watchmojo top 10 batman DC Top 5 teen titans titans robin Top 5 People Who Have Stood Up To Batman

Top 3 People Who Have Stood Up To Batman

F**k Batman

We’re sure many fans of the Boy Wonder were shocked when the latest Titans trailer revealed him to be expressing some serious dislike for his former mentor. While it might seem out of character for Batman’s young ward to curse like that, he’s not the first to call the Caped Crusader out on his failings.

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#3: Robin

It’s easy to point out Batman’s sidekick given his recent infamy, but as it happens Robin has a history of lashing out against his teacher. Sure, up until now he never told him to go screw himself , but practically every person who ever wore the mask has taken issue to Batman’s methods at one time or another. Dick Grayson walked out on him to become Nightwing, Jason Todd blames him for letting the Joker kill him, and of course Damien Wayne lashes out because…he has father issues.

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#2: Alfred Pennyworth

While he’s stood steadfast as Bruce Wayne’s oldest and most dedicated companion, that’s not to say the Gentleman’s Gentleman always holds his tongue when his young master starts stepping out of line. With his razor-sharp English wit, Alfred has let loose some real zingers over the years, making comments on how Batman’s nightly activities often come to the detriment of Bruce Wayne’s happiness. Unafraid of Mr I Am Vengeance, you can always count on Alfred to put Master Bruce in his place when he’s leaning towards the edge.

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#1: Amanda Waller

Nobody screws the Wall, not even the Caped Crusader. This no-nonsense director has been responsible for creating the Suicide Squad, plotting against the Justice League and taking all manner of dubious steps to ensure America’s preservation as a world power. She’s taken on the legendary Bat-stare and not even flinched, discovered his true identity at one point or another and can push his buttons in ways few can. Ouch.

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Be sure to check out the video to see our picks for the Top 10 Worst Things That Have Ever Happened To Batman.
