watchmojo top 10 villains anime naruto

Top 10 Best Naruto Villains

In the world of the shinobi, conflict and death reign supreme. With so much tragedy, it’s no surprise that it managed to spawn so many complex and powerful villains dead-set on changing the world to fit their ideologies. The only thing standing in their way? One cocky blonde ninja with a demonic fox lurking inside his soul. But which of these foes proved to be Naruto’s most memorable?

Fair warning, there are MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD!

#10: Danzo Shimura

A shady figure armed with his own black ops team, his ambitions to rule the Hidden Leaf Village led him to make many questionable decisions. This just so happens to include the order for the Uchiha clan to be slaughtered.

#9: Kaguya Otsutsuki

All powerful and crammed in at the last minute, their can still be no denying that her strength makes her the ultimate threat to the shinobi world. Just wish she got a bit more development so we could enjoy her world-breaking jutsu more!

#8: Gaara

Before he was one of his closest allies, this sand-user was Naruto’s dark reflection. His mistreatment due the demon inside of him ending up turning him into a bloodthirsty monster who almost managed to bury the knucklehead ninja and his friends.

#7: Zabuza and Haku

Aside from being deadly assassins in their own right, these two taught Naruto a hard lesson about the horrors that come with being a ninja, both as enemies and as victims of conflict.

#6: Kabuto Yakushi

Behind those glasses lurks the brilliant mind of a killer. As a master spy and assassin, Kabuto might be one of the best examples in the series of a ninja and his quest to find a purpose and meaning in his life is very relatable, despite his villainous actions.

#5: Itachi Uchiha

Sasuke’s elder brother and a member of the Akatsuki, Itachi acts as his younger sibling’s target throughout most of the story. Seemingly emotionless and apparently driven only by the desire to become stronger, he made for a fearsome foe early on in the series. And then we learned what a tragic figure he actually was.

#4: Obito Uchiha

Kakashi’s childhood teammate once believed dead, Obito Uchiha is a prime mover for many of the series’ biggest events, having assisted Itachi in the Uchiha clan massacre and caused the death of both of Naruto’s parents. Under the guise of Madara Uchiha, he also secretly controlled Akatsuki and instigated the Fourth Great Ninja War.

#3: Nagato (a.k.a. Pain)

One of the founders of the Akatsuki, as well as the former student (and killer) of Naruto’s teacher and father figure Jiraiya, Pain is, despite his chosen moniker, doing what he believes is best for the world. Unfortunately, that means making everyone experience so much pain, they’ll never want war again.

#2: Orochimaru

The first true villain of the series, this mad scientist was responsible for numerous events across the series, such as the death of the Leaf village leader, and his former master, the Third Hokage, as well as corrupting the mind of Sasuke. Obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge, there’s nothing this snake won’t resort to to get what he wants.

#1: Madara Uchiha

Having orchestrated numerous events for a century behind the scenes, including manipulating Obito, Madara has worked tirelessly in the shadows with the goal of enforcing peace through an illusion. The Uchiha patriarch is as powerful as he is cunning: with near God-like abilities to top it all off. To many, this ninja is the true “final” villain of the series.

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