watchmojo top 10 video games mass effect andromeda Top 5 Top 3 Things That Mass Effect: Andromeda Got Right

Top 3 Best Things About Mass Effect: Andromeda

It’s Not All Bad, Right?

It’s fair to say that Bioware has a lot riding on the release of their upcoming action RPG Anthem. After all, it’s a brand new IP that looks to incorporate elements of other popular titles such as Destiny, while also trying to restore some of the lost faith among gamers after the lacklustre performance of Mass Effect: Andromeda. Who knows how the final product will turn out, but in the spirit on looking on the bright side of things, we’re going to count down the three things that Andromeda managed to pull off with relative degrees of success.

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#3: Liam Costa: All In

Talk about a surprise. This particular loyalty mission, belong to Captain Bland himself Liam Costa, turned out to be one of the most enjoyable missions in the entire game. Trapped inside a Kett ship, Ryder has to gun his way out while avoiding deadly scavengers. The comedy and pacing  is pitch-perfect, with Ryder blaming Costa for everything that’s gone wrong while constantly managing to trip up the scavenger leader. A true diamond in the rough.

Image result for Liam Costa: All In mass effect

#2: Nakmor Drack

No one will be able to match the awesomeness that was Urdnot Wrex, but we have to admit that this Krogan came pretty close. An old soldier just looking out for his family, having Drack accompany us on missions added a much needed layer of fun, all the while his own personal plights turned out to be some of the game’s most intriguing. There’s nothing quite like watching a Krogan take down drunken jerks in the midst of a bar brawl.

Image result for Nakmor Drack bar fight

#1: Combat

Fluid, expansive and dynamic, this new mechanic was by far Andromeda’s biggest selling point. Not only were we able to hover thanks to an inbuilt jetpack, but were also able to traverse battlefields far more easily, immersing us in three-dimensional combat that we just couldn’t get enough of. On top of that, the option to switch between multiple classes and abilities at the drop of a hat provided a plethora of play styles. If the franchise does continue, we hope that this particular style of gameplay comes along for the ride.

Image result for mass effect andromeda combat

Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Best Mass Effect Characters.
