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Top 20 Horror Movie Examples of the Mandela Effect

Top 20 Horror Movie Examples of the Mandela Effect
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton WRITTEN BY: Katie Kottemann
The Mandela Effect is EVERYWHERE! For this list, we'll be looking at details from scary films that are commonly misremembered. Our countdown includes horror movies "The Lost Boys", "The Exorcist", "Candyman" and more!

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 20 Horror Movie Examples of the Mandela Effect. For this list, we’ll be looking at details from scary films that are commonly misremembered. Did any of these Mandela effects fool you? Let us know in the comments.

#20: "He's Alive!"

“Frankenstein” (1931)

There have been many tellings and retellings of Mary Shelley’s classic novel, “Frankenstein.” But the 1931 film adaptation is still considered to be one of the best adaptations of the tale.
In a very memorable scene, Dr. Frankenstein raises his monster’s lifeless body into a lightning storm. Once it re-animates, he yells an iconic line. But it may not be the line you remember. Many people thought that Frankenstein yells, “He’s alive!” But the doctor actually uses the pronoun “it.” While it may seem minor, the distinction shows that Frankenstein truly sees his creation as a monster instead of a human being. This clever little detail definitely deserves to be remembered accurately.

#19: Eating Worms

“The Lost Boys” (1987)

During the scene where the vampiric David and his friends share their Chinese food with Michael, fans remember that the noodles turn into writhing worms. The cheeky bloodsucker follows up that shocking moment with the line, “How do you like your worms, Michael?” But would you be surprised to know that David never says that line? Instead, Michael’s container of rice briefly turns into maggots. And David asks, (insert broll for “How do you like your maggots, Michael?”) But we don't blame fans of this classic for mixing up the details. At a later point in the scene, Michael does briefly see a box of noodles as worms. Bon appetit!

#18: A Not So Bloody Affair

“The Texas Chain Saw Massacre” (1974)

If you’ve seen the original installment of this classic horror franchise, you might remember it as a bloodbath filled with gruesome death scenes. And you’d definitely be right about the murderous aspects. But there is less blood than fans might expect. While characters certainly meet violent ends, very little blood is shown throughout the film. In fact, director Tobe Hooper hoped implying instead of showing violence would lead to the film getting a PG rating. Unfortunately, the plan majorly backfired and the film got an initial X rating before editing allowed it to get an R. It’s ironic that reducing the amount of blood caused so much trouble for this violent film.

#17: Goodnight Kiss

“Child’s Play” (1988)

Who was brave enough to kiss Chucky? There’s a lot of confusion about one scene in this film. Many viewers remember a scene where Andy’s mom, Karen, kisses her son goodnight. The boy then asks his mother to kiss Chucky too. Others remember that the aunt was the one to show a sign of affection to the doll. But neither scene made the cut. While there are moments when both Maggie and Karen tuck Andy into bed, they never added a Chucky goodnight kiss. Fans who really want to see this unsettling moment play out can still get their wish. In “Curse of Chucky”, the doll finally gets his goodnight kiss.

#16: Feeding Tube

“The Exorcist” (1973)

This horror classic has many memorable and frankly disgusting scenes. But one aspect of those moments has resulted in a Mandela effect for many viewers. When thinking back to the moments leading up to Regan losing her lunch in front of Father Karass, do you remember a feeding tube?
If you don’t, welcome to this exorcist Mandela effect! It’s hard to explain why so many horror fans can’t recall the tube in question. But to be fair, a lot is happening in this very famous scene. A feeding tube isn’t necessarily the detail that sticks in your mind as you watch a 12-year-old girl prepare to utterly gross a priest out.

#15: Leading Man

“The Fly” (1958)

It’s impossible to think of this movie and not recall its memorable ending scene. A housefly with scientist André Delambre’s head and arm is trapped in a spider’s web, screaming for help. Don’t worry! That’s not a false memory. But some people do misremember the actor who plays André. Over the years, many have claimed that horror star Vincent Price was the film’s leading man. However, he played the scientist’s brother-in-law. “The Fly” did help Price’s horror career skyrocket, and he did feature as the same character in the film’s sequel “Return of the Fly”. But it was actor David Hedison who played the ill-fated scientist in the original film.

#14: No Chainsaw?

“Friday the 13th” series (1980-)

This one has become a slasher film trope, especially in parodies of the genre. The scary killer wears a hockey mask and wields a chainsaw. But would you be surprised to learn that in 12 films with Jason Voorhees, not once does he use a chainsaw? Most frequently, he’s seen with a machete. But Jason has also used an ax, a buzz saw, and even a sleeping bag to claim his victims. Ironically enough, at least two characters have tried to use a chainsaw against the hulking villain. Some suspect that the hockey mask and weapons combo is a conflation of Jason and icon Leatherface. Given how strong and durable Vorhees is, writers probably thought giving him a chainsaw would just be overkill.

#13: "I Vant to Suck Your Blood!"

“Dracula” (1931)

Ask anyone to do an impression of Dracula, and they’ll inevitably say Bela Lugosi’s famous line in an exaggerated Transylvanian accent. It’ll sound something like: “I vant to suck your blood!” The trouble is that Lugosi’s character in the definitive 1931 classic never utters this line. And when looking at other serious depictions of Dracula in film, that quote doesn’t come up. While it’s unclear when people started saying it, the biggest suspect is the film “Ed Wood”. During the film, a character pretending to be Lagosi’s Dracula speaks the famous line. His lack of a v sound still leaves the mystery open. But no matter where this piece of dialogue came from, it’s a safe bet that intimidating vampires won’t repeat it.

#12: "Take My Strong Hand!"

“Scary Movie 2” (2001)

Viewers have been misquoting this one for two decades. In this horror movie parody, Hanson, the caretaker, has one visibly misshapen hand that is played up for laughs. The biggest joke comes when a character named Dwight is left hanging off the side of the building on a candle structure. When Hanson shows up, he offers a malformed hand that the distressed man refuses to take. Many remember the caretaker insisting that Dwight should “take his strong hand”. But Hanson doesn’t say that at all. However, viewers weren’t completely wrong about the quote. There is a scene earlier in the movie where Hanson refers to his smaller hand as his strong hand.

#11: "You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat"

“Jaws” (1975)

Even though it’s universally considered one of the most iconic lines in movie history, this one is often misquoted. After being stunned by seeing the shark for the first time, viewers remember Roy Scheider’s character saying, “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.” Turns out, that’s not exactly the line. Brody actually says, (insert broll for“You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”)We’re not sure why so many insist they recall hearing “we’re.” To make matters worse, people also remember the film’s memorable movie poster with a bite taken out of the J in “Jaws.” (X-ref ) However, that’s also a false recollection, as the letter always appears whole. What do we get right about this classic film?

#10: Speaking His Name Five Times

“Candyman” (1992)

Legend has it that if you look into a mirror and say “Candyman” five times, The Candyman himself will appear. …or was the legend “say Candyman three times?” The release of the 2021 film “Candyman,” a spiritual successor to the 90’s film of the same name, had some people questioning whether or not the famous horror antagonist’s calling card had been changed. While some remembered that the correct number of times to say his name was five, others insisted that it had once taken less words to conjure up the hook-handed ghost. It’s possible that these people were confusing the legend of Candyman with similar repetition-based spirits like Beetlejuice or Bloody Mary.

#9: What’s the Title Again?

“Interview with the Vampire” (1994)

If you’ve ever googled Anne Rice’s 1976 vampire novel, or its film adaptation, you may have noticed that several of the suggested searches word the title as “Interview with a Vampire.” Given the prominence of this phrasing, you may be surprised to learn that this is not actually the title. The film and book are actually titled “Interview with the Vampire” - and always have been. This is a pretty minor mix-up, all things considered, but one that many fans of the book and movie take as proof of the Mandela effect. This misconception even permeated the press for the 1994 film adaptation, with the Oscars, Tom Cruise, and even Anne Rice herself referring to the film with the incorrect title.

#8: Freddy’s Phone Call

“A Nightmare on Elm Street” (1984)

If you thought Freddy’s sweater looked a tiny different over the years, you’re not wrong. The original outfit in the 1984 film lacked the stripes on the sleeves that appeared in later movies. However, the biggest discrepancy comes with the phone call. When Freddy is messing with Nancy, many remember him calling her a certain b-word before she drops the phone. But the nightmare demon only used gentlemanly language here. Horror fans might have subconsciously added the word after watching the “Rick and Morty” parody Freddy character named Scary Terry. Not only does the animated character rely on one curse a lot, but other characters comment on his dialogue.

#7: "So Scared"

“The Blair Witch Project” (1999)

“The Blair Witch Project” took found footage horror to the next level, listing its actors as “missing” or “deceased '' during its marketing campaign. The gimmick was a success, with many moviegoers leaving theaters unsettled by the film’s dubious reality. In one of the film’s most memorable moments, one of its characters, Heather, looks at the camera and delivers an emotional monologue, saying “I am so sorry.” However, many instead remember this line as “I am so scared”. The misconception is perhaps because she goes on to say that she’s scared to open or close her eyes. It’s only compounded by the “Scary Movie” parody of the scene.

#6: "I See White People"

“Scary Movie” (2000)

One of the films parodied in the first “Scary Movie” is M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Sixth Sense.” The parody’s scene references the big twist from the 1999 film, with Marlon Wayans’ character telling his friend “I see dead people.” It’s a weak joke, simply repeating the line from “The Sixth Sense''. Some fans, however, remember the scene differently, believing Wayans said “I see white people” - a line that better fits the comedic franchise. There is no evidence that this alternate line ever existed in the film, however. It did exist elsewhere though: Billy Crystal said it at the Oscars, before “Scary Movie’s” release, and it appears in 2002’s “Undercover Brother”. Have we jumped realities, or are some fans just mixing up memories?

#5: Seeing the Baby

“Rosemary’s Baby” (1968)

A number of horror films thrive on tension, slowly building up to a big reveal or jumpscare. “Rosemary’s Baby” certainly creates a tense environment for both its viewer and protagonist, but declines to deliver on that big reveal. Although the film centers around the horrific pregnancy of Rosemary Woodhouse, and ends with her child’s birth, the full baby is never actually shown on-screen. There is a flash of demonic eyes during the film. However, that haunting image is largely believed to be the representation of the devil. Either way, reports of seeing the baby’s face or hooves were greatly exaggerated. The viewer has to fill in most of the terrifying blanks on their own.

#4: "Do You Want to Play a Game?"

“Saw” (2004)

“Saw” is known for its intense, torture-based horror, and at the center of it all is a white-faced puppet named Billy. Acting as a way for the antagonist, John Kramer, to communicate with his victims, Billy gives characters the option to subject themselves to excruciating pain or face certain death. These options are referred to as “games” but, contrary to popular belief, Billy doesn’t ask whether his guests want to play! In the original “Saw” film Billy never says “do you want to play a game?,” but instead, “I want to play a game.” It’s a simple change, but one that definitely changes the tone.

#3: Spike vs Stripe

“Gremlins” (1984)

In 1984, “Gremlins” introduced the world to the mogwai, a fictional species that appeared cute and harmless but came with an important set of rules. Owners could not expose the creature to light, allow it to get wet, or, most importantly, feed it after midnight. Predictably, these three rules are broken over the course of the film, unleashing reptilian gremlins on the town. The leader of the gremlins, and the film’s main antagonist, is a gremlin with a mohawk named “Stripe.” Although some fans would argue you on that name. Some claim that the antagonist’s name was once “Spike,” a misconception that can be found not only amongst Mandela Effect believers, but many merchandise listings featuring the character.

#2: "Hi, Honey, I'm Home!"

“The Shining” (1980)

“Honey, I’m home!” is a popular phrase utilized throughout pop culture in family films, sitcoms, and even songs. The line is turned on its head in “The Shining,” when Jack Torrance says it prior to breaking through the bathroom door with an axe. Or, at least, it would be, if Jack actually said it. A number of people online seem to remember the line being a direct riff on the typically cheery phrase. But, in reality, Jack actually says “Wendy, I’m home!” - using his wife’s name rather than the generic “honey”.

#1: "Hello, Clarice"

“The Silence of the Lambs” (1991)

Whether you’ve seen “The Silence of the Lambs” once, or have seen it twenty times, you’re probably familiar with the line “Hello, Clarice.” Hannibal Lecter’s creepy greeting is one of the film’s most famous lines, inspiring memes and adorning several t-shirts. But what if we told you this line doesn’t actually exist in the film? That’s right, Hannibal Lecter never once says “Hello Clarice” in “The Silence of the Lambs.” The closest he gets is: [“Good evening, Clarice.”]. It’s unclear how so many people got mixed up about this line. Maybe it really is proof that we’re now living in an alternate reality!
