The worst things that have happened to Butters Stotch will leave you saying, “Oh, hamburgers.” For this list, we’ll be looking at the worst things that’ve happened to South Park’s most optimistic, yet unfortunate, resident, Leopold Stoch, aka Butters.
Worst Things That Have Happened to Butters Stotch, Worst Things That Happened to Butters, Darkest Butters Episodes, Worst Things Cartman Did To Butters, Butters Parents, Butters Grounded, Butters Grandma, Butters Casa Bonita, Butters’ Very Own Episode, Butters Ninja Star, Butters Tap-Dancing, Butters Apocalypse, Butters Paris Hilton, Butters Hospital, South Park, Butters Stoch, Butters, TV, Cartoon, Animated, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Nick Spake