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Found 15 search results for Galaxy Note 7
  • Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Recall: 5 Vital Facts
    Samsung, the Korean tech giant, launched the Galaxy Note 7 in August, and since then the smartphone has been a disaster for the company, resulting in a product recall over the phones fire hazard. WatchMojo presents 5 need to know facts about the Samsung's recall of one of their flagship products. But what does this mean for the company? Will they overcome this? Does this make Apple victorious in the smartphone sales war? Watch to find out!
    Top 10, List, Top 5, Samsung, recall, Galaxy, Note 7, battery, charging, charge, explode, flame, danger, hazard, smartphone, cell phone, defect, product, Apple, iphone, iphone 7, FAA, banned, planes, money, dollars, market loss, Koh Dong-jin, burned, hous
  • Top 30 Most EXPENSIVE Product Recalls Ever
    These products missed the mark in a major way. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for product recalls that cost the companies behind the products lots and lots and lots of money.
    most expensive product recalls, expensive product recalls, expensive recalls, product recalls, recalls, worst products, business scandals, product scandals, worst product recalls, infamous product recalls, product fails, fails, business fails, Bextra, Vioxx, galaxy note 7, volkswagen, Takata Airbags, chinese milk, Business, Entrepreneur, History, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • TOP 10 des PRODUITS si MAUVAIS qu'ils ont dû être rappelés !
    Ces rappels infâmes ont coûté des millions aux entreprises. Bienvenus sur WatchMojo Français, aujourd'hui nous faisons le décompte des produits qui ont tellement échoué qu'ils ont nécessité des rappels.
    Business, Entrepreneur, Histoire, Infantino Baby Slings, faillite, entreprises, entreprises, rappels de produits les plus coûteux, easy bake oven, pneus firestone, nourriture, rappels de produits alimentaires, ford pinto, liste, mojo, rappels de produits les plus coûteux, cacahuètes, rappels de produits, produits ayant entraîné la faillite d'entreprises, rappels, rappels, samsung galaxy note 7, toyota, watch mojo, watchmojo, pires entreprises
  • Top 30 Worst Product FAILS of All Time
    These infamous product fails should be studied in business classes across the globe. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be looking at some of the most memorable product failures in history.
    worst product fails of all time, worst product fails, product fails, product, fails, fail, worst fails of all time, worst fails, worst marketing fails, worst advertising fails, worst business fails, business fails, funny fails, fail videos, funniest fails, new coke, zune, betamax, edsel, Premier Smokeless Cigarettes, WOW! Chips, google glass, Galaxy Note 7, the newton, Business, Entrepreneur, History, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 20 Worst Product FAILS of the Century (So Far)
    Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the worst product fails of the 21st century so far.
    Business, Entrepreneur, History, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, product fails, Google Glass, 3D TV, Apple Maps, Nintendo Wii U, Windows Vista, Microsoft Kin, Friendster, Segway, Blockbuster Total Access, Galaxy Note 7, Google+, Diet Coke Plus, HP Touchpad, Google Lively, Amazon's Fire Phone, Heinz Purple Ketchup, Orkut, Mobile ESPN, Satisfries, Zune, failed tech, worst tech, worst products, product recalls
  • Top 10 Products So Bad It Forced Recalls
    These infamous recalls cost companies millions. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down the products that failed so hard they required recalls.
    product recalls, most expensive product recalls, worst product recalls, worst products, costliest product recalls, most expensive recalls, recalls, recall, bankrupt, products that bankrupted companies, companies, businesses, worst companies, toyota, ford pinto, samsung galaxy note 7, Infantino Baby Slings, firestone tires, easy bake oven, peanuts, food, food recalls, Business, Entrepreneur, History, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 WORST Products that Got Companies SUED
    What a misstep... Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 worst products that got companies sued.
    Tech, Business, Science, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, product fails, big tobacco, dow corning, breast implants, volkswagen, dieselgate, jetson rogue hoverboards, lulullemon, astropants, kashi cereal, vibram fivefinger, taco bell, samsung galaxy note 7, fail video, banned products, product recall, recall fail, how to product, which product, best product, worst product, hilarious fails
  • Top 10 Most Expensive Product FAILS
    These fails cost their respective companies a tremendous amount of money. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 most expensive product fails.
    most expensive product fails, most expensive fails, expensive fails, fails, product fails, expensive products, most expensive business fails, expensive, worst fails, business fails, marketing fails, ad fails, advertising fails, new coke, google glass, Samsung, Galaxy Note 7, McDonald's, Microsoft, GetMojo, Amazon's Fire Phone, Segway, E.T. video game, business fails, Business, Tech, new tech, worst tech, Entrepreneur, watchmojo, top 10, list
  • Top 10 Worst Smartphones Ever
    These smartphones sucked. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the worst of the worst in the world of smartphones.
    worst smartphones, worst phones, smartphones, phones, phone, smartphone, apple, worst iphones, iphones, iphone, Samsung Galaxy Note 7, samsung, blackberry, android, technology, worst products, worst products ever, product fails, fails, tech fails, business fails, smartphone fails, phone fails, best smartphone, worst phones in 2023, worst phones in 2022, Tech, Business, Science, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 10 Product Launches Gone Wrong
    These product launches did not go as planned. For this list, we’ll be looking at times companies regretted how one of their items were released to the masses.
    product launches gone gone, product launches, worst product launches, worst products, products gone wrong, product launch fails, product fails, launch fails, business fails, marketing fails, worst marketing, dumbest products, betamax, galaxy note 7, new coke, microsoft bob, tesla cybertruck, touch of yogurt shampoo, antennagate, virtual boy, xbox one kinect, products, Business, Entrepreneur, History
  • Top 10 Products Companies Want You To Forget About
    These shortsighted products fell flat - shocker! For this list, we’ll be ranking the craziest, most memorable and infamous product fails or embarrassing ideas.
    products companies want you to forget, business, worst products, product fails, business fails, company fails, fails, marketing fails, worst marketing, worst companies, worst businesses, dumbest products, craziest products, tim hortons’ buffalo latte, apple quicktake 200, amazon fire phone, mcafrika, zippo perfumes & colognes, reebok bacon, samsung galaxy note 7, Documentary, Education, Science, People
  • Top 20 Most Expensive Product Recalls in History
    Well, that didn't go as planned. For this list, we’re looking at the costliest company initiated product returns and why they needed to happen.
    most expensive product recalls in history, most expensive product recalls, expensive recalls, product recalls, worst product recalls, costliest product recalls, deadly product recalls, recalls, recalled products, product lawsuits, illegal products, galaxy note 7 recall, toyota accelerator pedals, volkswagen recall, takata airbags recall, tylenol recall, ford pinto recall, Business, Entrepreneur, History, watchmojo
  • Top 20 Biggest Tech Product Fails of All Time
    These products were dead on arrival. For this list, we’re looking at the most infamous and disastrous tech product flops in history.
    biggest tech product flops, biggest tech flops, tech fails, tech flops, product fails, product flops, products that failed, products that flopped, failed tech products, business fails, worst tech products, worst tech, worst products, google glass, apple maps, samsung galaxy note 7, betamax, philips cd-i, zune, theranos, theranos scam, Tech, Business, Science, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
  • Top 20 Worst Product Fails of All Time
    Sometimes big launches do NOT go as planned. For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the most memorable product failures in history.
    worst product flops of all time, product flops, failed product launches, worst products, failed launches, failed endeavors, memorable product failures, apple maps, the dmc-12, segway, colgate kitchen entrees, coors rocky mountain sparkling water, virtual boy, microsoft bob, hd dvd, arch deluxe, zune, cheetos lip balm, the newton, betamax, galaxy note 7, google glass, edsel, new coke, ez squirt colored ketchup, Business, Entrepreneur, History, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo
    In dieser Liste haben wir eine Reihe von Produkten zusammengestellt, die auf dem Papier sensationell aussahen, aber in wirklichkeit totale Flopps waren.
    LaserDisc, Nokia N-Gage, Hoverboard, Smartwatch, Samsung Galaxy Note 7, Nintendo Wii, Segway, Windows, Windows Vista, Betriebssystem, Computer, PC, 3D, Fernsehen, 3D Fernsehen, Oakley, Thump, Microsoft, Kinect, Google, Google Glass, Nintendo, Nokia, Watchmojo, Watch Mojo, Watchmojo Deutschland, top 10, top zehn, Unterhaltung, Spaß, Mademyday, Erfindungen, Erfinder