watchmojo top 10 anime Top 3 children Top 3 Terrifying Children In Anime

Top 3 Terrifying Children In Anime

These Kids Are Way Too Creepy

Children are supposed to be the very embodiment of innocence, unaware of how cruel the world can be. As such, whenever we see them presented as a villain, it immediately creates a great sense of unease, especially if an anime portrays them as being just as messed in the head as any of the adult villains.

Image result for deadman wonderland gif

While these three pint-sized crazies each have a supernatural element that allows them to  hold their own in a fight, what’s most alarming about them is how they use and exploit their childish personas to a frightening degree.

Fair warning, there are SPOILERS AHEAD!

#3: Wen
“Cowboy Bebop” (1998-99)

For the majority of the episode, Spike and the others are under the illusion that this musical prodigy is being held against his will, only to discover that he is the furthest thing from a victim. As it happens, Wen is over a hundred years old, trapped inside a child’s body, and has been using it to his advantage. Not above kidnapping, extortion or murder, it was down to Spike to escort this ageless whiz-kid to his final resting place, courtesy of a bullet.

#2: Pride
“Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood” (2009-10)

Technically a homonculus sheltered inside the body of the Fuhrer’s son, Pride was the first of the seven to be extracted from the being known as Father, and as you might have guessed has got a major ego problem. Unfortunately for his victims, his cocky nature also comes armed with a series of deadly shadows that can tear a man to pieces instantly. Ed and Al might have managed to finally quash him, but it’s fair to say he took a lot of lives with him in the process.

Image result for pride fma

#1: Tanya von Degurechaff
“The Saga of Tanya the Evil” (2017)

Originally a middle-aged Japanese man, Tanya’s old life was shattered when God decided to play dirty and reincarnate him into the body of a little girl, and then place her into a new world consumed by war and magic. Now as an expert marksman with the scariest face imaginable, Tanya’s thirst for vengeance and conflict have turned her into the fatherland’s ultimate weapon, one more than willing to slaughter her way through armies single-handedly. You will be seeing her face in your nightmares.

Image result for Tanya von Degurechaff face

Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Deadliest Little Girls in Anime!
