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Top 20 My Hero Academia Quirks

Top 20 My Hero Academia Quirks
VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman WRITTEN BY: Jonathan Alexander
They're the pinnacle of anime superpowers. Join Ashley as we count down our picks for the best abilities from across the My Hero Academia franchise, including the likes of "One for All", "Explosion", "Rabbit", and more!
Script written by Jonathan Alexander

#20: Rabbit

If there’s one thing we know for certain, it’s that Mirko really knows how to hop to it. Much like other appearance-altering quirks, Rabbit gives the Number Five Pro Hero all the physical attributes of, you guessed it, a rabbit. Honestly, it sounds a bit lame - until you see Mirko in action, that is. No matter if their top-class villains or impenetrable Nomu, Mirko’s kicks can grind any adversary into dust bunnies. With this quirk up her sleeve, she can skip leg day any time she wants. Clearly, Rabbit has her covered.

#19: Manifest

You know the saying, ‘you are what you eat’? Well, Suneater’s quirk takes that idea and runs with it. When he eats calamari for breakfast, he has octopus fingers by lunch. Now, multiply that by everything food imaginable, and it’s no wonder Suneater is one of U.A. High School’s Big Three. His abilities stack, too. On any given day, Suneater can march into battle with a bird’s wings, a horse’s hooves, and skin as hard as a clam. The world is his oyster; somewhat literally. Suneater’s only limited by his own creativity. Well, that, and his digestive track.

#18: Foldabody

No matter if you’re behind closed doors or made of titanium, there’s no hiding from a quirk like Foldabody. It lets the user flatten and morph themself into any form they desire. With some ingenuity, Pro Hero Edgeshot uses it to sneak past security systems, heavy-duty armor, and even impervious skin. He isn’t one for mercy, either. Using his ninja-like precision, the hero can fold himself into a needle and slice enemy organs faster than they can say “ouch.” In the right hands, Foldabody is quick, effective, and deadly. There’s never been a better reason to stay on Edgeshot’s good side.

#17: Fiber Master

Anyone who says you can’t have style and substance has never met Best Jeanist. His quirk, Fiber Master, grants him complete control over any threadlike material in the vicinity. Most notably, clothing. His ability is good for patching up rips in a hero suit, restraining villains where they stand, and looking stylish as hell the whole way through. Best Jeanist’s superpower is versatile enough to get just about any job done. Unless you’re fighting him in the nude, losing to his mastery of fiber is more a matter of when, not if.

#16: Hardening

Sticks and stones may break his bones, but… actually, scratch that. Nothing’s breaking any part of Red Riot. With a quirk like Hardening, he can stiffen his body to withstand fists, bullets, and explosions without so much as a wince. Trust us, villains have tried. On the flip side, Red Riot’s dense body can pack quite the punch. Especially once he activates his monstrous “Unbreakable” mode. Together, Hardening is the perfect defense and a devastating offense all rolled into one, simple quirk. After all, he may not crack under the pressure, but his enemies sure will.

#15: Permeation

There’s not a single villain in the world who’d have an easy time facing Lemillion’s intangibility in battle. It’s not a matter of skill; Permeation is just that strong. By passing between matter, Lemillion can strike from any blindspot at will. Counterattacks don’t work, either. Lemillion can selectively change his corporeal form in an instant, making him impossible to hit or dodge. Permeation takes a serious amount of skill to use effectively, and that just makes Lemillion’s resume all the more impressive. It’s no wonder he single handedly wrecked class 1-A; this quirk is on another level.

#14: Fat Absorption

It may not look like it, but Fat Gum has a pretty powerful trick up his sleeve. Or, rather, his rolls. Turns out, his so-called fat is also capable of absorbing and redirecting energy. In layman’s terms, he’s a rubber shield that hits back. Even then, that’s just scratching the surface of Fat Gum’s overweight potential. Villains have been known to get stuck in his expanse on more than a few occasions. That’s even better when you consider his special move, “Fataxi,” lets him hold heroes in his gut, too. Crook’s, beware. No one gets through Fat Absorption without a fight.

#13: Engine

The Iida family are known for many things: high-intellect, an abundance of sidekicks, badass power armour, and Quirks that turn their legs into miniature rockets. Able to unleash bursts of force from the exhaust pipes on the back of his legs, Iida can reach incredible speeds, enabling him to literally run circles around his foes. He’s also able to deliver one hell of a kick when the moment calls for it, one that packing more horsepower than a high end sports cars. Don’t take our word for it… Stain’s face says it all.

#12: Overhaul

Untold destruction is kind of Kai Chisaki’s M.O.. Surprisingly, though, he’s just as much of a builder, provided he has the right material. Thanks to his namesake quirk, Overhaul, the Shie Hassaikai leader can break down and reassemble any kind of matter he puts his hands on; and we do mean any kind. Living organisms included. Considering the destructive capabilities of his quirk, calling Overhaul a mere “villain” feels like a serious understatement. This guy is a walking catastrophe waiting to happen. We’re with Eri on this one, Overhaul is frightening on principle alone.

#11: Erasure

Never let it be said that this hard-nosed teacher doesn’t care about his students. Able to cancel the Quirks of others just maintaining eye contact, the veteran hero known as Eraserhead is able to instantly disable any incoming threat, just do long as he doesn’t blink. Combine that with exceptional fighting skills and use of capture scarfs, and this homeroom tutor is easily able to waste hordes of encroaching enemies. Sure, he has to constantly use eyedrops to keep his powers up to par, but we’d say it was a small price to pay to be able to neutralize a foe with just a death glare.

#10: Bloodcurdle

In a lesser villain’s hands, the power to paralyze a foe by ingesting their blood could be seen as unhelpful and far too difficult to make use of. Unless of course, you’re the Hero Killer Stain, in which blood sippin’ essentially becomes an art form. Due to his incredible agility and mastery of bladed weaponry, Stain has shown that he is easily able to get himself a sample of an enemy’s blood whenever he needs it. Of course, the far more frightening aspect comes from what happens after he’s imprisoned his victims in their own bodies…

#9: Zero Gravity

Hard to believe that someone as sweet as Uraraka has such a devastating Quirk to her name. Able to alter the gravity around her, Deku’s biggest fan has shown herself capable of not only levitating, but also raising up multiple tonnes of debris like they were balloons. While extended use can sometimes cause her to suffer terrible nausea, Uraraka’s determination and training has led her to develop her Quirk to the point that she can rain down hell on her opponent, turning any gathered debris into wannabe meteors!

#8: Dark Shadow

Why fight alone when you can have a creature of pure darkness come out to aid you in battle? Tokoyami’s fiendish little friend takes the form of a sentient shadow that he can summon out of his body at any time, one that can strike out at foes from any and all angles. While originally weakened by sunlight and becoming uncontrollable at night, Tokoyami has managed to evolve his Quirk to the point that it can take the form of a badass set of shadow armour. He may be edgey as hell, but how’s that for revelry in the dark?

#7: Fierce Wings

Compared to what other heroes are working with, a pair of feathery wings don’t sound all that impressive. But, rest assured, Hawks isn’t ranked the Number Two Pro Hero for nothing. Through pure skill, he makes something as simple as flight look positively unfair in combat. Although, that’s probably because flying isn’t actually his full quirk. Instead, Fierce Wings gives Hawks telekinetic control over dozens of feathers, each of which can act independently if need be. As Twice will attest, they don’t tickle, either. Heads up, if you see it raining feathers, it’s already too late.

#6: Hellfire

As you can imagine, things get a bit toasty when you can summon and manipulate earth-melting flames. But, what Endeavor lacks in subtly he makes up for in pure spectacle. Hellfire is every bit as overpowered as it sounds. Let’s put it this way; if you value your eyebrows, you’ll want to be at least a few blocks away from Endeavor’s Prominence Burn attack. His flames will completely incinerate anything nearby, whether they’re Nomu, Shigaraki, or something else. With that kind of firepower, there’s no question that the Todoroki family runs hot in more ways than one.

#5: Explosion

Don’t let Bakugo’s violent nature fool you into thinking that he’s a one trick pony when it comes to his Quirk; this rookie hero knows how to handle his kabooms. By turning his sweat into nitro-glycerine, Bakugo can not only unleash a rapid barrage of eruptions from his hands, but he’s also trained himself to alter their form for any occasion. He can let off smaller bursts that allows him to take flight, can create a destructive beam in the form of the AP Shot, and of course can destroy everything in sight with the unstoppable magnitude of the Howitzer Impact.

#4: Decay

How fitting that a man whose soul is filled with corruption has the power to rot everything he touches. Resident antagonist and hand enthusiast Shigaraki has shown on numerous occasions that all he needs is just one chance to get his hand on someone, and the flesh just cracks away like plaster. Given how he’s still yet to show the full force of his Quirk, we have a feeling that it’s only a matter of time before the new leader of the League of Villains comes back with a much more potent way of decaying the bodies of his enemies.

#3: Half Cold Half-Hot

We would say that Todoroki was being greedy by keeping two elemental powers to himself, but given how he turns every fight into either frozen wasteland or hellscape we can’t help but look on in awe. With each arm acting as a conduit for a specific element, Todoroki has every chance of surpassing his father’s power of Hellfire in the ol’ destruction department. After all, we’ve seen him put a small army of ninja blokes on ice as well as unleash a firestorm that nearly barbecued Midoriya.

#2: All for One

To be a terrifying villain in the world of My Hero Academia, you need a look that makes even pro-heroes evacuate their bowels in fear, as well as near unstoppable Quirk. Thankfully for All for One, he has both in spades. Not only is he able to steal the abilities of his victims and leave them as nothing more than Quirkless husks, but he can freely stack and combine them all at his own leisure. The result of all this twisted experimentation has allowed the criminal mastermind to knock even juggernauts like All Might around like flies.

#1: One for All

As if it would be anything else. Passed down from generation to generation, this all-encompassing Quirk grants the user the strength to stand tall as the Symbol of Peace…while also smashing the everloving crap out of villains with a Plus Ultra punch. All Might and Deku have both shown just how potent this Quirk can be, especially when combined with their unyielding willpower. Having only escalated with the handing down from mentor to protégé, we can’t wait to see how Deku plans to one up the United States of Smash!

Which “My Hero” quirk would you want in real life? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!
