Top 10 Worst Things Sheldon Has Ever Done

#10: Taking Amy's Gift
“The Tangible Affection Proof”
It’s been said that it’s better to give than to receive. Obviously, the person who said that wasn’t Sheldon Cooper. Sheldon has always preferred to receive, and in some cases, even take. In the season six Valentine’s Day episode, Sheldon tasks his assistant Alex with getting a gift for Amy. Alex returns from her quest with three awesome choices. The first two don’t impress Sheldon. But he loves the third choice. However, he loves it so much that rather than give it to his girlfriend (who would also love it) he decides to just keep it for himself. Happy Valentine's day to him!
#9: His Initial Reaction to Penny’s Pregnancy
“The Stockholm Syndrome”
No one has ever accused Sheldon of being selfless and considerate of other people’s feelings. And while he did appear to have a real personal awakening during his Nobel Prize speech, on the flight to Sweden beforehand, he was still the same old Sheldon. When Penny tells him that she’s pregnant, his reaction is as self-absorbed as always. No “congratulations”, no “I’m happy for you.” Just thankful that she won’t get him sick before his big day. And even when Leonard confronts him about it, Sheldon refuses to understand, or acknowledge, his failure as a friend.
#8: Whatever He Did to His Previous Roommate
“The Staircase Implementation”
The reason Leonard and Sheldon ended up living together is because Sheldon’s previous roommate, Sebastian, moved out. When Leonard meets Sebastian he’s leaving and tells Leonard to run away. Later on, when Sheldon shows Leonard what would be his bedroom, the words “Die Sheldon Die” have been painted on the wall. Now, while we don’t know any of the details as to why Sebastian finally decided to leave, his parting words do seem to indicate that Sheldon was the reason. We can only imagine what Sheldon did to cause his roommate to wish death upon him.
#7: Being a Jerk When He’s Sick
“The Empathy Optimization”
It won't come as a shock to anyone who's watched the show that Sheldon can be difficult when he’s not feeling well. As early as season one we witness this, when we learn that the guys have protocols in place, with code words, in order to avoid Sheldon when he’s sick. So, Sheldon being sick and mean isn’t new, but it does reach its peak in season nine’s “The Empathy Optimization”. In fact, every member of the group is on the receiving end of his insults and selfish demands.
#6: Blackmailing Leonard & Priya
“The Agreement Dissection”
There are few things that give Sheldon more pleasure than writing up contracts. And maybe his most prized contract is the roommate agreement he had Leonard sign when he first moved in. So, when Leonard starts dating Priya and she uses her lawyer skills to turn portions of the roommate agreement against Sheldon, he’s not happy about it. In order to get revenge, and a more advantageous roommate agreement, Sheldon blackmails Leonard with the threat of revealing their relationship to Priya’s parents. Not only is this just a mean thing to do to a friend, but everything Sheldon was angry about was his own doing. It was his contract. Priya just pointed out the legal facts as he wrote them.
#5: The Itchy Sweater
“The Itchy Brain Simulation”
When Sheldon finds out that Leonard forgot to return a DVD they rented years ago, he agrees not to bug him about it on one condition. Leonard must wear a really itchy sweater 24/7 until the matter is resolved. Now, at first this seems like a fair deal given that these things really do affect Sheldon in a way that most people can’t truly understand. However, when Sheldon later reveals that he took care of the problem years ago and still allowed Leonard to suffer through days of rash-inducing pain, well that isn’t a “teachable moment” as he called it. That’s just mean!
#4: Feeding Leonard Insects
“The Irish Pub Formulation”
What’s worse? Not telling someone that you used the rubber toothpick thing on their toothbrush, or spending a month grinding up insects into a friend’s food? While we wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of either, it feels safe to say that the latter is a much larger betrayal of a friendship. But when Sheldon found out Raj used his toothbrush he almost ended their friendship, while he never even apologized for feeding Leonard bugs. And in fact, he even did it again after seeing how angry it made Leonard when he first found out.
#3: Raj & the Rats
“The Expedition Approximation”
In an attempt to see if they could handle a scientific expedition in a salt mine, Raj and Sheldon decide to do a test run in the University’s steam pipe tunnels. However, given Sheldon’s many phobias, he has a rough time from the moment they climb down the ladder. Being the good friend that he is, Raj tries to calm him down and talk him through the mentally and physically grueling experience. Sheldon however doesn’t return the favor. When he sees rats crawling behind Raj’s head, he not only flees the scene but even closes the hatch behind him. Once again, when confronted with his selfish behavior, Sheldon doesn’t apologize or show any signs of remorse.
#2: Not Teaching Howard
“The Junior Professor Solution”
It should be acknowledged that as mean as Sheldon was to Howard, Howard was similarly mean to Sheldon (French maid costume anyone?). But in this case, Howard was actually trying to be a good friend when he offered to take Sheldon’s class after no other students signed up for it. However, Sheldon, needing to always be the smartest - and have everyone know he’s the smartest - took it upon himself to try to stump Howard rather than teach him. Unlike Leonard and the itchy sweater, this really was a teachable moment. And Sheldon failed!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Insulting His Mother’s Beliefs, “The Rhinitis Revelation”
He Loves His Mother Despite Her Religious Beliefs, Definitely Not Because of Them
Feuding with Penny, “The Panty Piñata Polarization”
Three Strikes Means Banishment!
Mistreating Amy After Their Breakup, “The Matrimonial Momentum”
Let’s Just Say He Wasn’t the Mature One
Shutting Out His Brother, “The Sibling Realignment”
Sheldon Wasn’t the Only One Who Had a Rough Time
Harry Potter Spoiler, “The Spoiler Alert Segmentation”
He Forgot to Say “Spoiler Alert” First
#1: Working with the Military Behind Howard & Leonard’s Back
“The Tesla Recoil”
The guidance system that the guys were working on was Howard’s idea, based on Leonard’s theory with Sheldon figuring out the math. They were a team. But when the military took their idea and tossed them aside, Sheldon secretly went to the military and offered up an idea for a communication system based on their research. Mean pranks and insults are one thing, but going behind your friends’ backs the way Sheldon did with the military project is next level. Sheldon really is such an “Edison”!