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Found 8 search results for Die Brücke am Kwai
  • TOP 10 Filmszenen, die (FAST!) unmöglich zu drehen gewesen sein müssen
    Wir werfen einen Blick auf einige der eindrucksvollsten Szenen , die durch erstaunliche Effekte, Schnitt und Kameraführung ermöglicht wurden. Ob Apocalypse Now oder Die Brücke am Kwai.. hier sind einige erstaunliche Produktionen dabei.
    Watchmojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, Unterhaltung, Film, Effekte, Filmeffekte, Apocalypse now, Die Brücke am Kwai, Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill, 28 Tage später, London, Mission Impossible, Tom Cruise, D-Day, Tom Hanks, Der Soldat James Ryan, Joker, Heith Ledger, Christopher Nolan, Gotham City, The Dark Knight, Mad Max, Charlize Theron, Titanic, Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Stephen Spielberg, The Dark Knight Rises
  • Top 10 Shocking What Have I Done Scenes in Movies
    The sudden shock of realization that a character has done something terrible in a move, often accompanied by the line "What have I done?" WatchMojo presents the Top 10 What Have I Done Scenes in Movies? But what will take the top spot on our list? The tragic ending to the mist, Nicholson's detonation in Bridge on the River Kwai, or the final moments in The Graduate that are accompanied by Simon and Garfunkel? Watch to find out!
    Top 10, List, Top 5, What Have I done, Movies, Film, Scene, Tragic, David Shoots his Son, The Mist, Ending, Final Scene, The graduate, Dustin Hoffman, Bus, Hello Darkness My Old Friend, The Sound of Silence, Simon and Garfunkel, Bridge on the River kwai,
  • Top 10 War Movies That Left Out the Real Horrific Ending
    There's a lot of sugar-coating in war movies... For this list, we’ll be looking at movies spanning the entire breadth of cinema history that fictionalize actual conflicts.
    war movies, movies that left out the ending, historically inaccurate movies, historically inaccurate war movies, historically accurate, historically inaccurate, the birth of a nation, the bridge on the river kwai, braveheart, mel gibson, william wallace, battle of the bulge, american sniper, captain from castile, the green berets, okinawa, the patriot, operation dumbo drop, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list, Film, Movies, History
    In dieser Liste schauen wir uns die schlimmsten Glitches an, die Spiele abstürzen lassen, oder eine Sicherungsdatei im Spiel, dem System oder dem Zubehör so zerlegen, dass sie unspielbar und unbrauchbar werden. Habt ihr auch Erfahrungen mit Glitches? Dann schreibt es uns in die Kommentare! 10) "Eiscremefabrik"-Sicherung - Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 09) Leere Speicherkarte - Soulcalibur III 08) Zerstörte Brücke - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 07) Das Spiel ...wird ...langsam ...langsamer - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 06) Dumme Tür öffnet sich nicht - Metroid: Other M 05) Fass macht Spiel kaputt - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong’s Quest 04) Nachrichtenangriff - Tony Hawks Underground 2 . . .
    videospiele, gaming, glitches
  • Top 10 Peliculas de Guerra de Todos los Tiempos
    ¡Top 10 Películas de GUERRA de Todos los Tiempos! Suscríbete: Las películas de guerra más poderosas de la pantalla grande. WatchMojo Español clasifica las 10 mejores películas de todos los tiempos que cuentan la historia de la guerra. Entonces, ¿cuál es la mejor? ¿"Apocalypse Now" de Francis Ford Coppola, "Saving Private Ryan de Steven Spielberg", o podría una pequeña como "Black Hawk Down" de Ridley Scott tomar el primer puesto? Mira para descubrirlo. Sugiere tus ideas: Facebook: Twitter:
    top 10, lista, películas de guerra, salvando al soldado ryan, apocalypse now, apocalipsis ahora, patrulla infernal, senderos de gloria, full metal jacket, nacido para matar, cara de guerra, la chaqueta metálica, das boot, submarino alemán, el gran escape, prisioneros de guerra, zona de miedo, vivir al límite, en tierra hostil, oscar, ganador, all quiet on the western front, the bridge on the river kwai, a bridge too far, un puente lejano, platoon, black hawk down, caída del halcón negro, platoon, pelotón, la delgada línea roja, watchmojo español
  • Top 10 Oscar-Winning British Films
    A list of the top 10 best British films to have won an Academy Award for Best Picture
    Top 10, Top 5, List, Film, Movie, British, Oscars, Academy Award, Winner, Shortlist, Nomination, Best Picture, Best Film, Best Actor, Best Actress, Oscars 2018, British film, British movie, British cinema, Winners list, Statue, Statuette, After party, red carpet, Director, Cast, Production, King's Speech, English Patient, 12 Years a Slave, Slumdog Millionaire, Oliver, Gandhi, The Bridge on the River Kwai, A Man for All Seasons, Chariots of Fire, Lawrence of Arabia, Iconic, UK, Colin Firth, Tom Hopper, Ralph Fiennes, Danny Boyle, Alec Guinness, Peter O Toole, Acceptance Speech, Speech, stage, epic,
  • Top 10 World War II Movies
    We haven't seen another war like it, and hopefully we never will; but it did inspire some fantastic films. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 World War II movies.
    movies, films, WWII, World War II, war, battle, soldiers, armies, Adolf Hitler, Nazis, Holocaust, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Steven Spielberg, Das Boot, Casablanca, The Great Escape, The Bridge on the River Kwai, The Pianist, Patton, Downfall
  • Top 10 Movies of the 1950s
    This decade saw Hollywood compete with television by way of vast epics, outrageous sci-fi and stark realism. Welcome to, and today, in this installment of our series on the greatest movies of all time, we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 movies of the 1950s.
    movies, films, 1950s, 1950s movies, on the waterfront, bridge on the river kwai, singin in the rain, rear window, 12 angry men, north by northwest, ben-bur, seven samurai, rebel without a cause, a streetcar named desire, top 10, wmsuggest
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