Top 20 Musical Numbers in the Mamma Mia Movies

#20: “Fernando”
“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” (2018)
There’s no doubt that Cher’s appearance as Donna’s mom Ruby in the sequel was a pretty big deal. She’s not on screen for a long time, but it’s definitely a great time. “Fernando” is really her moment to shine in the spotlight, as she is reunited with her long lost love by the same name. After decades apart, they find their way back to one another by pure coincidence. As Fernando and Ruby sing to one another, there’s a perfect blend of theatrics and sincerity that blend together. Does it have much to do with the main plot of the film? No, not really. But did we love watching every second of it? Yes, we absolutely did.
#19: “SOS”
“Mamma Mia!” (2008)
When Sam and Donna are thrust back into each other's lives, he keeps trying to talk to her. But she refuses to give him the time of day. It leads to this wonderful duet between the two. Granted, Pierce Brosnan may not win any Grammys for his singing. But it doesn’t take away from the fact that “SOS” is an extremely memorable number. Not to mention it’s important from a storytelling point of view, as it sets up Donna and Sam’s dynamic. From the acting, to Meryl, to the hilarious Greek chorus, it's a moment we look forward to every time we watch the film.
#18: “Does Your Mother Know”
“Mamma Mia!” (2008)
This marks one of the funniest and most energetic numbers in both movies combined. We’re treated to it when Christine Baranski’s character Tanya turns down a young bartender’s advances. He’s simply too young for her, and she sings this song to emphasize just how much. That, mixed in with the dance moves and her interactions with everyone there, infuses the moment with joy and humor. Sure, it doesn’t advance the plot in any way, and it’s largely a stand-alone moment. But even though nothing technically important happens, Tanya’s rendition of “Does Your Mother Know” is fun, flirty, and brings a contagious energy to the movie.
#17: “Super Trouper”
“Mamma Mia!” (2008)
Sophie’s bachelorette party starts out perfectly when Donna and the Dynamos reunite to sing “Super Trouper.” Everything from their dance moves, to their outfits, to their vocals is amazing. And watching Donna try to keep her composure after she sees that Sam, Bill, and Harry are watching her is just the cherry on top. Her face is full of pure panic, but she won’t let that stop her from finishing the performance. Of course, the men’s arrival turns the night hectic. We’re treated to two other upbeat tunes - “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)” and “Voulez-Vous” - as each one realizes he might be Sophie’s father. It’s safe to say her hen party was more eventful than most, and not for the usual reasons!
#16: “When I Kissed the Teacher”
“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” (2018)
In the sequel, we meet a young Donna arriving fashionably late to her university graduation. She begins to give her valedictory speech, and it’s a good one. But she really turns it up a notch when starts singing “When I Kissed the Teacher” on stage and pulls off an outfit change! The Dynamos join in, and pretty soon the whole graduating class is singing and dancing too. Plus, who could forget the moment when the Vice-Chancellor jumps in? With this performance, Donna made sure her graduation was unforgettable, to put it mildly. Plus, this fun and lively number gives viewers a sense of her carefree and fun-loving nature, setting the tone for the rest of the story.
#15: “Our Last Summer”
“Mamma Mia!” (2008)
Much of the first “Mamma Mia!” movie revolves around Sophie wondering who of Sam, Bill or Harry is her real father. While we never find out, she does get to know them throughout the course of the story. As such, they all truly grow to love each other like family by the end. We see that bond forming when they are out on the water together singing “Our Last Summer.” In this number, Sam, Bill, and Harry recall the time they spent with Donna in their youth, giving Sophie a glimpse into the past she’s been desperately seeking. It’s a calm and melodious number that provides some insight into the men’s personalities, while also being extremely charming to watch.
#14: “Money, Money, Money”
“Mamma Mia!” (2008)
Donna is a self-reliant and independent woman who takes care of everything and everyone around her. It’s an admirable trait, but it’s understandably not easy to single-handedly run the hotel as she does. Everything from the toilets to the blinds is falling apart. Her frustration culminates in this tune. First, she laments her lack of financial stability despite all the hard work she puts in day in and day out. It then turns to her dreaming of a life of wealth and luxury, which is super fun and engaging. Not only does this number provide entertainment and important social commentary. It also helps us understand Donna a little bit better.
#13: “Angel Eyes”
“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” (2018)
After Sophie and Sky hit a rough patch, she is heartbroken. Since Donna has passed away, she can’t go to her for motherly advice. But thankfully, Tanya and Rosie are there and love her as if she were their own. As Sophie asks Rosie what went wrong between her and Bill, they begin singing “Angel Eyes.” The song itself is made even better by the way the two friends start it off: by interrupting each other. Tanya constantly interjects as Rosie is telling the story. It’s certainly a comical testament to how well they know each other. The lyrics, combined with the women’s actions on-screen - with their wine and cake - makes for an enjoyable time despite the underlying sadness of the situation.
#12: “Andante, Andante”
“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” (2018)
Donna sings this slow-paced tune in an effort to get hired as a performer at the local bar. But while it’s technically an audition, she’s mostly singing to Sam. Through this moment, we see that there is something special growing between them. The song has a steady energy, and the romantic way in which they look at each other as she sings is enough to make anyone’s heart melt. As they leave the bar, the track continues. They walk on the beach, effortlessly graze hands, and finally share a kiss at the night’s end. While there is never really any doubt about it, it’s impossible to deny that Sam and Donna are meant to be after this point.
#11: “Honey, Honey”
“Mamma Mia!” (2008)
Towards the start of the first film, we see Sophie in possession of her mother’s diary. Naturally, she tells her friends about the three possible fathers she has uncovered. That’s where this playful melody comes in. As Sophie sings “Honey, Honey” - while periodically pausing to read Donna’s diary entries - she’s bursting with hope and anticipation. It’s undoubtedly an exciting and seductive number, but this moment in the film also serves an important practical purpose. It’s through this track that viewers understand the central premise of the movie. The way that they packed all that exposition into such an exuberant box is a really, really big bonus for us all.
#10: “Why Did It Have to Be Me?”
“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” (2018)
One of the best parts of “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” is how it shows us Donna’s youth. As we witness the origins of her relationships, we’re treated to stellar musical numbers. Who could forget her and Harry’s quirky and extravagant performance of “Waterloo”? And her duet with Bill is just as, if not more, alluring. “Why Did It Have To Be Me?” is emblematic of the relationship between the two: dynamic and fun-loving. In other words, this number showcases their flirtatiousness perfectly. Plus, their vibrant rendition of the song makes us dance in our seats alongside them. Of course, neither Bill nor Harry ended up being the one for Donna. But that didn’t make their performances any less riveting to watch!
#9: “Knowing Me, Knowing You”
“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” (2018)
Donna’s newfound relationship with Sam has her feeling elated. We see a lightness in her steps as she takes a stroll while singing “The Name of the Game.” Of course, it all comes crashing down when she finds a picture of Sam and his fiance at the song’s end. This leads to us seeing the moment we had always known was coming for the first time: their relationship’s end. As he comes clean and she breaks up with him, the two sing “Knowing Me, Knowing You,” a captivating yet sorrowful song. It’s a number filled with heartbreak and anguish as they go their separate ways despite the clear love they share.
#8: “I’ve Been Waiting for You”
“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” (2018)
In this sentimental number, Sophie gets to fulfill a lifelong dream of hers: singing with the Dynamos. With her mother’s absence, she takes center stage in the group. At this point in the movie, she has just discovered that she is pregnant. Thus, this number is above all a serenade for her unborn baby. Despite the sadness of Donna not being there to share the moment, there is joy because she gave Sophie everything she needs to be a good mother. In a way, they are connected through this pregnancy. This point is emphasized further since, in parallel to Sophie singing this touching melody, we see Donna go into labor in the past. As we watch their stories intertwine, we can’t help but feel moved.
#7: “Slipping Through My Fingers”
“Mamma Mia!” (2008)
As Donna helps a stressed out Sophie get ready for her wedding, she begins to sing this gentle tune. It’s a touching moment, to put it mildly. For Donna, this song is all about how time flies too fast as she contemplates how quickly her daughter has grown up. It’s hard not to get nostalgic watching Meryl Streep bring this number to life with a quiet melancholy in her voice. It’s a simple and understated number, which is actually what makes it so beautifully engaging. There are no bells or whistles here; just a mother and daughter bonding and trying to make the moment last.
#6: “Lay All Your Love on Me”
“Mamma Mia!” (2008)
Sophie and Sky never fail to deliver an entertaining duet. In the second movie, they sing “One of Us,” together but apart, after a big fight. It’s certainly a notable number, complete with split screens and heartbreak. But it’s their more upbeat duet from the first film we find ourselves revisiting time and time again. As they sing “Lay All Your Love On Me” on the beach, we get a glimpse of how adventurous and in love they are. The number is full of passion and life, just like their relationship. Not to mention their chemistry is palpable! As they part ways to go to their bachelor and bachelorette parties, we’re left feeling excited about their relationship.
#5: “My Love, My Life”
“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” (2018)
In the final moments of the sequel, we see a juxtaposition of both timelines as Donna takes Sophie to be baptized as Sophie does the same for her child. Then, in a soul-stirring moment, Sophie sees her late mother, and the two sing this poignant duet about their unbreakable bond. Donna may be gone, but this number proves that her impact will last forever. There is a sense that everything will be okay, and that Donna is watching over Sophie. Not to mention it’s Meryl Streep’s first appearance in the movie, which makes it even more impactful. This film took viewers through a roller coaster of emotions. In many ways, this number was the culmination of all of them. In other words, we cried.
#4: “The Winner Takes It All”
“Mamma Mia!” (2008)
As we mentioned, Sam spends much of the movie trying to get Donna to talk to him. We saw it with “SOS,” and we see it again towards the end of the film before Sophie’s wedding. Once again, she stops him. That’s when she begins belting “The Winner Takes It All.” It’s a truly powerful number that always leaves us unable to look away from our screens. It’s devastating to see both her and Sam so clearly heartbroken. As per usual, Meryl Streep delivers an absolutely flawless performance here. As Donna, she infuses the song with a perfect blend of sadness and intensity, which makes it mesmerizing to watch.
#3: “I Have a Dream”
“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” (2018)
A central part of “Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” is the parallels between Donna’s life in the past, and Sophie’s in the present. After all, Sophie makes it her mission to fulfill her mother’s dream by restoring the hotel. She turns it into what Donna always dreamed it could be. This number is emblematic of that. We watch a young Donna sing as she’s enthralled by the possibilities around her despite the damaged state of everything. It’s contrasted with Sophie, Rosie, and Tanya, walking through the finished hotel. The past and present collide in an extraordinary way through “I Have a Dream,” and it’s emotional. We see that while Donna has passed away, her legacy lives on through her daughter.
#2: “Mamma Mia”
“Mamma Mia!” (2008)
There’s a sense of agitation and shock as Donna sings this tune. It’s fitting, considering she’s just discovered Sam, Bill, and Harry are at her hotel. How else is a girl supposed to react when three of her ex-boyfriends from decades ago show up unannounced? She’s curious but afraid to see what they are up to throughout the number, which makes for some pretty hilarious moments. The track is featured in the sequel as well when Donna sings it alongside the Dynamos after Sam breaks her heart. While it starts off delicately, it turns into a party pretty fast. There’s a pressure that comes with being the song these iconic films are named after. But in both cases, the numbers definitely delivered!
#1: “Dancing Queen”
“Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again” (2018)
In the first movie, Donna's friends sing “Dancing Queen” to cheer her up. It doesn’t take long before she, and the rest of the villa, join in. From the ABBA cameo to the thrilling moment where they jump in the water, it’s epic. And it’s the jubilant excitement this moment provides that makes the track’s appearance in the sequel so special (x-ref). In the second movie, things are looking a little grim. That is, until the exhilarating moment where “Dancing Queen” plays and Bill, Harry, and boatloads of people - including Sky - arrive. As everyone reunites in this pivotal ensemble number, a sense of hope, positivity, and pure fun prevails. From the moment we hear the tune’s first notes, we have a smile glued to our faces.