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Interview With Xanthe Huynh

Prepare For Magic, Mayhem and Menma!

From avid fan all the way to modern voice acting icon, Xanthe Huynh has no shortage of incredible roles to her name. While she’s an expert in portraying adorable and tenderhearted characters, recent ventures into colossal successes such as Persona 5, March Comes in Like a Lion and FLCL Progressive have shown just how much she shines as both a leading lady and the unsung star of an ensemble cast. As such, we were more than thrilled when she agreed to chat with us about her career, the process of dubbing, as well as the occupational hazards that come from an actor’s mindset.

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First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to let us probe your brain!

“Ah! Thank you so much for your interest in me!”

Before we get into your roles, could you perhaps give us a little insight into how you went from entering a voice acting competition to finding yourself working at Bang Zoom! Entertainment?

“Before getting into voice over, I had trained as an actor in theater. One day I decided to combine my
love for acting with anime and confided it in some fellow castmates during rehearsal. One of them
suggested that I enter the voice acting competition AX Idol at Anime Expo. From there I made it as a
finalist and was invited by BangZoom! to audition at their studio and got my start from there. I was
really nervous at my first recording session, but my director, Tony Oliver was very patient and kind as we went through the process for dubbing.”

Since becoming a voice actor, would you say you’ve gained a new perception for animated series? If so, how does it compare to when you were just an enthusiastic fan with a dream?

“While watching a show, I often find myself thinking about the actors’ choices to portray certain
characters and scenes or wonder about the influence of the director on the outcome. Or I think about the casting choices made and wonder how a character would be if it was this or that actor. It’s hard to turn off the actor brain sometimes to just enjoy a show, but I guess it’s just an occupational habit. :)”

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Starting off in the world of video games, it’s fair to say that many have come to adore Haru and her position as the Phantom Thieves’ most refined member. Which aspects of her character did you enjoy exploring the most?

“Because she’s generally very sweet and considerate of others, her awakening scene was really satisfying to perform! It’s got great dramatic flair and tough resolve! There were also lots of fun little one liners in Mementos Haru says which raises a lot of eyebrows and I find them deliciously wonderful!”

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Not to fan the flames of the waifu wars, but can you give us a brief summary of why Haru is
obviously best girl?

“A dainty, cultured heiress full of feminine grace that can chop a shadow down with her battleaxe and
blast another with a grenade launcher. Get yourself a girl that can do both! ;)”

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While both have suffered greatly throughout their respective series, who do you think had it worst? Yuna Yuki or Fuyumi Yanagi?

“It’s hard to compare these two since their situations are so different! I guess I would have to say Yuna since she bears the burden of saving what’s left of their world, accepting some harsh realities about their injuries, and standing up against her friends.”

Image result for yuki yuna scene

No-one was spared from the emotional devastation that was Madoka Magica: Rebellion, except maybe for Bebe. Was it bizarre to play such an adorable character while the world around her basically crumbled?

“For Bebe, I think she did well to support her purpose while being hidden in that cute, but clumsy form. It’s hard to communicate in only names of cheese!”

Image result for madoka bebe scene

March Come In Like A Lion makes it perfectly clear that Rei wouldn’t have made it very far if not for the Kawamoto sisters. Where do you feel Momo fits into this unorthodox picture of love and support?

“I think the sisters give Rei an opportunity to have a warm family experience to contrast the tumult he had with his adopted family. Earlier in season 1, there’s a moment where Momo reminds Rei of his
younger sister. Though he misses his sister terribly, I think there’s comfort in having little Momo to play with and watch after to in addition to the other Kawamoto sisters doting on him.”

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Do you feel that Siesta from The Familiar of Zero was done a disservice? After all, her chemistry with Saito was undeniable and she was one of the series’ strongest supporting characters.

“Though she couldn’t be as flashy as some of the others since she has no magical ability, I think she still tried her best to approach Saito with her affections in her own way. I wish we could have seen her get stronger to support and fight alongside Saito (and maybe romance).”

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There’s not much many of us can say about Anohana without bursting into tears. At which point during the recording process did you really start to feel the weight of the show’s emotional complexity?

“The moment when Poppo is asking Menma to come play with him and she has this meltdown, not
knowing why she was still around and not knowing what was her wish. That scene made her seem so
vulnerable and upset with the guilt of not knowing.”

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The cast obviously had their own personal attachments to Menma, but from your standpoint what do you feel was the one characteristic that allowed her to effortlessly capture the hearts of people?

“That’s really hard to say! If I had to name just one, I guess I would say it was her optimism and
remembering the good things about the people around her.”

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On a scale from 1 to Niagara Falls, how badly did you cry at “that” farewell scene?

“Oh man, when we did the cast commentary view down, I started crying at the temple scene until the
end of the farewell scene! The cast is so fantastic and the weird mix of knowing my castmates as
themselves and their characters really amped up the tears for me. So, Niagara Falls for sure! *sobs

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Xanthe, thank you so much for your time! If fans want to message you and tell you how much they adore Menma, where can they find you?

“Follow me on Twitter/Instagram: @ItsXanthor and!

And finally, as an honorary member of WatchMojo, if you could choose a subject for a top ten list, what would it be?

“Top Ten Anime Punches! (psst, Yuna Yuki has some epic punches ;))”
