Top 20 Most Badass Elite Special Forces

#20: Green Berets
United States of America
Members from this special ops force from the United States often specialize in a number of very specific skills. Chief among these is a foreign language, which all Green Berets must know or learn. This is because members of this force are often required to collaborate and work with local military groups abroad, while also communicating with local humanitarian communities on the ground. Elsewhere, Green Berets can also be counted on when it comes to counter-terrorism efforts, as well as what’s known as “unconventional warfare.” This can include, but not be limited to, training foreign military and resistance groups that align with American interests in those countries.
#19: Special Boat Service (SBS)
United Kingdom
The Royal Navy possesses a long and rich history of serving the United Kingdom, with its SBS subdivision being introduced during World War II. Information regarding their operations are kept under the highest security, but are known to have pivoted toward counter-terrorism operations around the tail end of the 1980s. The Special Boat Service possesses a motto of “By Strength and Guile” and can conduct maritime offensive action such as air strikes or coordinated demolitions assault. Additionally, SBS members are forced to undergo a rigorous selection process, so that only the best of Britain’s best wind up making the cut.
#18: Spetsnaz GRU
It’s important to differentiate here the difference between Russia’s Spetsnaz GRU and the more general umbrella term of Spetsnaz forces that exist in other post-Soviet states, such as Ukraine. The Spetsnaz GRU occupy a specific area of Russia’s military intelligence, and possess a history that dates back to sabotage operations during the Cold War. There’s an air of mystery today when it comes to the level of involvement of Spetsnaz groups in Russia, partially due to members being reassigned over the years following Soviet collapse. What is known is that the training here is high-level, and often involves personal combat at every level, together with extensive demolitions and counter-terrorism training. Additional activity from GRU groups has also been reported within the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
#17: Jaeger Corps
The Scandinavian country of Denmark often collaborates with allies abroad when it comes to operations within their own special forces group, the Jaeger Corps. Members of this exclusive outfit have been known to collaborate on training exercises with the United States and Britain, for example, while the Jaeger Corps’ own history dates back largely to Cold War reconnaissance. It’s been asserted that only ten percent of those who apply to the rigorous series of training courses wind up becoming a full-fledged member of the Jaeger Corps. Those who do succeed, however, can be assured that they’ve received elite training in hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship, and even demolitions.
#16: Einsatzkommando Cobra
Members of the Federal Police Force within Austria who are seeking to advance to the next level may apply to become a member of that country’s Einsatzkommando Cobra unit, also known simply as EKO Cobra. The selection process includes a minimum six month training period, wherein applicants will undergo training in foreign language, rappelling, physical combat and sniping. The EKO have also collaborated on training exercises with allies abroad, and this preparedness has resulted in a number of successful operations over the years. These include a specific instance where an EKO Cobra team was able to stop an airline hijacking while it was still in the air, back on October 17th, 1996.
#15: Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK)
The Munich Massacre that occurred during the 1972 Summer Olympics in West Germany served as a catalyst for many countries to increase specialization within their armed forces. Germany’s GSG 9 was created in the aftermath of this attack, while the country’s Kommando Spezialkräfte, or KSK, was created in 1996 to deal with extraction and evacuation of German citizens abroad. Today, members of the KSK specialize in counter-terrorism measures abroad, as well as infiltration and unconventional warfare. However, the group’s secretive nature has led to allegations of internal far-right sympathy and toxicity within some of its companies. This has resulted in some KSK companies being disbanded, while the group as a whole has worked to repair its image by including women amongst its current active ranks.
#14: Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (GIS)
The roots of Italy’s Gruppo di Intervento Speciale come from its Carabinieri, a police force that works at both the local and federal levels. This has resulted in a transformation from something like a police special squad to an elite group of Italy’s most esteemed tactical specialists. Memories of the “Years of Lead,” a period of violent crime, kidnappings and clashes between extremist groups from both the far right and far left, are still fresh within the minds of many Italian citizens. As a result, the GIS specializes in hostage safety and rescue, while also operating in the riskiest counter-terrorism operations at home and abroad.
#13: Marine Commando Force (MARCOS)
It was through the assistance of both Britain’s SBS and the United States’ Navy SEALs that rigorous training of India’s Marine Command Force was achieved back in the mid-1980s. Today, that force, often known simply as MARCOS, continues to work together with the international community on joint operations, primarily of a maritime nature. Details of the work are kept largely in shadow, while applicants to MARCOS should expect at least six to eight months of intense training. The failure rate for many hopefuls is between 80 to 85 percent, but those who see it through to the end have experienced training in diving, recon and combat, not to mention anti-piracy and terrorism operations.
#12: Fuerza de Guerra Naval Especial (FGNE)
The reputation of the Spanish Navy is legend, with the Fuerza de Guerra Naval Especial currently adding to that legacy as an internal, specialized unit. The selection process for FGNE candidates is rigorous. Meanwhile, the group’s matters of military combat are also balanced out with search-and-rescue operations, with members of Fuerza de Guerra Naval Especial seeing deployment in areas such as Somalia, Iraq, Haiti and Lebanon. Additionally, trained personnel within the FGNE are often trained in diving, demolitions and bomb diffusing, ensuring that their varied skills can come in handy in both peacetime and war.
#11: Snow Leopard Commando Unit
The People’s Republic of China
There is a lot that falls under the umbrella of interest for the Snow Leopard Commando Unit within The People’s Republic of China. The actual existence of the group remained a secret for four years, before it was officially revealed in 2006, and their actions read like a veritable laundry list of policing and enforcement. Counter-terrorism operations, riot control, bomb disposal, hostage extraction, even executing search warrants under dangerous circumstances: the Snow Leopard Commando Unit has done it all. The group’s training also involves tests of both physical and psychological endurance, a high standard that’s designed to ensure resilient and formidable members, across the board.
#10: GIGN (National Gendarmerie Intervention Group)
After the deadly terrorist attack at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, France assembled an elite SWAT team designed to specifically deal with hostage situations, but whose expertise has since broadened in scope. With approximately 380 operatives, each member undergoes a rigorous training period of 14 months that consists of weapons training, airborne insertion, and survival skills in almost any environment. The GIGN also has one of the best shooting schools in the world, producing some of the most skilled long-range marksmen in the field today. Although their operations are largely classified, the successful rescue of 166 hostages from a hijacked Air France flight in 1994 solidified the GIGN's reputation for tactical prowess.
When Poland sends in their special forces, they bring the thunder–quite literally too, since that's what “grom” means in several Slavic languages. After a couple of unsuccessful proposals, the Polish government finally agreed to form a counter-terrorism unit in 1990 following the takeover of one of their embassies in Switzerland, as well as the shooting deaths of two Polish diplomats in Beirut. Modeled after and trained by some of the most elite forces in the world such as Delta Force and the SAS, this group of soldiers specializes in creating havoc behind enemy lines along with severely disrupting terrorist activity. Apart from being expert killers, three-quarters of GROM are trained medics, because the best defense is a good offense.
#8: Sayeret Matkal
This top-secret branch of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) specializes in deep reconnaissance and intelligence gathering techniques. It is closely modeled after the British SAS, going so far as to even borrow their motto, “Who dares, wins.” After completing a rigorous and exhausting selection process, recruits undergo approximately a year-and-a-half's worth of training, including counter-terrorism, parachuting, and multiple forms of combat such as Krav Maga, a brutal style of self defense that was created by the IDF itself. Unlike Israel's naval commandos, Shayetet 13, Sayeret Matkal is primarily a strategic unit whose missions are meticulously planned, and are so secretive that they are not allowed to wear their insignia in public, because plausible deniability is the name of the game.
#7: Special Services Group (SSG)
Consisting of roughly 5600 soldiers, the SSG has been active since 1956 and has been the main special operations unit of Pakistan's army. Training of its members is heavily focused on physical preparation with only a small percentage of hopeful recruits making it through the process. They have conducted exercises with elite forces from the United States and Turkey, as well as China, refining techniques in mountain warfare, and are also regarded as having one of the toughest combat diving courses in the world. Being in such close proximity to Afghanistan, this unit has been a key player in the war on terror and is credited as being responsible for the death of the Global Operations Chief of al-Qaeda.
#6: Special Air Service Regiment (SASR)
Yet another group copied after the training and selection process of the British SAS, Australian Special Forces breed some of the deadliest warriors on the battlefield. The main focus of this regiment is counter-terrorism, peacekeeping as well as quelling domestic situations. Recruits are handpicked from within the military then weeded out during an intense three-week course where prospective trainees are subjected to a battery of physical and mental evaluations. Smaller reconnaissance squads, skilled in evasion tactics, allow them to slip in and out of enemy territory to gather intelligence, and are also used to “paint” targets for surgical air strikes. These guys can snatch high value personnel or blow up airfields faster than a dingo can eat a baby.
#5: JTF2 (Joint Task Force 2)
Oh, Canada, who even knew you had a team of Special Forces? Probably not many, because apparently it's mandated by the government to never mention their existence. But not only do they exist, they are also considered to be one of most elite forces operating in the world today! Active since 1993, there is little known about this highly classified unit, but they have played instrumental roles in arenas worldwide such as Libya, Haiti, and Afghanistan. Their involvement in the rescue of three peacemakers in Iraq was lauded by British and US officials. Apart from acting as bodyguards to military and government executives traveling outside of the country, they also helped secure facilities during the 2010 Winter Olympics.
#4: Delta Force
United States of America
Officially known as the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, it's almost impossible for a list like this not to include these bad boys. Established in 1977, this group of operatives excels at missions involving counter-terrorism, hostage rescue and reconnaissance. Like most other special forces, members are chosen from within the military, and the percentage of those who actually pass remains incredibly low. However, once successful, further vetting from the CIA can result in Delta operators inducted into even more highly covert units. Although most of their operations are classified, their involvement has come to be known during Operation Desert Storm as well as Operation Gothic Serpent, which was made famous in Ridley Scott's “Black Hawk Down.”
#3: Alpha Group
If there's one thing to learn from history, it's never to underestimate the Russian military … like, ever. While little is known about what exactly Alpha Group's primary objectives are, their scope has extended over the years from strictly domestic missions to include those abroad. We also know that no matter where they operate, it would appear collateral damage is not of the highest concern. Whether it be assassinating a young boy while forcing a regime change in Afghanistan, or dozens of hostages being killed during a botched rescue attempt on home soil, Alpha will get the job done, even if they have to level an entire city block in the process.
#2: Navy SEALs
United States of America
Unlike their Delta brothers, this team of soldiers is widely acknowledged by the military and praised for their superior tactics in sea, air, or land—hence, SEAL. Trainees must undergo the trials and tribulations of the infamous “Hell week”: a six-day endurance course where hopeful candidates undertake a series of grueling challenges, all the while operating on less than four hours of sleep. SEAL groups are broken up into teams of 1 to 5, and 7 to 10 respectively, with the specially designated Team Six, being the best of the best, requiring even more training than “regular” members. These are the guys responsible for killing Osama bin Laden, and rescuing Tom Hanks, we mean Captain Phillips, from Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean.
#1: Special Air Service (SAS)
United Kingdom
Considered the best in the world, there's a reason so many other countries have used these guys as a template for their own branch of Special Forces. For example, their endurance test is a notorious race against time, where troops traverse 40 miles in full gear over a mountain in 20 hours, before having to run 4 miles in 30 minutes and then swim 2 miles in under 90 minutes. Although it's becoming harder to distinguish between the SAS and SBS–which stands for Special Boat Service– the latter’s diverse nature and additional training makes them better equipped to handle a wider variety of situations. And despite being active since World War II, their storming of an Iranian embassy in 1980 was what brought the regiment worldwide recognition.
Do you know anyone who’s served in any of these elite branches? Which one impresses you the most? Let us know in the comments!