries him out of pity.
#3: Minoru Mineta
“My Hero Academia” (2016-)
U.A High really doesn’t give a crap when it comes to recruitment, do they? Want to be a hero so you and your sticky purple balls can be popular with the ladies? Sure thing, come join our school! It’s kind of shocking that Mineta is still in Class 1-A. His grades may be decent and he somehow survives the practical exams, but surely there are policies in place when it comes to a student repeatedly peeking on his female classmates? You just know that when this guy goes pro his personal distress signal is going to be in the shape of a busty chest.
#2: Teddie
"Persona 4: The Animation" (2011-12)
Goes to show that even when dealing with an insidious serial killer, a mysterious TV World and way too many social links to count, hormones still take priority. Oddly enough, this isn't so much the mindset of our teenage cast than it is their supernatural mascot, who from the get go makes it very clear he wants to Build-A-Bear with the ladies of the group. Chie, Yukiko, Rise, as long as you're cute, Teddie is more than a little eager to get to the fuzzy-bumping. Sadly for him, the only one he managed to kiss was Kanji...
#1: Sanji
“One Piece” (1999-)
Ask anyone what this Straw Hat Pirates loves, and they’ll undoubtedly say one of two things; cooking and the ladies. While his tragic backstory, fancy footwork and loyalty to Luffy have made this iron-chef a compelling character all his own, there’s little room for debate that Sanji’s thirst runs deeper than the entire East Blue. It’s kind of amazing that he can take the tired old trope of falling for every woman he comes across and transcend it to the point where we’re all like “you know what, you’d be lucky to get with our boy!”