Bienvenido a Noticias WatchMojo, la donde desglosamos noticias interesantes. Hoy veremos el Top 10 de datos que debes saber sobre la industria de la marihuana medicinal.
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A sweeping bipartisan bill introduced in 2015 could soon legalize medical marijuana in all American states. Welcome to and today we're counting down 10 crucial facts you should know about the medical marijuana industry.
WMNews, Medical marijuana, Marijuana, Weed, Cannabis, schedule 1, THC, CBD, dopamine, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Cannabinoids, Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations, Chris Christie, Compassionate Access, Research Expansion and Respect States Act
Not all business people are honest, and there are some Wall Street executives in jail to prove that. Whether it’s someone like Jeffrey Skilling and his shady bookkeeping for Enron, Tyco’s Dennis Kozlowski and his $6,000 shower curtains, Rite Aid’s Martin Grass or Cendant’s Walter Forbes, there are many high-ranking executives that served jail time for their white-collar crimes. WatchMojo counts down ten high-level businesspeople who served hard time in prison.
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