Top 5 Myths About The Vagina
One afternoon of “sex ed class” sadly doesn't do this organ justice. Welcome to WatchMojo's Top 5 Myths. In today's instalment we're counting down the Top 5 Myths About The Vagina.
Special thanks to our user Ashjbow for submitting the idea on our interactive suggestion tool: WatchMojo.comsuggest
#5: The G-Spot is the Key To Pleasure
First “discovered” in the 1940s by Dr. Ernest Gränfenberg, this alleged erogenous area was touted as the key to female pleasure, and it’s been complicating things ever since. Why? Because people talk about it as fact, and treat it as the default internal pleasure point, leading countless couples to quest for it rather just doing what feels right. A 2014 study by the Tor Vergata University in Italy suggests that the “g-spot” is a seriously misleading concept. They found that vaginal stimulation stems from the CUV complex, a system including the clitoris, urethra and anterior vaginal wall. Other researchers have identified a U-spot, A-spot, and O-spot as potential pleasure points.
#4: Body Type and Vaginal Tightness Are Connected
So-Called experts with low self-esteem love to suggest that petite, thin girls will have equally petite, “tight” vaginas, and in the same breath, espouse utter nonsense about tall, broad-shouldered, or heavier set women having bigger, more spacious (ie. less pleasurable) vaginas. According to Janice Hiller, a clinical psychologist specializing in psychosexual and relationship therapy, there is zero truth to such beliefs. She says that the only thing a thinner woman is likely to have is a smaller pelvic structure. While that might make childbirth more challenging for them, it has nothing to do with vaginal tightness.
#3: "Looseness" is a Measure of Promiscuity
We wish that vagina size wasn’t worthy of two myths… but sadly, it is. Call it “locker room talk”, but when you call a woman loose because she’s had numerous sexual partners, it’s slut-shaming, plain and simple. And while the big boys have been projecting the idea that “promiscuity makes the female body degrade” on to women for centuries, it simply isn’t true. A vagina does not get “worn out”. How would a woman’s history with many different men many make her less tight? Wouldn’t a woman who frequently has sex with a single partner become equally loose by that logic? The fact of the matter is, the vagina expands to accommodate penises of various size, then returns to normal - the end.
#2: Squirting is Female Ejaculation
Porn can be a fun tool in the bedroom for couples looking to spice things up. But sadly, it’s also resulted in some very unrealistic expectations. Be it in penis size, or elsewhere, those who watch porn often expect… too much. Like squirting. It’s been called female ejaculation, and often gets treated like some unicorn of female orgasms. Well, according to a 2014 study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine… it’s pee. Women who “squirt” were subjected to an ultrasound while climaxing, and then the liquid’s composition was tested. All signs point to urine. This doesn’t mean squirting is fake - it just means some women involuntarily empty their bladders when orgasming, and it shouldn’t be a measure of climax quality.
#1: All Women Can Have Vaginal Orgasms
As we’ve learned, the vagina is a complex organ with the potential for incredible pleasure, but every woman responds to genital stimulation in different ways. While the vaginal, or penetrative orgasm, is often touted as some sort of super orgasm, similar to the g-spot, people can’t even agree whether it exists or not. French gynecologist Odile Buisson has called internal and external orgasms one and the same. Psychologist Barry Komisaruk, argues that clitoral and vaginal orgasms trigger different responses in the brain. Regardless, it’s been estimated that 80% of women can’t orgasm from penetration alone, and studies suggests that it’s likely a simple question of anatomy - every vagina gets off on different things.