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Top 10 Anime Sword Fights

Anime and sword fights are practically synonymous with each other. After all, nothing can make a clash of blades look as epic as fluid Japanese animation, especially when the battle is between two such epic characters. But which duel is the greatest? Whose sword drank the most blood?

Fair warning, there are SPOILERS AHEAD!

#10: Kenshin vs. Shishio

Which Man Hunter is truly superior? Well, despite his mercilessness and flaming sword, Shishio is no match for the previous generation.

#9: Masamune vs. Mitsunari

Witness the beautiful madness that is Sengoku Basara. We have no idea how a guy is able to wield six swords and create giant energy glyphs, but it’s dazzling nonetheless.

#8: Saber vs. Assassin

A close quarters match that values tactics over combat, seeing Saber lose to the honourable samurai.

#7: Kirito vs. Heathcliff

Kirito manages to overcome video game death (somehow) and wins the supposedly unbeatable game by killing its creator.

#6: Ichigo vs. Ulquiorra

Utilising their Hollow abilities, these two warriors give into the inner monsters in order to end their long-lasting feud.

#5: Zoro vs. Ryuma

The swordsman of the Straw Hat pirates proves his mettle against a skilled zombie samurai!

#4: Jin vs. Mugen

Our two heroes don’t get off to the best start, both demonstrating their contrasting sword styles.

#3: Guts vs. Griffith

While it’s the least violent battle in the whole anime, the first exchange of these fated foes still packs an emotional punch.

#2. Char vs. Amuro

The rivalry between these two is so potent that a regular sword fight featuring no Mobile Suits is still epic.

#1: Gintoki vs Takasugi

Turns out that this comedic icon is also an utter badass when he wants to be. Nowhere is this more evident than when he faces off against his old ally in a bloody scuffle.

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