Top 10 Worst Celebrity Impressions Done By Other Celebs

Top 10 Worst Celebrity Impressions of Other Celebs
Ready to feel embarrassed for some celebs? Welcome to WatchMojo and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Celebrity Impressions of Other Celebs.
For this list, we’ll be looking at those celebrities whose impressions missed the mark by a long shot. Just to be clear, we’re not saying these celebs are bad at impressions, it’s just that these specific attempts at mimicry were about as convincing as an $8 bill.
#10: Jim Carrey Doing Matthew McConaughey
Carrey is renowned for doing some ridiculously uncanny impressions - not just with his voice, but with his notoriously rubber face, transforming himself physically into everyone from Clint Eastwood to James Dean. In this SNL skit however, which sees him recreating a Lincoln car ad starring Matthew McConaughey, it’s all a bit generic and, well, meh. Instead of Carrey’s over-the-top interpretation, we get a tamed, reserved impression that only goes as far as a mild Texan accent. We get it, a relaxed, chilled out demeanor is McConaughey down to a tee, but when watching this you can’t help but think man, I could have done that!
#9: Emma Thompson Doing Beyoncé
Thompson is an incredibly talented actor - capable of disguising herself completely in movies like “Nanny McPhee,” with a little help from prosthetics, of course. But in this celebrity impressions guessing game with Mindy Kaling, she showed just how bad she is at parodying Queen B. Basically, the sophistication of her impression only goes as far as pushing her breasts up and describing that she is super popular in the pop world and married to a very important other person. Yeah, it’s pretty horrible - but Kaling does guess it eventually, so, that’s something.
#8: Dirk Nowitzki Doing Donald Trump
Ah yes, our first Trump impression. There is a long list of celebs who can do a good impression of President Donald Trump. But former pro basketball player Dirk Nowitzki is definitely in the can’t column. Hovering somewhere between an attempt at Arnold Schwarzenegger and Christiopher Walken, Nowitzki’s impression of Trump consists of a blonde wig and, well, that’s about it. Okay, that and dragging out his pronunciation of certain words, like huge. To be fair to the guy, he’s an athlete, not a comedian. And this impression is so dire, it actually falls into the so-bad-it’s-good category.
#7: Pete Davidson Doing Michael Avenatti
Some SNL stars are known for their inventiveness, comic timing or bang-on impressions. Pete Davidson, on the other hand, has earned the reputation of SNL bad boy, constantly earning news headlines for all the wrong reasons. And even this impression of attorney Michael Avenatti landed him in hot water, sort of. The impression itself is pretty terrible, with Davidson basically using his own voice and sporting a questionable hair-piece. And, as is usually the case, he stumbles through his lines as if he’s only just turned up on set. The resulting impression saw Avenatti hit out at Davidson on Twitter, albeit in a parodied Donald Trump style. Sheesh, politics, man.
#6: Ricky Gervais Doing Alan Rickman
Gervais is a comedy genius, and although he has admitted on numerous occasions that he is not an impressions kind-of-guy, we just had to include his awful attempt of imitating Alan Rickman. During a roundtable meeting of comedians for The Hollywood Reporter, they each discuss which impressions they can and can’t do. And when Gervais is asked to do his best Alan Rickman, we get this. He sarcastically tries a few others too, but he definitely tries hardest with his Alan Rickman - not that the effort shows. Imagine how different “Die Hard” could have been!
#5: Tobey Maguire Doing Keanu Reeves
Yep, Tobey Maguire does impressions. Well, kinda. Taking part in SNL’s legendary “Jeopardy” skit, Maguire takes on the role of action star Keanu Reeves. And it’s basically Maguire channeling his best Ted Theodore Logan from “Bill and Ted” - with his stoner speech, stiff body language and constant look of bewilderment - but dressed as if he’s from “The Matrix.” The impression itself is pretty weak, but to be fair to Maguire, trying to embody the carefree, badass persona of Reeves is pretty difficult, especially when you have a babyface. Let’s just say this impression could never be mistaken for a glitch in The Matrix.
#4: Jimmy Kimmel Doing Jay Leno
The Kimmel vs Leno feud has been going on for quite a while now. And a big part of that feud was fuelled by Kimmel impersonating Leno in this comedic re-enactment of the Michael Jackson trial. Kimmel’s impression is a little thin, to say the least. Aside from sporting Leno’s trademark chin, the only real Leno-ism he adds is a lisp - which ultimately makes the funny man look a little silly. It also comes across as more of a mockery than a playful impression, especially given the contentious subject matter. But it was like water off a duck's back to Leno.
#3: Karen Gillan Doing Arnold Schwarzenegger
Karen Gillan is a seriously talented actor who can go from one of the nicest, most down-to-earth people in showbusiness, to the relentless killing machine Nebula in the MCU. And while her transformational skills may be impressive, her ability to morph into Schwarzenegger is not. In another LADbible celebrity impression guessing contest, Gillan is paired with Jack Black, and attempts to sell an Arnie impression. You know that sound you make when something knocks the wind out of you? Well, apparently that passes as an Austrian twang nowadays. You either think this is way off the mark, or absolutely spot on!
#2: Benedict Cumberbatch Doing Christopher Walken
When it comes to impressions, Cumberbatch is probably best known for doing a decent Alan Rickman - and Tom Hiddleston. And when challenged by MTV to do celebrity impressions against the clock, some come off better and worse than others. And without doubt his worst is Walken. Caught off-guard and searching for a phrase or nuisance, Cumberbatch just kinda freezes, then spits this out. It’s perhaps one of the worst Walken impressions we’ve ever heard - and Cumberbatch knows it. He even tries to make amends at the end by giving it another go!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few dishonorable mentions.
Martin Lawrence Doing Will Smith
Chris Tucker Doing Robert De Niro
Bradley Cooper Doing Robert De Niro
Tinie Tempah Doing Shakira
#1: Johnny Depp Doing Donald Trump
Johnny Depp is about as well known for impressions as Donald Trump is. But that didn’t stop him from doing an elaborate take on Trump in the form of a 51 minute movie with “Funny or Die.” Starring alongside other huge names like Henry Winkler and Alfred Molina, Depp channeled his best Trump with the aid of some pretty impressive prosthetics. Regardless of how ‘Trump’ he looked, the impression itself was dreadful. It’s just Depp, being Depp. There’s not even a hint of any Trump-isms. And was it good enough to spawn its own movie spoof? Hell no!