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Found 17 search results for Fahrenheit
  • Top 10 Notes: Fahrenheit 451
    This dystopian novel imagines a world in which books are against the law. Welcome to and in this installment of Mojo Notes, we’ll be exploring ten things you should know about Ray Bradbury’s “Fahrenheit 451.”
    Fahrenheit 451, novel, book, ray Bradbury, writer, author, science fiction, dystopian, knowledge, censorship, drama, guy montag, captain beatty, faber, Joseph McCarthy, politics, history, top 10, mojo notes, wmsuggest
  • Top 20 Movie Predictions That Were Wrong
    Movies are great at predicting the future...just not these ones. For this list, we’ll be looking at movies that falsely predicted the state of the future.
    wrong movie predictions, incorrect movie predictions, movie predictions, movie predictions about the future, future, future predictions, predictions, wrong future predictions, mad max, terminator, 1984, the purge, 2012, geostorm, back to the future, timecop, demolition man, just imagine, fahrenheit 451, children of men, akira, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list, Film, Movies, History, best movies
  • Top 20 Books That Were Banned
    These literary classics were not always regarded as such. For this list, we’re looking at books that have been banned for sale and distribution at some point for a wide variety of reasons.
    books that have been banned, novels that have been banned, banned books, banned novels, banned, banned writers, controversial books, controversial writers, writers, writing, banned items, banned products, brave new world, american psycho, of mice and men, fahrenheit 451, the satanic verses, a clockwork orange, the catcher in the rye, lolita, Books, Reading, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 Michael B. Jordan Performances
    From child actor to full blown Hollywood superstar! For this list, we’ll be looking at Michael B. Jordan’s very best work in both film and television.
    michael b. jordan performances, best of michael b. jordan, michael b. jordan, michael b. jordan's best movies, michael b. jordan's best roles, top michael b. jordan movies, hardball, the wire, black panther, creed, creed ii, friday night lights, fahrenheit 451, chronicle, justice league: the flashpoint paradox, just mercy, fruitvale station, fantastic four, redtails, mcu, black panther, killmonger, Film, Movies, Action, watchmojo, top 10, list
  • Top 10 British Dystopia Movies
    A list of the top 10 the most inventive, visceral and memorable British dystopia films
    Dystopia, Sci fi, Sci-fi, Science fiction, Future, Film, Movie, Dystopia film, Dystopia movie, Dystopia story, Sci-fi film, Sci-fi movie, Science fiction film, Science fiction movie, Bleak, 1984, Nineteen Eighty Four, Fahrenheit 451, 28 Days later, Children of Men, Dredd, A Clockwork Orange, V for Vendetta, Adaptation, Comic book, Top 10, List, WatchMojo, Watch Mojo, WMUK,
  • Top 10 Most Cringe Worthy Video Game Sex Scenes
    Wow, this is awkward. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Cringe Worthy Video Game Sex Scenes. It’s gonna get weird.
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, List, Rank, gameplay, Video Game, gaming, gamer, sex scene, cringe, awkward, Fable III, DMC, Devil May Cry, Leisure Suit Larry, Beyond, Two Souls, Alpha Protocol, Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas, Heavy Rain, Ride to hell, retribution, dry hump, fahrenheit, indigo prophecy, worst sex scene, awkward sex, bad sex, scenes, gross, disgusting, cringy, cringe worthy,
  • Top 5 Facts About Banned Literature
    A List of the Top 5 Facts About Banned Literature
    Top 5, Facts, Banned, Books, Literature, banned literature week, Catch 22, The Perks of Being A Wallflower, The Fault in Our Stars, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Grapes of Wrath, Slaughterhouse-Five, Naked Lunch, Fahrenheit 451, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, Harry Potter, Catcher in the Rye, 1984, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Howl, WTF, Scene, read, reading, Top 10, best,
  • Top 10 Scariest Theme Park Rides of All Time
    Do you want to see extreme theme park attractions? How about terrifying theme park rides? Or even dangerous amusement park rides? Whether it’s Tower of Terror II at Dreamworld in Australia, X-Scream at the Stratosphere in Las Vegas or Kingda Ka at Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey, these attractions all have something in common: they’re some of the world’s scariest rides and roller coasters. WatchMojo counts down ten of the most terrifying amusement park rides ever.
    top 10, list, top 5, scariest theme park rides, scary amusement park rides, terrifying amusement park attractions, roller coasters, Stratosphere, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, United States, Insanity, Six Flags Great Adventure, New Jersey, Kingda Ka, X2, Six Flags Magic Mountain, California, Eejanaika, Fuji-Q, Japan, Colossus, England, Thorpe Park, Giant Canyon Swing, Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park, Tower of Terror II, Dreamworld, Australia, Fahrenheit, Hersheypark, Pennsylvania, Superman the Ride, Six Flags New England, record breaking roller coasters, amusement parks, theme parks, rides, vacations, travel, tourism, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, extreme amusement park rides, scariest rides in the world, world's scariest rides and roller coasters, theme park rides that have killed people
  • Top 10 Games BANNED on Twitch
    That’s not the kind of twitching they want to promote...Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Games BANNED on Twitch!
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Twitch, Banned, Censored, Second Life, Nudity, Violence, Rape, RapeLay, Yandere Simulator, HuniePop, Manhunt 2, Hatred, Fahrenheit, Indigo Prophecy, Guy Game, BMX XXX, Porno Studio Tycoon, Censorship, SJW, social justice warrior, pornography, sex scenes, match 4, feminist, feminism,
  • Top 10 Most Mysterious Planets (That We Know About)
    The most mysterious planets in the known universe are all pretty strange planets: from planet Methuselah, one of the oldest known exoplanets in the universe, to the Hell planet that reaches up to 4700 degrees Fahrenheit on one side and hundreds of degrees below 0 on the other, or TrES-2b which is the darkest planet in existence, these are the weirdest planets in space. WatchMojo counts down ten of the most mysterious planets we know about.
    top 10, list, top 5, Strangest Planets in the Known Universe, strangest planets in space, Weirdest Planets to Have Been Discovered So Far, mysterious planets, planets, exoplanets, space, solar system, galaxy, universe, known universe, constellations, light years, 55 Cancri e, COROT-7b, Gliese 436 b, Kepler-438b, HD 209458 b, PSR B1620-26 b, J1407b, Gliese 581 c, TrES-2b, HD 106906 b, diamond planet, second earth, ice planet, hell planet, Gallifrey, Doctor Who, Kepler-1b, Methuselah planet, super Saturn, Osiris, watchmojo, top ten, best, worst, weirdest planets ever discovered, planet methuselah, weird planet names, strangest planets in the universe
  • Top 10 Cringe Worthy Moments in Video Games
    The Cringe is REAL! These are the most awkward, spine chilling, awful and just plain cringeworthy moments from video games. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Cringe Worthy Moments in Video Games.
    Top 10, Top Five, List, Rank, Gameplay, Cringe, Worthy, Awkward, Cringe Worthy, Sonic 06, Final Fantasy X, Tidus, Ride To Hell, Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Life is Strange, Mega Man X4, Call of Duty, Advanced Warfare, Pay Respects, Fahrenheit, Indigo Prophecy, cringe is real, so awkward, most awkward, cringy, cringe worthy, cringiest, worst scenes, awkward scenes,
  • Top 10 Video Games with Sexual Content
    Things are about to get a little cringy...Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Video Games With SEX SCENES! WOO!
    Top 10, Top 5, List, Rank, Gameplay, Video Game, Sex Scene, Intercourse, Doing it, Nudity, The Witcher 3, God of War, MAss Effect, Dragon Age, Indigo Prophecy, Fahrenheit, The Sims, Grand Theft Auto 5, GTA, Far cry 3, Citra, onscreen sex, sex in games, video game sex, sexual intercourse, games with sex, video games with sex scenes, where you have sex, have sex in a game, in game, SJW, Gamergate, Feminism,
  • Top 10 Freddie Mercury Moments
    They called him Mister Fahrenheit. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 Freddie Mercury Moments.
    top 10, list, top 5, watchmojo, top ten, freddie mercury, queen, rock, rock music, under pressure, saturday night live, montserrat caballe, mary austin, live aid, aids, the great pretender, rock gods, moments, music moments, music history
  • Top 10 des documentaires les plus controversés
    Parfois, les documentaires révèlent certaines choses que l’on préfèrerait ignorer. Bienvenue sur, aujourd'hui nous faisons le décompte de nos choix pour le top 10 des documentaires les plus controversés.
    Films, Documentaire, documentaires, controversés, faces of death, the act of killing, blackfish, zeitgeist: the movie, the cove, earthlings, interview with a cannibal, triumph of the will, fahrenheit 9/11, top 10, WatchMojo.
  • Top 10 Controversial Documentary Movies
    Sometimes the truth found in a nonfiction motion picture is not as straightforward as it seems. Join as we count down our picks for Top 10 Controversial Documentary Films.
    movies, films, documentaries, documentary, controversial, faces of death, the act of killing, blackfish, zeitgeist: the movie, the cove, earthlings, interview with a cannibal, triumph of the will, fahrenheit 9/11, top 10, WatchMojo