The 10 WORST Rewards for Lengthy Side Quests

VOICE OVER: Ty Richardson
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
Although we were rewarded for these side quests, the prizes were pretty disappointing. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we're taking a look at the rewards from side missions that were not worth the effort. Our list of the worst rewards for lengthy side quests includes Hestu's Gift from “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” (2017), the Auditore Cape from “Assassin's Creed II” (2009), a Certifcate from the “Pokemon” series (1996-), Riddler's phone call from “Batman: Arkham Asylum” (2009), and more!
Welcome to MojoPlays, and today, we’re taking a look at the rewards from side missions that were not worth the effort.
We aren’t opposed to the occasional side quest that demands a small collection of materials. It's basically a small scavenger hunt, you know? But when you make us go out and do so repeatedly, that’s where things start getting annoying. Case in point, the “Seeking Your Roots” quest in “Oblivion”. At first, finding ten Nirnroots is a simple task. But then Sinderion keeps asking for more and more and more. In total, you’ll have brought him one hundred Nirnroots. And for what? Some unbelievably weak elixirs. We would have accepted literal snake oil instead.
We all know part of “Pokemon’s” appeal is in trying to catch every pocket monster that appears in each game. But how many of us really went above and beyond for that complete Pokedex? For the few that did, all they got were certificates of completion from Professors. The rest of us who skipped out and ended after beating the Elite Four got to spend our extra time with other games or going for a second campaign. Seriously, why go for a digital certificate that only has the function of being printed on receipt paper? Did anyone even have that Game Boy Printer to get what little satisfaction was here?
Look, we don’t want to diss this too badly. The Auditore Cape is kind of sick in design. Ideal for wearing while running around guards and such? No, not in the slightest. Wearing this around the city will immediately alert guards and instantly max out your wanted level. And you got this fine suit by collecting all of the feathers in the game. Hope you love the combat enough to go through such an arduous task.
Black Dragon Kalameet is known as one of the many bosses that will wipe the floor with you with a massive range of attacks at his disposal. One would think defeating this scaly beast would net you an invaluable item, like a new sword or impenetrable shield. Alas, no. What you get is the Calamity Ring, which is perhaps the biggest middle finger of any “Dark Souls” game. The Calamity Ring does nothing but double the damage you receive from every enemy in the game. At least you get a massive amount of Souls from it.
We return to the world of “Elder Scrolls” once more for another collectathon that proved to be utterly pointless. The Stones of Barenziah certainly filled us with intrigue upon our first sighting of one. What mysterious power could these hold? Well, turns out it’s a part of a Thieves Guild quest, and collecting them all gives you arguably the most useless ability in the game: Prowler’s Profit. You went around collecting twenty-four stones and a crown just for an increased chance in finding gems. Huzzah.
We’ve heard this tale before, but damn, it still infuriates the few of us who actually went through the effort not knowing. “Breath of the Wild” had you searching for a ludicrous NINE HUNDRED Korok Seeds all for just a steaming golden pile of poo from Hestu. And you want to know what’s even more obnoxious? Having players do the exact same thing in the sequel, this time for a thousand seeds, and giving them the same exact “reward”! What the hell, Nintendo!?
Don’t get us wrong - we really enjoyed “Fallout 4’s” Far Harbor DLC. It’s one of the best expansions in the “Fallout” franchise. But that one quest, “Best Left Forgotten”, was a huge slap in the face. With all the turrets firing at us and the memory puzzles we had to endure, all we get from this is just a few hundred XP? Perhaps this quest really should have been forgotten.
You know, nothing on this list will be worse than collecting a thousand seeds for a piece of poo. But still, even with its card minigame, “Final Fantasy VIII” did us dirty when it came to collecting every card in the game. After the cheating Queen of Cards is finally defeated, what do we get for all of our hard work and dedication? Another card. And she just up and leaves! We don’t even get congratulations or some kind of half-assed message from the heart??
We’ll admit that the Riddler trophies aren’t as laborious to collect as the other items we’ve talked about on this list, but some of them really were a pain to get. Looking at you, perspective puzzles! And after solving all two hundred forty riddles, you get a call from Edward Nigma himself…getting arrested. And the call just ends. What do you have to show for this? A trophy or achievement. That’s it. At least it's something because our final entry…oof.
Yeah, you really get absolutely NOTHING in “GTA IV”. Well, let us elaborate. See, “GTA IV” has some weird requirement for you to reach that one hundred percent completion rating. That requirement is to shoot two hundred pigeons. TWO HUNDRED! All for a measly bump in your completion percentage! We’re just glad Rockstar didn’t pull this stunt again in future installments.
We’ve all been down this road, so tell us what side quest felt like a monumental waste of time for you. Was the reward really worth the effort? Let us know down in the comments and check out these other great videos.
A Real Garden-Variety Quest
“The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion” (2008)We aren’t opposed to the occasional side quest that demands a small collection of materials. It's basically a small scavenger hunt, you know? But when you make us go out and do so repeatedly, that’s where things start getting annoying. Case in point, the “Seeking Your Roots” quest in “Oblivion”. At first, finding ten Nirnroots is a simple task. But then Sinderion keeps asking for more and more and more. In total, you’ll have brought him one hundred Nirnroots. And for what? Some unbelievably weak elixirs. We would have accepted literal snake oil instead.
Useless Paper
“Pokemon” series (1996-)We all know part of “Pokemon’s” appeal is in trying to catch every pocket monster that appears in each game. But how many of us really went above and beyond for that complete Pokedex? For the few that did, all they got were certificates of completion from Professors. The rest of us who skipped out and ended after beating the Elite Four got to spend our extra time with other games or going for a second campaign. Seriously, why go for a digital certificate that only has the function of being printed on receipt paper? Did anyone even have that Game Boy Printer to get what little satisfaction was here?
Everybody Hates Ezio
“Assassin’s Creed II” (2009)Look, we don’t want to diss this too badly. The Auditore Cape is kind of sick in design. Ideal for wearing while running around guards and such? No, not in the slightest. Wearing this around the city will immediately alert guards and instantly max out your wanted level. And you got this fine suit by collecting all of the feathers in the game. Hope you love the combat enough to go through such an arduous task.
A Calamity From Kalameet
“Dark Souls” (2011)Black Dragon Kalameet is known as one of the many bosses that will wipe the floor with you with a massive range of attacks at his disposal. One would think defeating this scaly beast would net you an invaluable item, like a new sword or impenetrable shield. Alas, no. What you get is the Calamity Ring, which is perhaps the biggest middle finger of any “Dark Souls” game. The Calamity Ring does nothing but double the damage you receive from every enemy in the game. At least you get a massive amount of Souls from it.
Sticks & Stones (May Fill My Pockets)
“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” (2011)We return to the world of “Elder Scrolls” once more for another collectathon that proved to be utterly pointless. The Stones of Barenziah certainly filled us with intrigue upon our first sighting of one. What mysterious power could these hold? Well, turns out it’s a part of a Thieves Guild quest, and collecting them all gives you arguably the most useless ability in the game: Prowler’s Profit. You went around collecting twenty-four stones and a crown just for an increased chance in finding gems. Huzzah.
A Steaming Pile of Gold
“The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” (2017)We’ve heard this tale before, but damn, it still infuriates the few of us who actually went through the effort not knowing. “Breath of the Wild” had you searching for a ludicrous NINE HUNDRED Korok Seeds all for just a steaming golden pile of poo from Hestu. And you want to know what’s even more obnoxious? Having players do the exact same thing in the sequel, this time for a thousand seeds, and giving them the same exact “reward”! What the hell, Nintendo!?
Paid in Experience
“Fallout 4” (2015)Don’t get us wrong - we really enjoyed “Fallout 4’s” Far Harbor DLC. It’s one of the best expansions in the “Fallout” franchise. But that one quest, “Best Left Forgotten”, was a huge slap in the face. With all the turrets firing at us and the memory puzzles we had to endure, all we get from this is just a few hundred XP? Perhaps this quest really should have been forgotten.
Worse Than Fake Certificates
“Final Fantasy VIII” (1999)You know, nothing on this list will be worse than collecting a thousand seeds for a piece of poo. But still, even with its card minigame, “Final Fantasy VIII” did us dirty when it came to collecting every card in the game. After the cheating Queen of Cards is finally defeated, what do we get for all of our hard work and dedication? Another card. And she just up and leaves! We don’t even get congratulations or some kind of half-assed message from the heart??
Please Hang Up And Try Again
“Batman: Arkham Asylum” (2009)We’ll admit that the Riddler trophies aren’t as laborious to collect as the other items we’ve talked about on this list, but some of them really were a pain to get. Looking at you, perspective puzzles! And after solving all two hundred forty riddles, you get a call from Edward Nigma himself…getting arrested. And the call just ends. What do you have to show for this? A trophy or achievement. That’s it. At least it's something because our final entry…oof.
A Shitload of Nuthin’
“Grand Theft Auto IV” (2008)Yeah, you really get absolutely NOTHING in “GTA IV”. Well, let us elaborate. See, “GTA IV” has some weird requirement for you to reach that one hundred percent completion rating. That requirement is to shoot two hundred pigeons. TWO HUNDRED! All for a measly bump in your completion percentage! We’re just glad Rockstar didn’t pull this stunt again in future installments.
We’ve all been down this road, so tell us what side quest felt like a monumental waste of time for you. Was the reward really worth the effort? Let us know down in the comments and check out these other great videos.