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My Hero Academia Teams Up With The Avengers To Promote Infinity War

It’s A Superhero Supernova!

While they belong to different mediums, it’s easy to drawl parallels between Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the students of U.A High. Not only do both manage to deliver when it comes to super-powered beatdowns, but also excel at exploring the inner workings of the people behind the costumes. Similarities aside, it’s doubtful that these two properties would ever fully interact outside of fanfiction…right?

That’s right, in order to promote the upcoming cinematic juggernaut that is Infinity War, the cast of My Hero Academia have decided to celebrate by naming their favourite members of Marvel’s ultimate team-up. It is just as awesomely mind-boggling as it sounds.

According to an article on Crunchyroll – 

To help promoting the upcoming Japanese release of the latest film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers: Infinity War, the main characters from the My Hero Academia anime series appear in seven special collaboration PVs to introduce the attractions and characters of the internationally successful super hero franchise.

Said collaborations see each student talking at length about their chosen Avenger, with a few surprising results down the line. You have Izuku praising about the heroism of Captain America, Bakugo discussing that explosive power of Iron Man’s suit, Ochako showing her appreciation for Black Widow, Iida breaking down why he admires Doctor Strange, Todoroki going into detail about Thor’s power, and finally All Might comparing himself to Hulk. It’s pretty much a slice of nerd heaven.

Given the Avengers’ popularity over in Japan, we doubt a crossover like this was going to affect its success, but it’s still pretty epic to see these two heroic forces crossing paths. Perhaps it’s a sign that not only will Infinity War blow away all expectations, but My Hero Academia’s third season will raise the show to new heights!

Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Avengers: Infinity War Movie Facts.
