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Found 69 search results for Hannibal lecter
  • Pennywise vs Hannibal lecter
    Two iconic horror villains face off in this ultimate showdown! Watch as we compare the dancing demon clown from Derry against the sophisticated cannibal in five intense rounds. From their chilling backstories to their unforgettable performances, we'll determine which horror legend reigns supreme.
    Pennywise, Hannibal Lecter, horror villains, Stephen King, It, Silence of the Lambs, Bill Skarsgård, Anthony Hopkins, movie monsters, horror icons, cinema villains, supernatural horror, psychological thriller, horror comparison, movie villains, character analysis, horror performance, scary movies, film characters, horror cinema , Horror, Film, Movies, best horror movies, top 10 horror movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best movies
  • Another Top 10 Movie Geniuses
    These on screen geniuses are renowned throughout pop culture history for their intellect! WatchMojo presents the our second list of the Top 10 Movie Geniuses! But who will take the top spot on our list? Will it be Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Emmet L. Brown, or Hannibal lecter? Watch to find out!
    Top 10, List, Movie, film, Genius, Back to the Future, Silence of the Lambs, Frankenstein, The Fly, The Shawshank Redemption, Interstellar, Despicable Me, Tomorrowland, Gravity, ex_machina, The Martian, Megamind, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, doc brown, emmett brown, anthony hipikins, hannibal lecter, dr. frankenstein, monster, jeff golfblum, mutate, morgan freeman, gru, murphy, cooper, murph, Tomorrowland, gravity, Ex_Machina, WatchMojo
  • Top 10 Movie Villain Monologues
    It may be clichéd for villains to monologue, but when they do it right it can elevate their characters and their films to a whole other level! WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Villain Monologues that gave us chills! But which villain will have the best monologue on this list? Will it be The Joker, from 'The Dark Knight', Leonardo DiCaprio's Calvin Candie from 'Django Unchained', or Dr. Hannibal lecter in 'Silence of the Lambs'? Watch to find out!
    Top 10, List, Movies, Film, Villain, Monologue, Scene, iconic, The Joker, The Dark Knight, Heath ledger, Hannibal Lecter, Anthony Hopkins, Silence of the Lambs, Django Unchained, Christoph Waltz, Quentin Tarantino, Leonardo DiCaprio, Inglorious Basterds, Apocalypse Now, Marlon Brando, Kevin Spacey, SE7EN, Training Day, Denzel Washington, Jack Nicholson, A Few Good Men, Skyfall, Javier Bardem, Orson Welles, The Third Man, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn, Watchmen, WatchMojo
  • Top 10 Cannibals in Scary Movies
    It's one thing to have a murder in a movie, but one who consumes the flesh of it's victims is a something wholesomely unnerving to all audiences! WatchMojo presents the top 10 Scariest Cannibals in Movies! But which human eaters will take the top spot on our list? Will it be the Ya̧nomamö & the Shamatari Tribes of "Cannibal Holocaust", Hannibal lecter of "The Silence of the Lambs" and more, or Leatherface himself from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"! Watch to find out!
    Top 10, List, Movies, Film, Scary, Cannibal, horror, The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter, Leatherface, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Cannibal Holocaust, The Hills Have Eyes, Wrong Turn, Doomsday, Antropophagus, The Neon Demon, Ravenous, disgusting, barbaric, unwatchable, banned, hard to watch, cringe, WatchMojo
  • Top 10 Movie Bad Guy/Good Guy Team Ups
    Bad Guys and Good Guys find themselves teaming up on the same side to help each other against a mutual enemy in these movies. WatchMojo presents the Top 10 times in film when bad guys and good guys made a pact to work together. But what will take our top spot? Will it be Clarice Starling and Hannibal lecter from Silence of the Lambs, Charles Xavier and Magneto from X-Men: Days of Future Past, or Captain Kirk and Khan from Star Trek Into Darkness? Watch to find out!
    Top 10, List, Top 5, Good guy, Bad guy, hero, villain, team, team up, my enemy's enemy, fight, The Silence of the Lambs, Clarice Starling, Hannibal Lecter, Dr. Hannibal Lecter, Captain James T. Kirk, Captain Kirk, Kirk, Khan, Khan Noonien Singh, Star Trek
  • Top 5 Carnivorous Facts About Cannibalism
    While the character of Hannibal lecter may not exactly glorify cannibalism, his cooking sure does, am I right? Welcome to WatchMojo's Top 5 Facts. For this list, we're counting down the most interesting and unsettling facts about the act of humans eating humans: cannibalism.
    wm facts, top 5, top 5 facts, cannibalism, human meat, hannibal lecter, pork, armin meiwes, william seabrook, kuru, prions, addictive cannibalism, soviet famine, wwii, bowl of red, epilepsy, watchmojo
  • 10 Movie Scenes Too Disturbing to Forget
    Prepare to be haunted by the most spine-chilling movie scenes that will forever be etched in your memory. From gruesome executions to demonic possessions, these unforgettable moments will leave you sleepless and questioning your sanity.
    disturbing movie scenes, horror movies, alien chestburster, exorcist head spinning, raiders of the lost ark face melting, hereditary cult scene, hannibal lecter brain scene, se7en box scene, misery hobbling, trainspotting baby hallucination, the green mile execution, the mist ending, horror cinema, psychological horror, movie trauma, film shock moments, Movies, Drama, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film, best movies
  • TOP 10 des FILMS les plus DÉRANGEANTS des années 1990 !
    Voici ce qui faisait peur dans les années 90, les enfants. Bienvenus sur WatchMojo Français, aujourd'hui nous vous présentons 10 films des années 90 qui vous donneront la chair de poule longtemps après les avoir regardés.
    films effrayants des années 90, horreur la plus effrayante, films les plus effrayants, meilleurs films des années 90, films des années 90, films les plus effrayants des années 90, années 90, nostalgie, event horizon, l’antre de la folie, le silence des agneaux, hannibal lecter, natural born killers, oliver stone, seven, se7en, stanley kubrick, misery, stephen king, twin peaks, reservoir dogs, quentin tarantino, Films, horreur, watchmojo
  • 10 Iconic Horror Movie Serial Killers
    The calls are coming from inside the house! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for those mortal serial killers that haunted our dreams in horror movies. Beware! Heavy SPOILERS lie ahead!
    horror movie serial killers, horror movie villains, best villains, villains, scariest horror movie, scariest, hannibal lecter, silence of the lambs, black christmas, wolf creek, psycho, norman bates, saw, jigsaw, leatherface, texas chainsaw massacre, american psycho, patrick bateman, scream, ghostface, Horror, Film, Movies, best horror movies, top 10 horror movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best movies
    Psycho killer... Qu'est-ce que c'est? Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy conoceremos a los psicópatas más aterradores y amenazadores del cine. Excluiremos a los slashers sobrehumanos como Jason y Michael en un intento por mantener las cosas más realistas.
    psicópatas de película, psicópatas, psicópatas aterradores, asesinos en serie, asesinos, villanos de película, villanos, hannibal lecter, psycho, norman bates, misery, joker, el caballero oscuro, dceu, american psycho, la naranja mecánica, los extraños, apocalypse now, funny games, wall street, reservoir dogs, quentin tarantino, terror, Cine, Drama, watchmojo español, watch mojo español, top 20, lista, mojo español, Cine, mejores películas
  • ¡Top 20 PSICÓPATAS Más BRUTALES de la Televisión!
    ¿Por qué nos parecen tan interesantes estos psicópatas? Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy sabremos cuáles son los psicópatas más terroríficos e inolvidables de la televisión.
    psicópatas tv, mejores psicópatas tv, psicópatas, mejores villanos tv, villanos tv, hannibal, hannibal lecter, the boys, homelander, fargo, juego de tronos, better call saul, the wire, bates motel, norman bates, breaking bad, juego de calamares, las sopranos, lost, serie de tv lost, it's always sunny, jessica jones, david tennant, ripley, TV, Drama, Streaming, watchmojo español, watch mojo español, top 20, lista, mojo español
  • Top 10 Hardest Roles to Cast in Movies
    The casting directors had their work cut out for them. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the iconic movie roles that were nearly impossible to fill.
    hardest roles to cast in movies, hardest roles to cast, hardest characters to cast, misery, brokeback mountain, the notebook, gone with the wind, james bond, the silence of the lambs, fifty shades of grey, pretty woman, american psycho, the lord of the rings, aragorn, hannibal lecter, clarice starling, scarlett o'hara, casting, roles, film, movies, drama, watchMojo, watch mojo, mojo, top 10, list, msmojo
  • Top 20 Greatest Horror Movie Characters of All Time
    Horror movie characters are definitely an eclectic bunch! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down the most memorable characters within the vast horror movie landscape. We will be going into a few spoilers.
    greatest horror movie characters of all time, best horror movie characters, horror movie characters, scariest horror movie characters, horror movie characters, dracula, psycho, norman bates, alfred hitchcock, hannibal lecter, freddy krueger, michael myers, halloween, evil dead, saw, saw movies, jigsaw, jaws, chucky, Horror, Film, Movies, best horror movies, top 10 horror movies, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, best movies
  • Top 100 Scenes from Our Top 100 Villains
    Show us what you've got, bad guys! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the best scenes that represent the villainy of our Top 100 Movie Villains of All Time.
    best villain scenes, best villains, best scenes, best movie scenes, best movie villains, villains, movie quotes, star wars, darth vader, luke i am your father, the joker, batman, dracula, hannibal lecter, harry potter, norman bates, inglourious basterds, avengers, thanos, mcu, marvel villains, lord of the rings, misery, disney, disney villains, the lion king, die hard, hans gruber, Movies, Drama, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film
  • Top 10 Most Disturbing 1990s Movies
    This is what freaked us out in the 90s, kids. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the ‘90s flicks that’ll have your skin crawling long after you’ve watched them.
    scariest 90s movies, scariest horror, scariest movies, best 90s movies, 90 movies, 1990s movies, 1990s, 90s, nostalgia, event horizon, in the mouth of madness, the silence of the lambs, hannibal lecter, natural born killers, oliver stone, seven, se7en, stanley kubrick, misery, stephen king, twin peaks, reservoir dogs, quentin tarantino, Movies, horror, watchmojo, watch mojo, top 10, list, mojo, Film, best movies