watchmojo top 10 video games film zelda skyrim tetris Top 10 Video Games That Should Never Be Adapted To Film

Top 10 Video Games That Should Never Be Adapted To Film

It’s fair to say that films based on video games haven’t had that much luck with fans and critics. They either fail to represent the source material, try too hard and alienate newcomers, or just end up as a cinematic abomination. With that in mind, these are the ten games we hope that studios never try to adapt!

#10: “Super Mario Bros” series (1985-)

The first time they tried this it turned out to be one of the most poorly received films of all time, there’s no need to kick a horse this dead and buried!

#9: “The Elder Scrolls” series” (1994-)

There’s literally so much content here that one movie could never do an adequate job of exploring even one of the questlines.

IT'S SKYRIM BITCH. Took about 15 minutes to make. Thumbs appreciated .. What was the video for this GIF?

#8: “Metroid” series (1986-)

Samus is a silent badass and one of the best bounty hunters the galaxy has ever known. Can you imagine what a clueless studio would do to her? We might get a live-action Other M on our hands!

#7: “Metal Gear Solid” series (1988-)

Long stealth sections, plenty of exposition, all mixed together with crazy boss battles and real-world history. We have no idea how the guys behind Kong: Skull Island are going to handle this one!

#6: “Portal” series (2007-2011)

Navigating dozens of complex puzzles in a video game? Amazing. Watching someone navigate complex puzzles in a film? Has the potential to be boring as sin.

#5: “Kingdom Hearts” series (2002-)

Even if Disney manages to get all these iconic characters in one place, good luck trying to find a balance between the narrative and all those cameos.

#4: “Grand Theft Auto” series (1997-)

While the overarching stories are always investing and filled with unforgettable characters (Trevor anyone?) its the sheer about of content and gameplay that really makes GTA special. Put it on the big screen and the whole thing could easily become a run of the mill crime/action flick.

#3: “The Legend of Zelda” series (1986-)

On the one hand you have die-hard fans who would never accept anything less than a pitch perfect representation of Link, Zelda and Ganondorf. On the other, you have the general public, who aren’t going to be as enamoured if they have to sit and watch a mostly silent protagonist make his way through the infamous Water Temple.

#2: “Monster Hunter” series (2004-)

The guy behind the Resident Evil movies has his sights set on this hit series, and we could not be more terrified. Who knows what he will do to the Meowstress!

#1: “Tetris” (1984)

How?! How are they making this into a trilogy?! It’s random blocks falling down and assembling at the bottom of the screen, that’s it!

Do you agree with our list? What video game do you think should never be adapted into a film? With new top tens published every day, be sure to subscribe to WatchMojo!
