watchmojo top 10 anime Top 5 kakegurui yumeko best girls

Top 5 Best Girls In Anime 2017

These Waifus Defined The Year

With the news that the second season of Kakegurui is set to get a 2019 release, fans of the compulsive gambler are hyped to see one of 2017’s best (and craziest) female protagonists return to the fold. In anticipation, we’re having a look back at those special ladies that charmed and crushed their way into our hearts last year.

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#5: Sistine Fibel
“Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor” (2017)

Okay seriously, what is it with 2017 and the level of cuteness?! As a no-nonsense student with dreams of excelling as a student of magic, Sistine is more than a little rigid when it comes to playing by the rules. Of course, this gets turned on its head when the new dashing (and idiotic) substitute teacher Glenn takes over her class. As their philosophies on magic collide, she finds herself begrudgingly starting to have a better understanding of magic as well as herself.

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#4: Sagiri Izumi
“Eromanga Sensei” (2017)

Ignoring the fact that she’s enamored with Masamune, this lewd-artist managed to win the hearts of otaku in 2017. A drastic change from the author’s previous protagonist, Kirino, Sagiri is cute as a damned button. Despite having some heavy competition in the form of Elf and Muramasa, She’s weird sense of humor and oddly endearing hypocrisy manage to secure her this spot on our list.

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#3: Ruler
“Fate/Apocrypha” (2017)

Or, as she was known in her previous life, Joan of Arc. Unlike all the other Servants participating in the Grail War, Ruler serves as a guiding hand and mediatory that oversees the battle between the Black and Red Factions. Despite her neutral position, she is nonetheless a noble individual whose dedication to her faith made her a charming character to behold. Honestly, there’s no other character we can think of that – no, no, no we can’t do this! We can’t talk about best girls in Apocrypha without mentioning Rider of Black! We don’t care if he’s actually a guy! Astolfo is best girl! 

Image result for Ruler “Fate/Apocrypha

#2: Kanna Kamui
“Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid” (2017)

Okay, NOW we have reached the pinnacle of anime cuteness. While Tohru and Kobayashi’s relationship is all kinds of sweet and Lucoa’s bustier frame has its own gravitational pull by this point, there’s no character that rallied the fandom together more so than this pint-sized dragon. With a love of pranks and food, Kanna will have you “aww-ing” before you know it. Seriously, it’s kind of unbelievable how someone can make eating seem that adorable.

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#1: Yumeko Jabami
“Kakegurui” (2017)

Sometimes the only way to fight a system as messed up as this is to just give into the madness! In a school where gambling is literally everything, students thrive and fall through various bets, to the point where the losers enter social servitude. Enter Yumeko, a beautiful and sweet young woman…who happens to be a gambling addict. And when we mean addict, we mean she lives for it! Even if she loses, there’s nothing she enjoys more than raising the stakes and betting it all on chance. She has more than a few screws loose, and we absolutely love her for it.

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Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Anime Girls of the 90s.
