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Found 65 search results for Edgar Wright Movies
  • Top 10 People Who INSANELY Didn't Get Rich Off Their Inventions
    Sometimes inventions are not patented, and that means the creators don’t make money off their creations. Whether it’s the inventor of the video game Tetris Alexej Pajitnov, the creator of the ballpoint pen Laszlo Biro or even famed poet Edgar Allen Poe, these inventors didn’t get mega-rich off their inventions. WatchMojo counts down ten people who changed the world, and in return made no money.
    top 10, list, top 5, people who should have gotten rich off their inventions, people who sold the rights to things for way too cheap, copyright, intellectual property, inventions, inventors, patents, Tim Berners-Lee, world wide web, internet, James Cameron, The Terminator, Mikhail Kalashnikov, AK-47, guns, rifles, USSR, Soviet Union, Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov, WWII, World War II, war, Daisuke Inoue, karaoke machine, karaoke, john barry, James bond theme, james bond, dr no, Monty norman, edgar allen poe, the raven, john walker, matches, ron klein, magnetic strips, credit cards, debit cards, IBM, ballpoint pens, Laszlo Biro, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, inventions not patented
  • Top 10 Notes: The Raven
    Named after a large black bird, it’s one of the most well known works of poetry in the English language. Welcome to and in this instalment of Mojo Notes, we’ll be exploring ten things you should know about Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven.”
    the raven, raven, edgar allan poe, writer, poet, poem, black bird, poetry, author, nevermore, lenore, love, athena, death, john cusack, the crow, stephen king, neil gaman, the expendables, top 10, mojo notes
  • Top 10 Directors Fired Or Replaced On A Movie
    Creative differences? For this list, we’re taking a look at filmmakers who were set to helm a major motion picture, but eventually exited for one reason or another.
    directors fired from movies, directors fired, directored, fired, directors replaced, fired from movies, island of dr moreau, marlon brando, zack snyder, snyder cut, justice league, zack snyder's justice league, dceu, star wars, han solo, jaws, steven spielberg, ant-man, antman, edgar wright, superman, steven soderbergh, bryan singer bohemian rhapsody, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list
  • Top 10 Behind the Scenes MCU Dramas
    Thanos isn't the only problem the MCU has faced over the years. For this list, we’ll be looking at feuds and creative differences between actors, directors, and studios that took place during this comic book company’s productions.
    behind the scenes mcu drama, mcu drama, mcu, behind the scenes marvel, behind the scenes, marvel lawsuits, mcu lawsuits, edgar wright marvel, terrence howard marvel, mickey rourke marvel, scarlett johansson lawsuit, james gunn fired, natalie portman marvel, joss whedon, jeremy renner, kevin feige, disney, Comics, Film, DC, Superhero, Movies, Marvel
  • Top 10 Unofficial Movie Trilogies
    Keep these unofficial movie trilogies in mind for your next movie night! For this list, we’ll be looking at trios of otherwise unrelated films that have been grouped together to enhance the viewing experience.
    unofficial movie trilogies, unofficial trilogies, movie trilogies, film trilogies, trilogies, film, movies, action, drama, comedy, horror, directors, actors, steven spielberg, edgar wright, sergio leone, park chan-wook, three flavours cornetto trilogy, oliver stone, quentin tarantino, jim carrey, wes craven, lars von trier, dunkirk trilogy, film franchises lag
  • Top 10 Biggest MCU Controversies Ever
    These Marvel reveals shocked fans and stirred controversy. For this list, we’ll be going over the most provocative events relating to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
    mcu controversies, marvel controversies, worst decisions made by marvel studios, worst decisions marvel, marvel controversy, worst choices made by marvel, marvel decisions fans hated, marvel decisions everyone hated, james gunn, edward norton marvel, the mandarin, edgar wright, patty jenkins, the avengers, tony stark, iron man, robert downey jr., Comics, Film, DC, Superhero, Movies, Marvel
  • Top 20 Directors Whose Movies You Need to Binge Watch
    We just planned your weekend for you. You're welcome. For this list, we’ll be looking at those directors who have filmographies that are perfect for marathon sessions.
    directors whose movies you need to binge watch, directors worth binging, binge worthy directors, best directors of all time, best movies of all time, best directors, best movies, directors with best filmography, director filmography, wes anderson, stanley kubrick, denis villeneuve, coen brothers, edgar wright, christopher nolan, martin scorsese, quentin tarantino, hayao miyazaki, director, Movies, Drama
  • Top 10 Hidden Movie Secrets That Make the Movie Better
    These blink and you’ll miss them moments make their respective movies that much more entertaining! For this list, we’ll be looking at Easter eggs or moments of foreshadowing that may have been missed on a movie’s first viewing.
    Movies, Drama, hidden movie secrets, hidden secrets in movies, hidden secrets, movie secrets, movies, easter eggs, film easter eggs, movie easter eggs, hidden details in movies, fun movie facts, movie easter eggs list, a star is born, the departed, reservoir dogs, pulp fiction, quentin tarantino, baby driver, edgar wright, captain america: the winter soldier, nick fury, tony stark, mcu, marvel, toy story, fight club, the godfather
  • Top 10 Funniest Shaun of the Dead Moments
    Who knew a zombie apocalypse could make you pee your pants laughing? For this list, we’re looking at the most hilarious scenes from the 2004 horror comedy, “Shaun of the Dead”.
    Film, Comedy, Movies, shaun of the dead, funniest shaun of the dead, funniest shaun of the dead moments, funny moments in shaun of the dead, funny moments, comedy, horror, horror comedy, shaun of the dead 2004, simon pegg, nick frost, edgar wright, three flavours cornetto trilogy, shaun of the dead best moments, shaun of the dead hilarious moments, best comedic moments, best comedies, funniest comedies, greatest comedies, modern comedies, best comedies of the 2000s
  • Top 10 Great Movies Saved By Last Minute Changes
    That was a close one! From Scott Pilgrim, to Shrek, to Clerks, these movies faced some major last minute changes for the better. WatchMojo ranks the top great movies saved by last minute changes.
    movies, alternate ending, deleted scenes, movies saved at the last minute, clerks, downer ending, shrek, chris farley, mike myers, scott pilgrim vs. the world, edgar wright, jaws, steven spielberg, Film, top 10, watchmojo, watch mojo, list,
  • Top 10 Movies That Are Incredibly Hard to Find
    You won't find these movies on Netflix. From Wired, to The Day the Crown Cried, to Let It Be, these movies are very tough to come by. WatchMojo ranks the top movies that are incredibly hard to find.
    movies, rare movies, hard to find movies, theatrical release, star wars, star wars original cut, wired, song of the south, disney, the beatles, the rolling stones, dvd, blu ray, jerry lewis, edgar wright, baby driver, Film, top 10, watchmojo, list,
  • Top 10 Spaced Moments
    A list of the top 10 moments from the British sitcom, Spaced
    Top 10, Top 5, List, Spaced, sitcom, comedy, British comedy, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Edgar Wright, Channel 4, Geeky, Nerd, Geek chic, Geek comedy, Clever comedy, cool comedy, trendy comedy, new comedy, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Worlds End, British humour, British TV, British sitcom, Jessica Hynes, Tim and Daisy, Classic comedy, 90s TV, comic con, Run Fatboy Run, Doctor Who cameo, Baby Driver, Simon Pegg movies, Edgar Wright movies, funny comedy, best comedy, top comedy, Spaced episode, Spaced scene, Spaced moment, Simon Pegg scene,
  • Top 10 British Cult Movies
    A list of the top 10 British cult movies, featuring films from a variety of genres
    Top 10, Top 5, list, Cult movies, Cult films, British cult movies, British cult films, British cinema, UK cinema, British films, UK films, Shaun of the Dead, Cornetto trilogy, Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright, Kes, Quadrophenia, Mods and rockers, Mod fashion, The Jam, Rita Sue and Bob, The Wicker Man, Christopher Lee, British horror, UK horror, Life of Brian, Monty Python, Monty Python films, Monty Python Jesus, Movie Jesus, Withnail and I, A Clockwork Orange, British thriller, British crime, Trainspotting, Ewan McGregor, Rocky Horror Show, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Tim Curry, Movies to watch before you die,
  • Top 10 Cornetto Trilogy Moments
    A list of the top 10 funniest and most memorable moments from the Cornetto Trilogy, including scenes from Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World's End.
    Top 10, Top 5, List, Cornetto Trilogy, Three Flavours Cornetto Trilogy, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The World's End, Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, British movies, British films, Movie comedy, British comedy, Movie trilogies, Got Wood, Shaun of the Dead scenes, Hot Fuzz scenes, Zombie films, Cop films, Movie pubs, Comedy actors, Funny actors, Simon Pegg films, Spaced, British sitcoms, Jessica Hynes, Jessica Stevenson, The Winchester, Hot Fuzz village, Funny films, Funny movies, Action movies, Shaun of the Dead sequel, Shaun of the Dead pub scene, Channel 4 comedy, Edgar Wright Movies, Scott Pilgrim, Baby Driver, Edgar Wright films,
  • Top 10 Simon Pegg Performances
    A list of the top 10 film and TV performances by the British comedian and actor, Simon Pegg
    Top 10, Top 5, List, Simon Pegg, Doctor Who, Doctor Who villains, Doctor Who cameos, Doctor Who The Editor, Mission Impossible, New Mission Impossible, Big Nothing, Paul alien movie, Paul the alien, How to Lose Friends and Alienate People, The World's End, The Cornetto Trilogy, Nick Frost, Edgar Wright, Star Trek, Star Trek Scotty, Hot Fuzz, Spaced, Spaced sitcom, Spaced channel 4, Shaun of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead zombie scene, Shaun of the dead fences, Shaun of the Dead pub, Simon Pegg movies, Simon Pegg films, Simon Pegg roles, Simon Pegg performances, Simon Pegg new movie, Simon Pegg new film, Ready Player One, Slaughterhouse Rulez
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