Featured wonder woman gal gadot batman Superman justice league movie trailer Darseid Steppenwolf Apokolips Ben Affleck

New International Trailer For Justice League Brings The Pain


Do you like the Justice League? Yes. Yes, you do. Are you EXCITED for the release of the Justice League League movie next month?

Why, yes. Yes, you are.

But hey, you’re only human, and impatience is hard to resist. Don’t worry, we got you, fam.

Check out this li’l update about a REVEALING NEW TRAILER.


Entertainment Weekly goes in:

“This world will fall like all the others.” That’s the most we’ve heard from Steppenwolf, the villain of the Justice League movie, in all the trailers put together. But the latest international preview also gives us a second interaction with this Apokolip-tic baddie.

“Please! We have families,” begs one of his victims. He replies, “Why does everyone keep telling me that?”


Ciaran Hinds gives life to Steppenwolf, who was first glimpsed by a deranged Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) in a deleted scene from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Though, he’s since remained away from the spotlight of the Justice League trailers — apart from his big toy reveal. He’s a general of Darkseid, an even bigger bad guy in the comics whose symbol was seen scorched into the earth in one of Batfleck’s desert visions. Now, he’s here to lead an invasion of earth for his dark lord and savior. That’s what all his winged parademon minions are for.

Without Superman (at least in the beginning of the film), Batman (Ben Affleck) is left to assemble a team of meta-humans with Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) to fend off this latest world-ending threat. After their brief cameo appearances in Batman v Superman, Jason Momoa’s Aquaman, Ezra Miller’s The Flash, and Ray Fisher’s Cyborg are ready to suit up. The fight will collide the worlds of humans, the Amazons on Themyscira, and the underwater kingdom of Atlantis. Justice League will open in theaters on Nov. 17. 




