Top 10 Times Pacey Was the Best Character on Dawson's Creek

#10: When He Took Dance Lessons with Joey Potter
“Four to Tango”
Ah, the beginning of the Pacey and Joey “screwball mating ritual!” Season three is filled with many touching moments between these lovebirds – some of which we’ll get to on this list – but this one stands out. In exchange for help with his math homework, Pacey agrees to take dance lessons with Joey to help her get a scholarship. Joey and Pacey have been growing closer throughout this season, but in this episode, we see them actively choose to spend time together AND help each other out in the process. Also, we would be remiss not to mention Pacey calls Joey a literal goddess in this episode – cue the romantic sighs.
#9: When He Taught Joey How to Drive
“Valentine’s Day Massacre”
Pacey spends most of this episode lost in the depths of teen angst. And it makes for some quite compelling moments – such as saying this about Joey: [“She’s actually the kind of pretty that gives you butterflies.”] Yes, he was drunk when he said it, and had spent that whole night being kind of rude – but he’s a man in unrequited love, okay? He later goes to apologize to Joey for the way he’s acted, and comes thiiiiiis close to telling her how he feels ... but chickens out and offers to help her learn to drive instead – which ends up being one of the reasons she gives for wanting him to be her first in season four. It all comes back around!
#8: When He Entered the Miss Windjammer Beauty Pageant
“Beauty Contest”
Not only is he a great boyfriend, but he’s a champion for gender equality too! To the town’s chagrin, Pacey signs up for Capeside’s beauty pageant to try and win the prize money. Most of this episode focuses on Joey – who also signs up for the contest – and her quest to gain some confidence. But, as much as we’re so proud of Jo for getting up on stage and belting out Les Mis as best she can, nothing holds a candle to Pacey’s performance for the talent portion. He bursts onstage in full “Braveheart” regalia, and further lambasts the judges for ...well, “judging” him. It’s that signature Witter charm on full display. Don’t worry, Pacey – we won’t let them take your freedom!
#7: When He Told Andie McPhee He Was Falling in Love with Her
“Sex, She Wrote”
Pacey and Andie’s love story has a lot of standout moments from our guy – but this one is a favorite. After sleeping together, Pacey becomes a little standoffish towards Andie. It turns out he was being so weird because …. he got an A on his history quiz? This might seem strange, but that grade is a far cry from the slacker we met back in season one – he’s growing up, and it’s all because someone – Andie – finally believes in him. And that scares him. He says to her, [“I’m afraid because you are the single most important being to ever grace my existence,”] right before telling her he’s falling for her. Truly, this guy has some way with words.
#6: Getting Andie Help Even When It Might Mean the End of Their Relationship
“Ch… Ch… Ch… Changes”
Just as Andie helps Pacey, Pacey helps Andie. Throughout season two, Andie struggles with mental illness, exacerbated by the pressures of school and having to care for her mother. Her father eventually decides to send her to a treatment facility, and she eventually agrees. Pacey, while wanting Andie to stay, is supportive of her throughout this ordeal and tries to keep a positive outlook about their relationship – even though he knows things might not be the same when Andie comes back. And he’s right – when Andie returns after the summer, the two break up. It’s devastating, but Andie got the help she needed. And that was always most important to Pacey.
#5: When He Stood Up to the Teacher Who Outed Jack McPhee
“...That Is the Question”
Jack’s coming out narrative is handled really well for a ‘90s network drama. He’s accepted by many of his friends, including ex-girlfriend Joey, and while his relationship with his father is fraught, the two eventually get to a better place. But, the inciting incident of Jack’s coming out was anything but easy. Mr. Peterson – one of the worst teachers to ever grace the screen – forced Jack to read a poem he wrote about his sexuality in front of the entire class. Pacey comes to his aid. It’s not perfect – Pacey tries to play hero, which Jack rightly calls out later. But his heart was in the right place. Plus, we could watch him spitting in Mr. Peterson’s face on LOOP.
#4: When He Bought Joey a Wall
“To Green, with Love”
Come on. We HAD to mention the wall. It’s everyone's first answer when asked why Pacey is a great boyfriend – “He bought her a WALL!” How could you NOT love him? When Joey’s school mural is ruined by some punk teenager, Pacey takes it upon himself to buy her an entire wall so she could make a bigger and better mural than before. Not only does this set up a nice contrast with Dawson – who was never the biggest supporter of Joey’s artistic endeavors – but it also sets up the beautiful moment in the season three finale where Pacey paints “Ask Me To Stay” on that very wall. The pinnacle of true love!
#3: When He Saved Andie
When Andie’s pressures and mental health come to a head in season two, it was a really scary moment for everyone. Andie started seeing and talking to her brother Tim, who died before she moved to Capeside. Things come to a breaking point when Andie locks herself in the bathroom, leaving Pacey and Jack outside. Instead of trying to tell Andie that Tim isn’t real, Pacey tells her he believes her - not even for a second belittling what she’s going through. He tells her how much she means to him, refuses to give up on her, and asks her to choose him. It’s a really emotional, heartbreaking moment that we’ll never forget.
#2: The “Count to Ten” Monologue
“Stolen Kisses”
If you don’t want us to get to this entry….well, you’re just going to have to stop us. This speech ruined real life romance for many a teen girl, giving everyone everywhere unrealistic expectations of what dating in high school would be like. BUT, that doesn’t stop it from being one of Pacey’s finest moments. By this point, he and Joey have been dancing around each other’s feelings for an entire season – from literal dancing lessons, to an impromptu kiss on the side of the road. But this moment solidified Pacey Witter as a titan of high school boyfriends. We’ll let this entry speak for itself – just listen.
#1: Putting the Dance Lessons to Good Use
“The Anti-Prom”
Listen: this is a list about a man who excels at speeches. So, we had to put the best one at the top. Perhaps one of the defining moments of the Pacey and Joey romance, the anti-prom is filled with longing looks, teen angst, and really, REALLY ‘90s prom dresses. But, the climactic scene of the episode has Pacey showing off those dance moves he learned during lessons and spinning Joey around on the dance floor. He gives her a moving speech about her mother’s bracelet, and how she is beautiful and perfect and elegant, and basically everything we’ve ever wanted someone to say to us. He caps it all off with this unforgettable whisper: [“I remember everything.”] Cue ALL the tears.