watchmojo top ten anime angry top ten angriest anime characters

Top 10 Angriest Anime Characters

If rage is a source of strength, then it’s no wonder that these guys are some of the most beastly characters in all of anime. Whether they have suffered tremendous hardships in their lives or are just jerks who are easily thrown into violent outbursts, these ten could seriously use a chill pill.

Fair warning, there are SPOILERS AHEAD!

#10: Eren Yeager

Hey, if you watched your mother get eaten by a giant humanoid, you would be pretty annoyed too.

#9: Donquixote Donflamingo

He fell from grace and decided to take revenge on those who cast him out, hurting a whole lot of innocents in the process.

#8: Edward Elric

If you harm the innocent, then you are bound to get him riled up. Call him short and he’ll practically explode!

#7: Ira Gamagoori

We’re not sure what’s bigger; this guy’s size, his fury, or his sexual frustrations when it comes to Mako…

#6: Ryūnosuke Tanaka

Hey! Volleyball is an intense sport! Especially if you are part of Karasuno. Though this guy does seem to take his anger out on people off the court as well…

#5: Asuka Langley Soryu

While most of her anger is directed towards the invading Angels, unluckily for Shinji and Rei the rest of time they have to bare the brunt of it.

#4: Guts

After his best friend fed his comrades to a horde of demons and then violated his beloved, it’s fair to say that Guts snapped a little.

#3: Revy

There’s nothing that Lagoon Company’s resident gunslinger loves more than shooting down people who annoy her. Not to mention she swears like a sailor.

#2: Vegeta

Sayains by nature are prideful warriors who gain their strength from rage. Vegeta manages to eclipse them all in both aspects.

#1: Shizuo Heiwajima

How do you know when he’s angry? When you seen bodies raining from the sky, since he’ll have previously punched them into the stratosphere.

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