Featured fergie national anthem nba

5 Funniest Reactions to Fergie’s National Anthem Performance at the NBA All-Star Game

The National Anthem has been performed so many times over the years, it’s understandable for an artist to try and put their own spin on it…but this is just ridiculous. For her rendition of the song at this Sunday’s NBA All-Star Game, Fergie decided to deliver an over-the-top, bluesy version, that set social media ablaze with commentary.

Before you go any further, we invite you to check out the *ahem*…unique performance…if you dare.

The reactions to the Black Eyed Peas singer’s strange interpretation have been unsurprisingly harsh, and quite frankly, hilarious. We’ve compiled some of the best reactions to her performance below:

5. This suggestion that you might want to erase your memory of ever having watched it:

4. Some very apt comparisons to Dory’s whale language and a dog begging for food:

3. The recognition that her performance has actually brought people together during a very divisive time (good job Fergie..?)

2. Roseanne Barr’s insistence that she did it better:

Roseanne Barr infamously sang (or more accurately, screamed) the National Anthem back in 1990 and was met with boos from the audience in reaction to her horrific rendition. It was undoubtedly the worst version of the anthem out there, but now Barr thinks it has been dethroned. She took to Twitter to bast Fergie, saying “I think mine was better lowkey”. Although both performances were painful, at least the actress’ version didn’t go on for what felt like a century!

1. The real-time audience reactions

There were perhaps no better reactions than from the people who were in the building to witness it all go down. Viewers were quick to film and screenshot the reactions, leading to some pretty hilarious memes. Some tried to keep a straight face, while others, like Chance the Rapper, seemed to be flat out laughing.

What did you think of the performance? Was it as bad as people are saying?
