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Top 10 Worst Comedy Movies of the Last Decade

Top 10 Worst Comedy Movies of the Last Decade
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Nick Spake
These are the top 10 WORST comedy movies of the last decade. We could LITERALLY hear crickets chirping in the theater! For this list, we're taking a look at the worst comedies released between 2010 and 2019 that were so unfunny it's actually kind of infuriating. From "The Hangover Part III," to "Loqueesha," to "Movie 43," these comedy movies really were the worst.

#10: “The Hangover Part III” (2013)

The original “Hangover” closed out the aughts with some of the decade’s biggest laughs. The franchise collapsed going into the 2010s, however, with two disappointing sequels. While “The Hangover Part III” at least isn’t a beat for beat retread like its 2011 predecessor, it also barely resembles the first film. Heck, it doesn’t even resemble a comedy. It’s more like a gritty action picture with heroes who are more toxic than charming, villains who are more menacing than humorous, and an overall tone that’s just mean-spirited. It doesn’t help that the film essentially gets hijacked by Ken Jeong’s Mr. Chow, who’s funny in small doses, but a little of him goes a long way. Can we please forget that this movie ever happened?

#9: “Fred: The Movie” (2010)

Lucas Cruikshank is to Generation Z what Pauly Shore was to Millennials. Neither of these comedians are funny, but somehow they managed to produce a series of awful movies that people actually watched. Cruikshank rose to prominence with his YouTube alter ego Fred Figglehorn, quite possibly the most insufferable character ever to grace any medium. Seriously, we can’t stand listening to Fred’s obnoxiously high-pitched voice for more than a second. So, whose bright idea was it to give this pest a feature-length TV movie with a budget of roughly $4 million? The best way to experience “Fred: The Movie” is with your head buried in sand. At least the sand would give a more natural performance than Cruikshank. Also, how dare you waste John Cena!

#8: “Zoolander 2” (2016)

Ben Stiller had a decade and a half to develop a sequel to his cult comedy “Zoolander.” Instead of building upon his original creation, though, Stiller lazily recycles gags from the first film, which we’ve already rewatched dozens of times already. On the rare occasion that “Zoolander 2” does try telling a new joke, it always deteriorates into a sea of confusion and randomness. Hey, Fred Armisen’s head has been CGI’d onto a little kid’s body. Oh look, Benedict Cumberbatch is playing a non-binary character. Ah, it’s Kiefer Sutherland, Susan Sarandon, and Ariana Grande… for some reason. How is any of this funny? We’d say that this movie is full of setups with no payoffs, but most of the jokes don’t even have proper setups.

#7: “Loqueesha” (2019)

You know all those straight white men who feel like they have it worse than everyone else in today’s politically correct climate? Well, Jeremy Saville made a movie for that demographic and it’s every bit as tasteless as the premise suggests. In addition to directing, writing, and producing, Saville plays Joe, a Caucasian man who lands his own radio show by pretending to be an African-American woman. With smarter filmmakers at the helm, maybe “Loqueesha” could’ve been a bold satire about white privilege and woke culture. Instead, it feels like 98 minutes of listening to an out of touch guy preach about racism, suicide, and other serious topics that he clearly doesn’t understand. What’s worse, the film isn’t funny – not even in a shocking way.

#6: “Dirty Grandpa” (2016)

Jake LaMotta, Travis Bickle, young Vito Corleone, these are just some of the characters Robert De Niro has portrayed throughout his illustrious career. He also played Dick Kelly, an old man who repeatedly pokes his finger up his adult grandson’s derriere. It’s not enough for “Dirty Grandpa” to deface De Niro’s legendary filmography. It’s also a humiliating star vehicle for Zac Efron, who spends a good portion of the film half-naked. We get that the filmmakers are trying to make a raunchy sex comedy, but even gross-out humor requires effort. Not only are the one-liners unbelievably tacky, but they’re surrounded by a clichéd “Odd Couple” scenario about an uptight lawyer and his wacky grandpa. All we can say is, thank goodness for “The Irishman.”

#5: “That’s My Boy” (2012)

“That’s My Boy” is similar to “Dirty Grandpa,” except the gags are even lamer and the performances are even more degrading. The film was promoted as Adam Sandler’s venture into hard R territory. Here’s the thing, though. Sandler’s trademark crude humor is tailor-made for 13-year-old boys. So, why make a movie that your target demographic can’t even buy a ticket to? That doesn’t even begin to describe just how incompetent this comedy is. With senseless swearing, a twist involving incest, and a subplot pulled right out of the Mary Kay Letourneau case, the film seems to think that it’s being edgy when really, it’s just being childish. And just when you think it can’t possibly get any more desperate for laughs, Vanilla Ice shows up.

#4: “Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star” (2011)

Like “That’s My Boy,” “Bucky Larson” is another R-rated comedy that will only appeal to middle schoolers who think that fart jokes are the pinnacle of humor. Where Sandler is at least a bankable name, however, Nick Swardson is basically the poor man’s Kevin James. We’re not sure who wanted to see Swardson headline his own movie, but then again, we’re also not sure who keeps paying money to see Happy Madison Productions. “Bucky Larson” operates on the logic that if the main character speaks in a weird voice, wears a dumb wig, and constantly shows off his buck-toothed smile, the film will eventually get a laugh. Meanwhile, the entire plot is supported by a paper-thin joke: Bucky Larson is an unlikely adult film star.

#3: “Movie 43” (2013)

Even if you’ve never seen “Movie 43,” chances are you’ve at least heard about the infamous segment where Hugh Jackman’s chin is given a certain feature that requires a censor bar. Believe it or not, that arguably isn’t even the most disgusting bit in this anthology comedy. The audience also has to watch Chris Pratt defecate all over a car windshield, Jeremy Allen White endure the sexual advances of his parents, and Halle Berry and Stephen Merchant undergo grotesque plastic surgery. The funniest thing about “Movie 43” is that so many talented actors and filmmakers agreed to take part in this laugh-free dead zone. That being said, we understand why Richard Gere tried to get out of it and why George Clooney out-right said no.

#2: “Holmes & Watson” (2018)

The script for this “Sherlock Holmes” parody reads like it was written thirty years ago and even then, most of these jokes would’ve been stale. It’s hard to say what’s more mind-boggling: that this comedy is so dated or that Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly willingly signed on. Maybe everyone assumed that Ferrell and Reilly would salvage the picture with their chemistry and improv skills. Alas, neither brought their A-Game… or even their D-Game. “Holmes & Watson” is one missed opportunity after another, even when a promising punch-line is gift-wrapped for the filmmakers. For example, you had Reilly wearing a helmet full of bees and you didn’t make a Nicolas Cage joke! See, even we can come up with better material than this.

Before we get to our top pick, here are a few dishonorable mentions:

“The Happytime Murders” (2018)

“Furry Vengeance” (2010)

“Your Highness” (2011)

“Zookeeper” (2011)

“A Haunted House 2” (2014)

#1: “Jack and Jill” (2011)

From “Grown Ups 2” to “The Ridiculous 6,” Happy Madison has not only brought us some of the decade’s worst comedies, but some of the lowest scores in Rotten Tomatoes history. Even with the studio’s track record, however, we can’t believe that a comedy like “Jack and Jill” ever got made. Adam Sandler plays Jack, an advertising executive who works in A LOT of shameless product placement. Sandler also plays Jill, Jack’s twin sister. This is where the pitch meeting for the movie should’ve been stopped dead in its tracks. Instead, Sandler and company were given almost $80 million to bring this Razzie magnet to the silver screen… plus Al Pacino’s involvement! Again, we’re so, so grateful for “The Irishman.”

Again jack and jill doesn't deserve that much harshness