Top 20 Most Shocking The Crown Moments

#20: Elizabeth Rejects a Birthday Invitation
“Persona Non Grata”
Not all shocks on “The Crown” are necessarily surprising. With the end of Charles and Camilla’s respective marriages, the Prince plans a party for his mistress’s 50th birthday. Really, it’s about displaying the genuineness of their relationship to win over the public. As essential as the Queen’s attendance would be, she politely declines the invitation due to a prior engagement. Of course, it’s obvious that she just doesn’t want to be seen condoning her son’s infamous infidelity. Charles and Elizabeth’s meeting is passive-aggressively tense, merely confirming the latter’s disapproval of Camilla. Still, it chillingly exposes the conflict between the Queen’s moral image and her complicated feelings about Charles’s judgment. After everything with Camilla, this standoff foreshadows the final season’s clash between mother and son.
#19: Charles and Diana Reunite After Her First Solo Trip
Princess Di’s independent stardom is solidified by a solo trip to New York. Meanwhile, her husband Charles proposes to Camilla, who fears their marriage would never be accepted by the public. Her heartbreak awkwardly becomes the center of Charles and Diana’s argument after they reunite. When Diana asks why she should care about her husband’s mistress, he simply exclaims, [“Because I care about her!”]. The ensuing rant makes clear where his heart lies. As degrading as this confrontation is for Diana, it affirms that this loveless marriage is also tragic for Charles. Already set a year after Diana’s first solo trip in real-life, this scene obviously isn’t about accuracy. It’s about expressing how much her “fairytale marriage” hurt everyone.
#18: Fire at Windsor Castle
“Annus Horribilis”
A few days before the Queen's Ruby Jubilee in 1992, a fire at Windsor Castle caused tens of millions of pounds worth of damage. “The Crown” not only dramatizes this disaster with harrowing production values, but creatively utilizes it in the story. Princess Margaret even suggests that this disaster could have been arson. While it was ultimately attributed to a spotlight sparking onto a curtain, the fire proved an apt metaphor for tension in the Windsor family. Queen Elizabeth certainly saw it as proper punctuation for what she called an “annus horribilis”, Latin for “horrible year”. After all, 1992 delivered plenty of drama leading up to this devastating symbolic set piece.
#17: A Question of Fidelity
Elizabeth’s longtime friendship with Lord Porchester finally pushes Philip to air his jealousies. He even stoops to vulgarity when questioning his wife's fidelity. Later, before the couple leave for Churchill’s birthday dinner, Elizabeth breaks the awkward silence by admitting that a marriage to Porchey would probably be easier. However, inconveniently, Philip is the only man she's ever loved. Her biting but sincere expression finally puts this form of domestic tension to rest. That is, until the Profumo affair sparks rumors about the company Philip keeps. He maintains his innocence and love for Elizabeth, as history supports. Either way, she manages her suspicions more gracefully than he had in the past.
#16: The Terror of the London Smog
“Act of God”
For the first three episodes, “The Crown” strictly focuses on the epic drama within the new monarch’s court. Then, “Act of God” follows with a practically apocalyptic dramatization of the “Great Smog of 1952”. Five days of visible air pollution caused distress and thousands of deaths across London. The show not only captures the historic pandemonium, but skillfully frames it as the first major public crisis under Queen Elizabeth’s reign. It was shocking enough that the show changed narrative direction to become a more episodic period piece. And with the effectiveness of the production and Elizabeth’s empathy for the people, audiences could really see the urgency of the Clean Air Act of 1956.
#15: The Paparazzi Take Diana and Dodi Public
“Two Photographs”
Diana Spencer’s media stardom with the royal family became a curse with her great love post-divorce. She’s on a humanitarian mission in Bosnia when a press conference is hijacked by questions about Egyptian playboy Dodi Fayed. His romance with Diana was formally declared by a photo of them kissing on a yacht. The show speculates that Dodi’s father Mohamed tipped off the paparazzi, having manipulated the relationship to serve his status. What's more accurate is that Diana was devastated by the press turning on her. This humiliating conference was just the beginning of a media circus that would be the death of the couple. At least the show’s later liberty of Dodi proposing to Diana redeemed the relationship behind the scandal.
#14: The Execution of the Romanovs
“Ipatiev House”
It’s definitely a surprise when this episode opens with a different royal family. In 1917, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his family were executed by Bolshevik revolutionaries at Ipatiev House. As infamous as this tragedy was, “The Crown” dramatizes it with uniquely graphic violence. The indignity of the Romanovs’ death and disrespectful burial represents their humanity on dark terms. King George V would forever regret not sending forces to rescue his cousin Nicholas. In 1992, his descendant Elizabeth delivers some closure by persuading Boris Yeltsin to give the Romanovs a proper burial. Still, the earlier juxtaposition of George’s leisure and Nicholas’s gruesome demise offer a sobering reminder of such powerful figures’ mortality.
#13: Diana’s Brakes Fail
“No Woman’s Land”
“The Crown” doesn't like to humor the darkest rumors about the Windsors, until Princess Diana confirms a few in an interview for “Panorama”. Her exposé of the royal family's dysfunction was such a historic scandal that she feared for her life. The show portrays that with Diana driving through an intersection when her car brakes stall. She comes to a safe stop, but is overwhelmed by paranoid suspicions of sabotage. While this scene is supposedly based on a real-life incident, it bluntly foreshadows Diana’s death in a car accident two years later. Some viewers found this creative liberty to be in bad taste. In any case, it's a startling metaphor for Diana's tragic state with the Windsors and the public.
#12: Charles and Camilla’s Intimate Phone Call
“The Way Ahead”
Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles’s affair came out in the most embarrassing way in 1993. But “The Crown” really captures the revelation as devastating for the royal family. They're all shown reading the Daily Mirror’s published transcript of a leaked phone conversation between Charles and Camilla. Their love story is formally introduced to the public as steamy banter between the beloved Princess Di’s husband and his mistress. Crassly dubbed “tampongate”, this scandal is obviously a stark departure from the show’s mostly elevated dialogue. Still, it's effectively framed as a key plot point, a violation that cruelly misrepresents the couple to the world. Moreover, it further humiliates Diana and draws Charles’s family from his true love.
#11: Charles Tries to Push the Queen Out
“Queen Victoria Syndrome”
Public polls in 1991 suggest waning faith in Queen Elizabeth due to the longevity of her reign. Hence, “Queen Victoria Syndrome”. Charles, however, is generally regarded as a qualified potential king for his progressive image. He brings that up in conversation with John Major, as well as Edward VII’s great but brief reign after Victoria’s death. The new prime minister recognizes what the Prince is implying. But he doesn't bend to Charles’s increasingly aggressive suggestion that they push his mother to abdicate. This tense meeting sets the tone for a new age of Charles asserting his claim to the throne. What's more eerie is that this episode came out just two months after Elizabeth’s death, 31 years after said meeting.
#10: Philip Issues a Warning to Diana
As a fellow outsider, Prince Philip was always Diana’s greatest ally. However, when she declares that she wants out of the royal family, this changes almost instantly. Taken aback by her defiance, he realizes that they’re not as alike as he first thought. The atmosphere turns ominous as Prince Philip issues a threatening warning. Our foresight makes this moment even more sinister, especially considering the rumors that would later emerge. As he leaves, Diana realizes she is now more alone than ever and decides that she must raise her shields. And of course, as we know, this is just the beginning.
#9: The Queen Unveils Her Political Side
It’s practically unheard of for the constitutional monarchy to interfere with politics. But the Queen vocalizes her disapproval when Margaret Thatcher refuses to join the Commonwealth in condemning apartheid. Rumors of a rift between them were already buzzing and it doesn’t help that Elizabeth decides to fuel the rumor mill, despite her press secretary’s warnings. Inevitably, the story erupts, leaving the Queen to face public backlash and of course, Thatcher’s wrath. Immediate damage control gets underway to rectify this royal faux-pas. But, to save face, Michael Shea is dismissed from his post before he can even utter “I told you so.”.
#8: Lord Mountbatten’s Death
“Gold Stick”
The first episode of season four briefly addresses the Troubles that afflicted the United Kingdom and Ireland. We follow the various Royals as they enjoy some downtime during the 1979 August Bank Holiday weekend. “Dickie” embarks on a family fishing trip, but not before writing a heartfelt letter to his beloved great-nephew. While the sense of foreboding never disappears, nothing can quite prepare you for this explosive climax. The provisional IRA claimed responsibility for the attack that claimed the lives of several onboard, including two teenagers. Even if you remember that fateful day, it’s no less startling to watch here.
#7: The Tragic Past of Princess Alice
Struggling to bounce back from their panned BBC documentary, Princess Anne sneakily gets a journalist to interview her grandmother, Princess Alice. He uncovers so many unimaginable details about her painful past and still, they only just cover the tip of the iceberg. She was born deaf, diagnosed with schizophrenia, and committed to a mental institution, where she was mistreated by psychoanalysts. She endured so much, overcame immense obstacles, and made incredible sacrifices for the good of others. Her story is as heartbreaking as it is extraordinary, and it’s shocking that this interview is fictional because she deserves to have her story known.
#6: Buckingham Palace Has a Spy
While suspicions are raised over a potential KGB spy infiltrating Downing Street, the real culprit is right under the Queen’s nose, showing her artwork. Sir Anthony Blunt is revealed to be part of the Cambridge Five, a ring of spies who leaked confidential information to the Soviet Union. Almost unbelievably, security chooses to turn a blind eye just to save face and protect ties with the U.S. While Elizabeth subtly drops hints about his treachery during their next meeting, Philip opts for a more “blunt” approach. But he’s stopped in his tracks when Sir Anthony drops another bombshell revelation.
#5: Camilla & Diana Have Lunch
Audiences were surprised to learn that Diana and Camilla really did meet for lunch. Although, reality probably wasn’t quite as scandalous as “The Crown’s” imagining of the event. Bored and lonely, Diana takes Camilla up on a lunch date invitation and the pair meet at a restaurant called, “Ménage à Trois”. While there, Camilla makes numerous digs at the future princess, while either choosing to ignore or being completely oblivious of her increasing irritation. Diana was well aware of Camilla and Charles’ prior relationship. But at this moment, she realizes that while she might have the ring, Camilla ain’t going anywhere either.
#4: The Queen Discovers Her Uncle’s Dark Past
Years after abdicating the throne, the Duke of Windsor starts growing wary of non-palace life. However, his plans to rally support for his restoration instantly evaporate due to the revelation of “The Marburg Files”. The documents uncovered his ties with top-rank Nazis as well as a plot to put him back on the throne. The evidence against him is harrowing as Elizabeth learns just how far he was willing to go simply to wear the crown once again. It’s no wonder the Royals tried to keep this evidence from the public, as it’s too heinous to even imagine that this could have happened.
#3: The Aberfan Disaster
This season three episode is dedicated to the real-life tragedy that wiped out almost an entire generation of Aberfan’s youth. On this fateful day in October 1966, an avalanche of coal waste hurtled into the village, destroying everything in its path and taking the lives of 116 children and 28 adults. The depiction of the funeral is particularly heart wrenching and will stay with you long after the end credits roll. While the village mourns, the government focuses on deflecting blame, and the Queen is nowhere in sight. In 2002, the Queen reportedly described her delayed response as her “biggest regret”.
#2: The Royal Cousins
“The Hereditary Principle”
This revelation from season four left us scooping our jaws up off the ground. In an episode that puts a spotlight on mental health, Princess Margaret discovers that cousins she long-thought to be dead were alive and living in a care facility. To make matters worse, we are just as horrified as she is when the Queen Mother justifies the family’s decision to essentially erase all memory of the pair from public knowledge. While many elements of this episode are fabricated, there is a foundation of truth behind it, which came as a great shock to many viewers, too.
#1: The Queen Breaks Her Promise to Princess Margaret
Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend’s whirlwind affair had its fair share of obstacles in season one. But it seemed that the dust was finally settling and, with the Queen’s blessing, the nuptials could go ahead. Little did she know, however, that their mother had been conspiring with the government to make sure that this marriage wouldn’t happen. Elizabeth is backed into a corner, forced to decide between her promise to her sister and her duty to the Church. As Elizabeth breaks the news to her sister, we can almost feel Margaret’s heartbreak, utter devastation, and the agonizing pangs of betrayal.
What do you think were the most resonant moments from “The Crown”? Give your decree in the comments.