No anime is perfect. Somewhere down the line there are bound to be moments, characters or plot twists that don’t sit right with you. Most of the time the series makes up for it, but then there are incidences when said moment is just so out of place that it manages to derail the whole show. These ten are prime examples of what not to do if you want to keep your fans happy!
#10: ALFheim Online
The first season of Sword Art Online had many, many flaws to its name. But turning Asuna into a damsel in distress while Kirito gets a mini-harem in the second season made this show so much worse.
#9: Ending
We had just wrapped out heads around the the EVA-Units being alive as well as all the symbolism, and then Evangelion decides to throw us a curve-ball by concluding inside Shinji’s mind. With everyone congratulating him. What?
#8: The Fillers
How many filler episodes can one series have? Well Bleach decided to go for gold by dedicating arcs upon arcs of non-canon content that just served as a pointless distraction from the actual narrative.
#7: Brock Leaves
There will never be better sidekicks in all of Pokemon than Brock and Misty. And yet for some reason the show decided to get rid of the resident ladies man. Who did they give us as a replacement? Tracy. We would have taken a Zubat over Tracy.
#6: Missing Plot Points
At risk of sounding like manga snobs, for as great as the first series of Tokyo Ghoul was, it skipped out on a fair few pieces of great content. We wouldn’t have minded if the whole thing hadn’t turned into Root A.
#5: Season Three
How do you go from one of the greatest sword fights in anime to a season filled with underwhelming filler?! We trusted you Kenshin!
#4: Satoru Doesnât Get The Girl
After travelling through time, saving his childhood friend from being killed and facing death multiple times, Satoru’s only reward upon returning to the present is the sight of his beloved Kayo as a married mother. Ouch.
#3: The Fourth Great Ninja War
Guess there is such a thing as too much action. With so many battles featuring characters we don’t care about, as well as the main villain changing hands more times than we can count, the whole war wasn’t nearly as epic as it made itself out to be.
#2: The Death of L
No matter if you preferred Light or L, it was their mental conflict that made the series what it was. Then L bit the dust, leaving only a handful of far less interesting characters left to battle against Light.
#1: Endless Eight
Eight episodes of exactly the same thing. Exactly. The. Same. This is too cruel and unusual a punishment even by Haruhi’s standards!