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Found 23 search results for Days Gone
  • The 20 BEST PS4 Games
    The PlayStation 4 had a wealth of incredible games and these are the cream of the crop. For this list, we’re taking a look at the best titles we saw throughout the PlayStation 4’s life cycle. Do note that we are only including exclusives, and we are not counting cross-gen titles.
    best ps4 games, best playstation 4 games, ps4, playstation 4, playstation, gaming, days gone, detroit become human, littlebigplanet, until dawn, shadow of the colossus, the last of us, infamous second son, astro bot, final fantasy, uncharted, ratchet and clank, horizon zero dawn, spider-man, god of war, bloodborne, ghost of tsushima, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games, mojo
  • 10 Games That Drew Inspiration From Assassin's Creed
    Sometimes it's a good idea to learn from the best! Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re looking at games that have taken a LOT of inspiration from “Assassin’s Creed” over the years. We’re not saying any of these are great – in fact, many are some of the greatest games of all time – but they definitely wouldn’t have been the same without “Assassin’s Creed."
    shameless assassins creed knock off games, assassins creed knock off games, games similar to assassins creed, assassins creed similar games, assassins creed, ghost of tsushima, skull and bones, horizon zero dawn, shadow of the tomb raider, saints row 4, batman arkahm series, days gone, the saboteur, middle earth shadow of mordor, mafia 3, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games, mojo
  • 10 Canceled Video Game Sequels We'll NEVER Get to Play
    Get ready to be sad over some canceled video games. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re looking at video game sequels whose cancellation hurt us the most.
    canceled video games sequels, canceled video games, canceled games, canceled sequels, canceled, gaming, games, nintendo, playstation, sony, xbox, pc, capcom, days gone, mortal kombat, mega man, silent hill, konami, baldur's gate, dungeons and dragons, adventure games, horror, third person shooter, open world, fantasy, Video Games, Single Player, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list, mojoplays
  • 20 Games Players LOVED and Critics HATED
    Gamers and critics have rarely ever seen eye to eye but there are some instances where neither side can seem to agree. For this list we’ll be breaking down the games that divided critics and gamers on one side of the battlefield or the other with no chance of any resolution.
    watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list, video games, mojoplays, days gone, spongebob sqaurepants, battle for bikini bottom, rehydrated, critics, gamers, players, monster hunter, urban reign, postal 2, pokemon, mystery dungeon, medieval, alpha protocol, mad max, kirby air ride, friday the 13, gauntlet, dark legacy, pathologic 2, rain world, deadly premonition, terminator resistance, god hand, nier, sonic unleashed, spider-man, web of shadows
  • 20 GREAT Games Overshadowed By Controversy
    Not every game hits the ground running and unfortunately, some games never fully recover from those first stumbling steps out of the gate. For this list we’ll be looking at some games whose newsworthy antics grabbed more headlines than the game itself which oftentimes earned a lot of underserved pushback.
    Video Games, watchmojo, top 10, list, mojo, controversy, mojoplays, arkham knight, like a dragon, infinite wealth, microtransactions, gran turismo 7, playstation, polyphony, crash team racing, activision, stellar blade, battlefield v, EA, tekken 8, indivisible, street fighter, fighting, sly cooper, dead or alive, mass effect 3, boyfriend dungeon, killzone 2, dragons dogma 2, dead cells, plagerism, days gone, the last of us, cyberpunk 2077, ign
  • 10 Games That Received UNFAIR Criticism
    In hindsight, these games probably didn't deserve the criticism they received by players and critics. Welcome to MojoPlays, and today we’re taking a look at 10 games that were judged harshly or sometimes unreasonably.
    games that are better than people think, times video game critics got it wrong, brutal legend, marvels midnight suns, wind waker, zelda wind waker, the legend of zelda the wind waker, spongebob battle for bikini bottom, the past of us part 2, tlou psrt 2, starfield, forspoken, days gone, mad max, assassins creed 2, Video Games, Multiplayer, First Person Shooter, Third Person Shooter, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 20 Satisfying Deaths Of Hated Video Game Characters
    Our hatred for these video game characters made their deaths extremely satisfying. For this list, we’ll be looking at suitable, fulfilling ends to game characters we couldn’t stand. For obvious reasons, we’re issuing a spoiler warning.
    hated video game characters, hated characters, video game villain deaths, villain deaths, video game villains, villains, death scenes, video game deaths, gaming, days gone, manhunt, the witcher, halo, bioshock, the walking dead, final fantasy, assassin's creed, borderlands, call of duty, resident evil, god of war, grand theft auto, gta, wolfenstein, the last of us, red dead redemption 2, watchmojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games
  • Top 20 Most Underrated Open World Video Games
    There are plenty of fantastic open world games, but not all of them gain as much popularity as they should. For this list, we’ll be looking at open world games we believe didn’t get nearly as much love as they deserved.
    underrated open world games, need for speed most wanted, days gone, two worlds II, the godfather, stalker shadow of chernobyl, spider-man, the getaway, dragon's dogma, retro city rampage, brutal legend, driver san francisco, the saboteur, mafia II, yakuza 0, red faction guerilla, mad max, dying light, sleeping dogs, sunset overdrive, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games, mojo
  • Top 20 BEST PS4 Games of All Time
    The PlayStation 4 had a wealth of incredible games and these are the cream of the crop. For this list, we’re taking a look at the best titles we saw throughout the PlayStation 4’s life cycle. Do note that we are only including exclusives, and we are not counting cross-gen titles.
    best ps4 games, best playstation 4 games, ps4, playstation 4, playstation, gaming, days gone, detroit become human, littlebigplanet, until dawn, shadow of the colossus, the last of us, infamous second son, astro bot, final fantasy, uncharted, ratchet and clank, horizon zero dawn, spider-man, god of war, bloodborne, ghost of tsushima, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games, mojo
  • Top 10 des CONTROVERSES sur les JEUX VIDÉO de 2021 !
    L'industrie du jeu est malheureusement frappée par des controverses chaque année et 2021 n'a pas été différente. Pour cette liste, nous nous penchons sur les nouvelles les plus controversées qui sont sorties du monde du gaming cette année.
    Jeux d'aventure, DC, NFT, NFTs, blockchain, jeux vidéo, activision, activision blizzard, blizzard, days gone, jeux, controverses de jeux, injustice, liste, metroid dread, middle earth, middle-earth, mojo, nintendo, pc, playstation, playstation 5, poison ivy, returnal, sony, top 10, top 10 des controverses de jeux vidéo de 2021, twitch, controverses de jeux vidéo, controverses de jeux vidéo de 2021, watch mojo, watchmojo francais, france, fr
  • ¡Top 10 CONTROVERSIAS de Videojuegos del 2021!
    La industria del juego, lamentablemente, se ve afectada por controversias cada año y 2021 no fue diferente. Para esta lista, estamos viendo las noticias más controvertidas que salieron del mundo de los videojuegos este año.
    juegos de aventuras, DC, NFT, NFT, videojuegos, activision, activision blizzard, blizzard, days gone, gaming, controversias de juegos, injusticia, list, metroid dread, middle earth, middle-earth, mojo, nintendo, pc, playstation , playstation 5, poison ivy, returnal, sony, top 10, top 10 controversias de videojuegos de 2021, twitch, controversias de videojuegos, controversias de videojuegos de 2021, watch mojo español, watchmojo español
  • TOP 10 des SUITES annulées après le PREMIER JEU !
    Ces franchises de jeu ont à peine eu le temps de voir le jour qu’elles ont disparu juste après ! Aujourd’hui, on s’intéresse à 10 franchises de jeux vidéos qui auraient dû avoir une suite, avant qu’un élément interne ou externe ne vienne tout gâcher !
    Among Us, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Days Gone 2, Fez, Mass Effect Andromeda, Prey 2, The Order 1886, The Thing, Too Human, Wet 2 Double Feature, meilleurs suites de jeux vidéos, suites de jeux annulées, suite de jeux vidéo, sequel, prequel, épisode 2, jeux annulés, suites annulées, Gaming, top 10, sequels de jeux vidéos, jeux vidéos, jeux qui n’ont pas eu de suite, jeux qui n’auront jamais de suite, watchmojo, pires jeux vidéos, pires suites de jeux
  • Top 10 Zombie Viruses in Video Games
    Welcome to Watchmojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Zombie Infections in Video Games. For this list, we’ll be looking at the origins for some of the most terrifying infections in video games that ravaged humanity throughout their many different variations and interpretations of zombies.
    zombie infections in video games, video game zombies, zombie infections, zombies, days gone, resistance, bloodborne, dead rising, left 4 dead, dying light, halo, dead space, the last of us, resident evil, cordyceps, t-virus, freaker virus, necromorphs, the flood, harran virus, green flu, valve, sony, naughty dog, playstation, capcom, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Video Games, Adventure Games, mojo, horror, survival, single player, sci-fi
  • Top 10 Video Game Sequels Cancelled After The First Game
    These video game franchises were cut short! For this list, we’re looking at possible game series that disappeared after one entry, for a variety of reasons.
    cancelled video games, cancelled video game sequels, cancelled sequels, canceled video games, canceled sequels, worst video game sequels, video games that never got a sequel, best video game sequels, video game sequels, Days Gone 2, Prey 2, Fez, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Too Human, The Thing, Mass Effect Andromeda, Among Us, The Order 1886, Wet 2 Double Feature, video games, gaming, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
  • The Civil Wars of PlayStation
    A recent Bloomberg article has detailed all kinds of drama unfolding within the Sony family - including an obsession with blockbuster games, a canned sequel, unhappy developers, and frustration with PlayStation boss Jim Ryan.
    playstation 2021, playstation controversy, playstation, ps5, playstation 5, sony, ps4, gaming news, xbox, sony ps5, ps3, xbox series x, ps5 news, gaming, psn, video games, technology, playstation news, ps vita, playstation 5 news, xbox news, ps5 games, xbox series s, xbox one, xbox series x vs ps5, ps5 vs xbox series x, playstation 5 games, microsoft, days gone 2, jim ryan, playstation 4, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, Tech, mojo