Sometimes inventions are not patented, and that means the creators don’t make money off their creations. Whether it’s the inventor of the video game Tetris Alexej Pajitnov, the creator of the ballpoint pen Laszlo Biro or even famed poet Edgar Allen Poe, these inventors didn’t get mega-rich off their inventions. WatchMojo counts down ten people who changed the world, and in return made no money.
top 10, list, top 5, people who should have gotten rich off their inventions, people who sold the rights to things for way too cheap, copyright, intellectual property, inventions, inventors, patents, Tim Berners-Lee, world wide web, internet, James Cameron, The Terminator, Mikhail Kalashnikov, AK-47, guns, rifles, USSR, Soviet Union, Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov, WWII, World War II, war, Daisuke Inoue, karaoke machine, karaoke, john barry, James bond theme, james bond, dr no, Monty norman, edgar allen poe, the raven, john walker, matches, ron klein, magnetic strips, credit cards, debit cards, IBM, ballpoint pens, Laszlo Biro, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, inventions not patented