watchmojo top 10 video games Top 5 fallout weapons Top 5 Fallout Weapons

Top 5 Fallout Weapons


The hype for Fallout 76 seems to be growing by the day. While the online multiplayer aspect seemed to throw players for a loop at first, recent hands-on experience by the likes of games journalists have given fans new reasons to be excited for this latest venture into the Capital Wasteland. Who knows if this has the potential to become the next GTA Online, we’re just hoping that some of these classic weapons manage to make their way into the radioactive landscape!

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#5: Super Sledge
“Fallout” series (1997-)

Seeing what a sledge hammer can do to a brick wall is impressive. Imagining what it will do to a human sends shivers down our spines. Now, take that thought, and replace the sledge hammer with something even more devastating; the Super Sledge. The Super Sledge is a high-tech weapon, backed by kinetic force, and once it makes contact, make sure your eyes are closed so the spray of blood and body parts don’t blind you.

Image result for fallout Super Sledge

#4: Rock-It Launcher
“Fallout 3” (2008)

Just because you’re out of conventional bullets, doesn’t mean you have to resort to melee. Making better use of your old junk than having a garage sale, the Rock-it Launcher fires random useless items at enemies, with surprising results. Although it requires a lot action points in V.A.T.S, it’s great fun to use, and once you kill a raider by firing a teddy bear at him, you won’t want to switch weapons.

Image result for Rock-It Launcher fallout

#3: Railway Rifle
“Fallout 3” (2008)

There’s no doubt you’ve come across railway spikes in your journey. Let’s just hope that you didn’t get rid of them before you figured out what they were used for. Enter the Railway Rifle, one of the most satisfying weapons to use. Laugh in sadistic joy as your railway spikes decapitate foes and pin their heads to walls, all with a comical ‘toot-toot’ of a train whistle. Just pay another visit to a ghoul infested metro for an ammunition stock up.

Image result for Railway Rifle “Fallout 3

#2: Shiskebab
“Fallout 3” (2008) & “Fallout: New Vegas (2010)

You might as well go ahead and call yourself the warrior of light with this weapon. A plain old regular sword just isn’t enough. Setting it on fire… now that’ll do the trick. Appropriately named, the Shiskebab’s blade comes straight from a lawn mower, and the fuel to keep it alight comes from a motorcycle tank. Now, I know what you’re thinking, but it’s just the name of the weapon, nothing else…no matter how good the person you just murdered smells.

Image result for Shishkebab fallout

#1: Fat Man
“Fallout 3” (2008) & “Fallout: New Vegas (2010)

You can’t have Fallout without nuclear power – literally. With the Fat Man, the power that destroyed the world as you know it is now in the palm of your hand. Actually it won’t fit in your palm. It is, after all, firing mini-nukes. Watch in awe as you decimate landscapes with this catapult. Be warned, it can kill you if you fire it too close. Though, if that doesn’t scare you, go ahead and use the unique variant of this weapon, the Experimental MIRV, which fires 8 mini nukes instead of one. Sometimes, one just isn’t enough.

Image result for Fat Man “Fallout 3

Be sure to check out the video below to see our picks for the Top 10 Fallout Quests You Never Found.
